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Project Title: Cultures, Communities and Sustainability issues. Centre : Amman Valley School, Ammanford. Project Manager: Suzanne Jenkins. Other staff:

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1 Project Title: Cultures, Communities and Sustainability issues. Centre : Amman Valley School, Ammanford. Project Manager: Suzanne Jenkins. Other staff: Aranwen Thomas, Heledd Thomas and Catrin Wagstaff. Senior management mentor: Dr.Austin Thomas.

2 In the beginning…. Our contact with Kenya. Ffion’s input – wall display and student discussions with year 13 on life in Kenya.

3 Kabokyek Secondary School.

4 A link is formed…. Year assemblies – all year groups are informed of the school link with Kenya. Particular emphasis on sustainability issues.

5 Pastoral material produced on sustainability issues. Main topics: Differences between school and the environment in Wales and Kenya. Ecological footprint – on line. Compare with Kenya. Measure water use and investigate ways to conserve water in Wales and Kenya. Investigate waste and methods of recycling. World of the future?

6 This is the ecological footprint of a pupil in Kabokyek School Dyma ôl troed disgybl o ysgol Kabokyek The pupils of Kabokyek School use less than the world wide average amount of land to live. Mae disgyblion Kabokyek yn defynddio llai o dir na’r cyfartaledd fyd eang i fyw How does your ecological footprint compare with Kabokyek School? How does your ecological footprint compare with the World average? Sut mae eich ôl troed chi yn cymharu gyda Ysgol Kabokyek? Sut mae eich ôl troed chi yn cymharu gyda’r cyfartaledd Bydol? What does this tell you about yor lifestyle? Beth mae hwn yn dweud wrthoch am eich ffordd o fyw? Talking points Pwyntiau trafod

7 How much water do you use a day? Faint o ddŵr rydych yn defnyddio’n ddyddiol? Toilet (each flush) Tŷ bach (bob tro) 9.5 l Washing machine Peiriant golchi 80 l Dishwasher 35 l Peiriant golchi llestri Tooth brushing 5 l Glochi dannedd Shower5l per minute Cawod 5l bob munud Bath 80 l Gardening 1000 l hr Garddio 1000 l yr awr Drinking Yfed 2 l Can you think of ways to conserve water? Gallwch feddwl am ffyrdd i leihau eich gwastraff o ddŵr? Talking points Pwyntiau trafod

8 Faint o sbwriel rydym yn creu? How much rubbish do we produce? Millions of tonnes a year Miliynau o dunellu y flwyddyn Paper Papur 5 Glass Gwydr 1.2 Textiles Tecstiliau 0.3 Food Bwyd 4.5 Metals Metelau 1 Plastics Plastig 1.2 Others Eraill 1.8 Make a list of the rubbish you produce in a week. From your list – What could be recycled? What could be reused? How could you reduce the amount of rubbish you produce? Gwnewch rhestr o’r sbwriel rydych yn creu mewn wythnos. Gan edrych ar eich rhestr – Beth gallech ailgylchu? Beth gallech ail ddefnyddio? Sut gallech leihau faint o sbwriel rydych yn creu?

9 They collect their water from the same place as the animals drink – this can cause diseases to spread Mae anifeiliaid yn yfed o’r un lle a mae’r ysgol yn casglu dŵr – mae hyn yn achosi afeichydon i ledu. The pupils have to wash their own clothes in small buckets – no water is wasted! Mae’n rhaid i’r disgyblion olchi dillad mewn pedyll bach – does dim dŵr yn cael ei wastraffu! In the dry season (between November and February) lessons have to be stopped for everyone to collect water from the river. The school had to close last year when the river ran dry. Yn y tymor sych (rhwng Tachwedd a Chwefror) roedd yn rhaid i ddisgyblion fynd i gasglu dŵr yn hytrach na mynd i wersi. Bu’n rhaid i’r ysgol gau blwyddyn diwethaf pan roedd yr afon yn sych.

10 Or design your own cartoon to raise awareness of environmental problems Neu cynlluniwch gartŵn i godi ymwybyddiaeth o broblemau amgylcheddol C:\Documents and Settings\Catrin Wagstaff\Desktop\General School\Sustainable development\Sustainable Development teacher outline.doc

11 Pastoral material produced on sustainability issues was linked to whole school key skills. Key skills included: Communication. IT. Application of Number. Working with others. Problem Solving. Improving own learning and performance.

