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HORIZON 2020 An opportunity for international collaboration Stéphane Hogan Counsellor for Research & Innovation European Commission, DG R&I EU Delegation.

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Presentation on theme: "HORIZON 2020 An opportunity for international collaboration Stéphane Hogan Counsellor for Research & Innovation European Commission, DG R&I EU Delegation."— Presentation transcript:

1 HORIZON 2020 An opportunity for international collaboration Stéphane Hogan Counsellor for Research & Innovation European Commission, DG R&I EU Delegation to the African Union

2 The Framework programmes & International Cooperation very open to international cooperation Africa in FP7 (as of September 2013) 45 countries involved 1315 participations in 565 projects total EU-funding received: €178 million Mainly (82%) in Cooperation programme (€145.7m) Mainly in Health, Agro-food & Environment

3 AFRICA in FP7 (Sept. 2013) Leading participants

4 ILRI in FP7 5 participations Examples of projects:  AGRICAB – Enhancing Earth Observation for Agriculture and Forest Mgt  ICONZ – Integrated COntrol of Neglected zoonoses  ANIMALCHANGE - AN Integration of Mitigation and Adaptation options for sustainable Livestock production under climate CHANGE  QWECI - Quantifying Weather and Climate Impacts on Health in Developing Countries to understand the drivers of vector-borne diseases  HEALTHY FUTURES - Health, environmental change and adaptive capacity CORDIS database of projects - FP5 (17,200), FP6 (10,000), FP7 (22,890): 

5 ILRI in FP7 – examples of projects (1) AGRICAB – Enhancing Earth Observation for Agriculture and Forest Management From October 2011 to March 2015, EU contribution €3.5 million. Led by the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (Belgium) with 5 other European partners, 1 Brazilian and 10 African partners: Geosas Consulting Service PLC (Ethiopia), Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (Kenya), the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) (Kenya) and the Regional Centre for Mapping Resources for Development (Kenya), Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (Mozambique), Univ. Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), Centre Regional AGRHYMET (Niger), Centre de Suivi Ecologique (Senegal), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research - CSIR (South Africa) & Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (Tunisia). for more information:

6 ILRI in FP7 – examples of projects (2) ICONZ – Integrated COntrol of Neglected zoonoses Aim: to improve human health and animal production in developing countries through integrated control of neglected zoonoses in animals, based on scientific innovation and public engagement. The project aims to tackle eight neglected zoonoses. From April 2009 to March 2014, EU contribution of €6 million. Led by University of Edinburgh (UK) with 12 other European partners & 9 African partners: International Livestock Research Institute (Kenya), Laboratoire Central Vétérinaire (Mali), Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire (Morocco), Univ. Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), National Veterinary Research Institute (Nigeria), University of Stellenbosch (South Africa), Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania), Makarere University (Uganda) and University of Zambia. for more information:

7 ILRI in FP7 – examples of projects (3) ANIMALCHANGE - AN Integration of Mitigation and Adaptation options for sustainable Livestock production under climate CHANGE Aim: to provide scientific guidance to design sustainable development pathways for livestock production in Europe, Northern and Sub- Saharan Africa and Latin America. From March 2011 to February 2015, EU contribution €9 million. Led by INRA (France) with 17 other European partners, 2 Brazilians, 1 New Zealand and 4 African partners: International Livestock Research Institute (Kenya), Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (Senegal), University of Pretoria (South Africa) and Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie. for more information:

8 ILRI in FP7 – examples of projects (4) QWECI - Quantifying Weather and Climate Impacts on Health in Developing Countries Aim: to understand the climate drivers of the vector-borne diseases of malaria, Rift Valley Fever, and certain tick-borne diseases, which affect human and livestock health and have economic implications in Africa, in order to assist with their short-term management and make projections of their future likely impacts. From February 2010 to July 2013, EU contribution €3.5 million. Led by University of Liverpool (UK) with 5 other European partners & 7 African partners: International Livestock Research Institute (Kenya), Kwame Nkrumah University of S&T (Ghana), University of Malawi, Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Senegal), Centre de Suivi Ecologique (Senegal) and Institut Pasteur de Dakar (Senegal) and University of Pretoria (South Africa). for more information:

9 ILRI in FP7 – examples of projects (5) HEALTHY FUTURES - Health, environmental change and adaptive capacity Aim: to addresses concerns for the health impacts of environmental changes by constructing a disease risk mapping system for 3 water- related vector-borne diseases (malaria, Rift valley fever & schistosomiasis) in Africa. From January 2011 to Dec. 2014, EU contribution of €3.4 million. Led by Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) with 6 other European partners, University of Singapore and 7 African partners: University of Nairobi (Kenya), Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kenya), International Livestock Research Institute (Kenya), the National University of Rwanda and TRAC Plus in the Ministry of Health (Rwanda), University of Cape Town (South Africa) and Ministry of Health (Uganda). for more information:

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