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What is BULLYING? N n.

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Presentation on theme: "What is BULLYING? N n."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is BULLYING? N n

2 What is cyberbullying?

3 Examples of cyberbullying?

4 Why is cyberbullying so dangerous?

5 If you are being cyberbullied...

6 Don’t reply to any nasty messages you receive in order to defend yourself or retaliate.

7 This can encourage the bullies
It ensnares you in a vicious cycle of tit for tat It can spiral out of control It may end up upsetting you more.

8 If you are being bullied on a social network, delete your profile, make it temporarily inactive or stop using it.

9 Record the date and time they were sent.
Keep a copy of any abusive texts, s, comments or messages that you get. Record the date and time they were sent.

10 With online bullying there is always a trail. Keeping records is essential when it comes to reporting the bullying & identifying the guilty party/parties.

11 Speak up! No one has the right to bully you or make you feel bad. If you are being bullied, don't put up with it. Tell someone about it.

12 You can speak to: Your parent/guardian Your friend(s) Your tutor
A Year Head (Mrs Crummey/MsMcIntyre) A teacher you get on well with Your 6th year buddy The school nurse (Mrs McTernan) The school chaplain (Fr Larry) Any member of staff

13 Never allow yourself to be bullied.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one else’s definition of you : Define yourself!

14 If you are a witness to someone being cyberbullied...

15 Don’t turn a blind eye Don’t act dumb

16 Speak up! Tell someone! A bystander = a passive bully If you’re not against the bully, you’re with the bully. You decide.


18 Don’t write Don’t forward Don’t like

19 A troll deliberately posts offensive messages.

20 Just think: It could be you next!

21 Don’t deliver the bully’s message on for them by continuously telling a friend to read what has been said about them on a social networking site. You’re playing into the bully’s hands. You’re perpetuating the cycle of bullying.

22 What are the effects of cyberbullying?

23 Feelings of sadness, stress & desperation...

24 Feelings of depression & isolation

25 Feelings of anxiety, guilt, fear, shame...

26 Negative self-image & poor self-esteem

27 Being (cyber)bullied affects everything:
Your outlook on life & your studies Your experience of school & sports Your relationships in and out of school Your own headspace

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