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Unit 1: Intro
Psychology The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Uses scientific research methods. Behavior includes all observable behavior. Mental processes include thoughts, feelings and dreams.
Psychologist Need a doctorate graduate degree
May take 4-6 years to earn a doctorate in a subfield
Clinical Psychologist
Diagnose and treat patients with psychological problems Largest number of professional psychologists
Basic Research Pure science or research
Research for the sake of finding new information and expanding the knowledge base of psychology
Neuropsychologist Also called biological psychologists or biopsychologists Explore how the brain works Most often work in university/college settings
Social Psychologist Explore how behaviors, feelings, and beliefs are influenced by others Study conformity, attitudes, leadership, prejudice, group behavior, etc. Work in the business setting, government, and universities
Developmental Psychologist
Study the growth or development that takes place from the womb to death Work in senior centers, hospitals, day- cares or universities
Cognitive Psychologist
Study thought processes including intelligence, problem solving, attention, decision making, language, etc. Work in educational settings and the business world
Experimental Psychologist
Also called research psychologist Specialize in doing research in any of the other subfields Work at universities, for the government, or in a business setting
Applied Research Research designed to solve specific practical problems
Forensic Psychologist
Apply law and psychology to legal issues Work in correctional settings, law enforcement, and academic settings
Sports Psychologist Explore psychological issues in improving athletic performance Work for sports teams or in private practice
Sports Psychology Play “Sports Imports” (5:38) Segment #33 from Scientific American Frontiers: Video Collection for Introductory Psychology (2nd edition)
Educational Psychologist
Study how humans learn and how to improve the learning process Work in school systems, the government, or at universities
Human-factors Psychologist
Study how people and machines interact at home and in the workplace Try to minimize frustration and increase safety and production Work in the business world or for the government
Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychologist
Try to apply psychology to help business and organizations operate Work for the government, business or in academic settings
School Psychologist Use psychology to improve the development of children in the school system Are involved in assessments (testing) Work for school systems, the government or universities
Consumer Psychologist
Study why people buy certain products and not others Work in the business or academic world
Rehabilitation Psychologist
Help those who have been involved in an accident or have been ill Work in medical rehabilitation centers
Health Psychologist Find ways to prevent disease and promote good health Work for health agencies, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and universities
Social Worker Only have an undergraduate or masters degree in psychology or social work Work to improve the lives of others Work for the government, schools, and residential facilities
History and Perspectives
Module 02
Modern Psychology’s Nineteenth-Century Roots
Module 2: History and Perspectives
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) The “father of psychology”
Founder of modern psychology Opened the first psychology lab in 1879
E.B. Titchener ( ) Analyzed the intensity, clarity and quality of the parts of consciousness Founder of structuralism
Structuralism Theory that the structure of conscious experience could be understood by analyzing the basic elements of thoughts and sensations.
Gestalt Psychology Psychological perspective that emphasized our tendency to integrate pieces of information into meaningful wholes. The whole is different from the sum of its parts.
William James (1842-1910) First American psychologist
Author of the first psychology textbook Founder of Functionalism
Functionalism Theory that emphasized the functions of consciousness or the ways consciousness helps people adapt to their environment
Psychology in the Twentieth Century
Module 2: History and Perspectives
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Founder of the psychoanalytic perspective
Believed that abnormal behavior originated from unconscious drives and conflicts
37 gmund-freud
Psychoanalysis Theory of personality and therapeutic technique that attributes our thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts
Freud’s Influence Influence on “pop culture” Freudian slips
Anal-retentive Influence on psychology Psychodynamic theory Unconscious thoughts Significance of childhood experiences
Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) Russian Physiologist
Studied learning in animals Emphasized the study of observable behaviors
John B. Watson (1878-1958) Founder of behaviorism
Studied only observable and objectively described acts Emphasized objective and scientific methodology
Behaviorism The theory that psychology should only study observable behaviors, not mental processes.
B.F. Skinner ( ) American psychologist whose brand of behaviorism focused on the role of responses in learning. Focused on learning through rewards and observation Behaviorist
Humanistic Psychology
School of thought that focuses on the study of conscious experience, the individual’s freedom to choose, and the capacity for personal growth Stressed the study of conscious experience and an individual’s free will Healthy individuals strive to reach their potential.
Carl Rogers/Abraham Maslow
Prominent Humanists Rejected idea that behavior is controlled by rewards and punishments Stressed free will in decision making Carl Rogers
Jean Piaget Developmental and cognitive psychologist known for his studies of children’s thought processes Interested in how thinking develops
Psychology’s American Groundbreakers
Module 2: History and Perspective
G. Stanley Hall First American with a doctorate in psychology
Open the first psychology lab in U.S. at John Hopkins University First president of the APA
Mary Whiton Calkins First woman to complete the requirements for a Ph.D. in psychology President of the APA in 1905
Margaret Floy Washburn
First woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology in the U.S.
Francis Cecil Sumner First African-American to receive a Ph.D. in psychology
Kenneth Clark/Mamie Philips Clark
Educational psychologists Studied institutionalized racism Studies were cited in “Brown v Board of Education”
Inex Beverly Prosser First African-American woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology
Six Contemporary Psychological Perspectives
Module 2: History and Perspectives
Psychological Perspectives
Method of classifying a collection of ideas Also called “schools of thought” Also called “psychological approaches” To view behavior from a particular perspective
Cognitive Perspective
School of thought that focuses on how people think – how we take in, process, store, and retrieve information Focus: On how people think and process information Behavior is explained by how a person interprets the situation
Biological Perspective
School of thought that focuses on the physical structures and substances underlying a particular behavior, thought, or emotion Focus: How our biological structures and substances underlie a given behavior, thought, or emotion Behavior is explained by brain chemistry, genetics, glands, etc.
Social-Cultural Perspective
School of thought that focuses on how thinking or behavior changes in different contexts or situations Focus: How thinking and behavior change depending on the setting or situation Behavior is explained by the influence of other people present
Behavioral Perspective
Focus: How we learn through rewards, punishments, and observation Behavior is explained by previous learning
Humanistic Perspective
Focus: How healthy people strive to reach their full potential Behavior is explained as being motivated by satisfying needs (safety, hunger, thirst, etc.), with the goal of reaching one’s full potential once basic needs are met.
Psychodynamic Perspective
Focus: How behavior is affected by unconscious drives and conflicts Behavior is explained through unconscious motivation and unresolved inner conflicts from one’s childhood. Modern version of psychoanalytic perspective.
Psychology in the Twenty-First Century
Module 2: History and Perspectives
Behavior Genetics School of thought that focuses on how much our genes and our environment influence our individual differences Focus: How behavior is affected by genes and the environment Combines biology and behaviorism Emphasis on the importance of both genetic and environmental factors on behavior
Evolutionary Psychology
Combines aspects of biological, psychological, and social perspectives Behavior is explained by how the behavior may have helped our ancestors survive long enough to reproduce successfully.
Positive Psychology Movement that focuses on the study of optimal human functioning and the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive Focus: To study and promote optimal human functioning Martin E.P. Seligman is a major advocate Should promote building positive qualities of people
History of Psychology
History of Psychology
History of Psychology
Research Methods Yeah!!!!!!!!!
Research and Research Methodology
Method of asking questions then drawing logical supported conclusions Researchers need to be able to determine if conclusions are reasonable or not (critical thinking).
Observation Gathering of information by simply watching subjects
Can lead to bias
Bias Situation in which a factor unfairly increases the likelihood of a researcher reaching a particular conclusion Bias should be minimized as much as possible in research
Researcher Bias The tendency to notice evidence which supports one particular point of view or hypothesis Objectivity tends to reduce bias.
Critical Thinking Thinking that does not blindly accept arguments or conclusions but questions their validity
Participant Bias Tendency of research subjects to respond in certain ways because they know they are being observed The subjects might try to behave in ways they believe the researcher wants them to behave Can be reduced by naturalistic observation
Naturalistic Observation
Method of observation where subjects are observed in their “natural” environment Subjects are not aware they are being watched Could use hidden cameras or two way mirrors
Case Study In depth study of one individual with the hopes of determining universal principles This technique is very open to bias Difficulty of applying data from one person to everyone
Correlational Study Research study designed to determine the degree to which two variables are related to one another
How to Read a Correlation
Positive Correlation As the value of one variable increases (or decreases) so does the value of the other variable. A perfect positive correlation is +1.0. The closer the correlation is to +1.0, the stronger the relationship.
Negative Correlation As the value of one variable increases, the value of the other variable decreases. A perfect negative correlation is -1.0. The closer the correlation is to -1.0, the stronger the relationship.
Zero Correlation There is no relationship whatsoever between the two variables.
Correlational Study Important NOT to imply a cause and effect relationship between the variables Correlational study does not determine why the two variables are related--just that they are related. Correlational studies are helpful in making predictions.
Population The total large group being studied from which a sample is drawn for a study
Random Sample A sample that represents a population fairly:
Each member of the population has an equal chance of being included. If a sample is not random it is said to be biased.
What are the Odds of Each?
What are the Odds of Each?
1 in 2,598,960
What are the Odds of Each?
1 in 2,598,960 1 in 2,598,960
Developmental Psychologists
Psychologists who study how individuals change throughout their lifetime
Longitudinal Study Developmental study where researchers study the same group of individuals for many years Can be very expensive and difficult to conduct
Cross-Sectional Study
Developmental study where researchers simultaneously study a number of subjects from different age groups and then compare the results Cheaper, easier than longitudinal studies, but group differences may be due to factors other than development.
Hypothesis A testable prediction of the outcome of the experiment or research
Operational Definitions
A specification of the exact procedures used to make a variable specific and measurable for research purposes In evaluating others’ research, first determine if you agree with the researchers’ operational definitions.
Independent Variable The experimental variable which causes something to happen The “cause variable” The variable manipulated by the experimenter The variable which should change the dependent variable
Dependent Variable The experimental variable which is affected by the independent variable The “effect variable” The outcome of the experiment The variable being measured
Experimental Group The subjects in an experiment who are exposed to the treatment (independent variable) Also called the experimental condition The group being studied and compared to the control group
Control Group Are not exposed to the independent variable
Results are compared to those of the experimental group Also called the control condition
Confounding Variables
Variables, other than the independent variable, which could inadvertently influence the dependent variable These variables should be controlled for in order to draw a true, cause-effect relationship in the experiment. Many confounding variables can be eliminated through random assignment.
Random Assignment Assigning participants to the control and experimental groups by chance Each participant should have an equal chance of being assigned into either group.
Blind procedure An experimental procedure where the research participants are ignorant (blind) to the expected outcome of the experiment Sometimes called single blind procedure
Double Blind Procedure
An experimental procedure where both the research participants and those collecting the data are ignorant (blind) to the expected outcome of the experiment
Placebo A non-active substance or condition administered instead of a drug or active agent Given to the control group
Statistically Significant
Possibility that the differences in results between the experimental and control groups could have occurred by chance is no more than 5 percent Must be at least 95% certain the differences between the groups is due to the independent variable
Replication Repeating the experiment to determine if similar results are found If so, the research is considered reliable.
Nature and Nurture in Psychology
Module 03
Behavior Genetics The study of the relative effects of genes and environmental influences our behavior
Genes The biochemical units of heredity that make up the chromosomes
Many genes together make up chromosomes
Environment Every nongenetic influence, from prenatal nutrition to the people and things around us Any influence, other than genetic, on an individual’s behavior Include: The culture someone is raised in One’s family Socioeconomic group
Nature and Nurture Issue
Nature side entails the genetic code passed from parent to child. Nurture side involves all environmental influences from prenatal development on. Which parts of human behavior can we attribute to nature and which can be attributed to nurture?
Module 3: Nature and Nurture in Psychology
Genetics in Brief Module 3: Nature and Nurture in Psychology
Chromosomes Threadlike structures made up of DNA that contain the genes 46 pairs in each cell 23 received from each parent
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
A complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes
Nucleotides The four letter code to distinguish genes
Letters A,T,C, or G are used
Cellular Makeup
Mutation Random errors in gene replication that lead to a change in the individual’s genetic code; The source of genetic diversity Can be desirable or undesirable changes
Predisposition The possibility of something happening through the genetic code Genetics creates the potential for something The environment may or may not trigger the predisposition
Genetic Diseases -with-genetic-disorders
Nature and Individual Differences
Module 3: Nature and Nurture in Psychology
Identical Twins Twins who developed from a single fertilized egg that splits in two, creating two genetically identical organisms Called monozygotic twins
Fraternal Twins Twins who developed from separate eggs; the are genetically no more similar than other siblings, but they share a fetal environment Called dizygotic twins
Heritability The degree to which traits are inherited
The proportion of an individual’s characteristics that can be attributed to genetics (heredity)
Twin Studies Used to determine the heritability of a given trait
Data is collected from both identical and fraternal twins on the trait Compare the data between the two groups Important not to conclude that a specific behavior is inherited
Adoption Studies Compare adopted children’s traits with those of their biological parents and their adopted parents Trait similarities with biological parents: attribute the trait to heredity Trait similarities with the adopted parents: attribute the trait to the environment
Early Brain Development
Early experience is critical in brain development. In later life continued use is necessary to maintain neural connections in the brain.
Peer Influences Peer influence in adolescence is very powerful.
Many studies suggest a peer group is correlated with school performance, smoking, and other behaviors.
Culture The shared attitudes, beliefs, norms and behaviors of a group communicated from one generation to the next
Norms Understood rules for accepted and expected behavior
Consist of the “proper behavior” within a group
Individualism Giving priority to one’s goals over the goals of the group, Defining one’s identity in terms of personal attributes rather than the group’s identification Tend to see people as separate and independent
Collectivism Giving priority to the goals of one’s group (often the extended family or work group) and defining one’s personal identity accordingly See people as connected to others Individual needs are sacrificed for the good of the group.
The End
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