12 Cyfathrebu / Communication 1.1 – Trafod mewn grwpiau yn cymharu’r gwahaniaethau rhwng yr ysgol a’r amgylchedd yn Kenya a Chymru / Discuss in groups the differences between the school and the environment in Kenya and Wales 1.2 – Darllen gwybodaeth am yr ysgol yn Kenya a defnyddio’r wybodaeth i gymharu dwy ysgol / Read the information sheet on Kabokyek school and use the information to compare schools 1.3 –(i) Ysgrifennu llythyr at ysgol Kabokyek yn disgrifio’r gwahaniaethau rhwng ysgol yn Kenya ac ysgol yng Nghymru / Write a letter to Kabokyek school describing the differences between a school in Kenya and a school in Wales 1.3 – (ii) Poster yn hysbysu’r gwahaniaethau rhwng y dyfodol delfrydol a’r dyfodol llawn gwastraff / Poster to show the differences in the world if we continue to waste resources or if we try and conserve resources. TGCh / IT 1.2 – Darganfod pa mor yw’r wyrdd yw eu defnydd o wefan Blue Peter a sut allant wneud eu hunain yn wyrddach / Find out how green they are using the Blue Peter website and what they could do to make themselves greener. 1.2 – Mesur eu ôl troed ecolegol ar y We a chymharu eu canlyniadau gydag ôl-troed disgybl yn Kabokyek / Measure their ecological footprint on the Internet, comparing their scores with the ecological footprint of a pupil in Kabokyek 1.3 – Poster yn hyrwyddo y dyfodol delfrydol a’r dyfodol llawn gwastraff / A poster showing the differences in the world if we continue to waste resources or if we try and conserve resources. Cymhwyso Rhif / Application of Number 1.1 – Astudio a dehongli gwybodaeth o ffynhonnell ddata ynglyn â faint o ddŵr a ddefnyddir yn ddyddiol / Study and interpret information from a data source regarding the amount of water used every day 1.2 – Gwneud a chymharu cyfrifiadau personol a’u cyflwyno’n ysgrifenedig er mwyn oherwydd faint o ddŵr a ddefnyddia bob disgybl yn ddyddiol / Carry out and compare personal calculations and present them in a written form to see how much water each pupil used daily.

13 Gweithio gydag eraill / Working with others 1.1 / 1.2 – Gweithio gydag eraill i gynnig syniadau a meddwl am ffyrdd o leihau ein defnydd ni o ddŵr / Work with others to measure water use and look at ways to reduce waste water 1.3 Gwerthu syniadau ar gwtogi defnydd o ddŵr yng Nghymru / Promote ideas on ways to reduce waste water in Wales. Datrys Problemau / Problem Solving 1.1 – Cyd-weithio gydag eraill i fesur defnydd bob dydd o ddŵr a meddwl am ffyrdd o leihau gwastraff dŵr / Work with others to measure water use and look at ways to reduce waste water Lleihau eu hôl-troed ecolegol / Reduce ecological footprint. Gwella Datblygiad a Pherfformiad / Improving own Learning and Performance 1.1 – Targed/Target = Dysgu a chymharu amgylchedd Kenya a Chymru er mwyn cael Gwobr Ysgol Rhyngwladol / Learn about and compare our environment with Kenya to gain an International School Award 1.2 – Cwblhau ôl-troed ecolegol personol a meddwl am ffyrdd o wella agwastraffu llai / Complete a personal ecological footprint and think of ways to improve and waste less 1.3 Gwerthuso y wybodaeth a ddysgwyd drwy siart bersonol yn dangos gwelliannau a lle gellir gwella ymhellach / Review the information gathered, keeping a personal chart showing improvement and room for improvement

14 Evidence of the key skills. Communication – Discussions, reading information, writing letters. IT – Use of internet websites – through the interactive whiteboard. Opportunity to produce work using IT. Application of number - Study and interpret information from a data source regarding the amount of water used every day. Carry out and compare personal calculations and present them in a written form to see how much water each pupil used daily.

15 Evidence of the key skills. Working with others – Work with others to consider water use and waste. Discuss in groups ways to reduce water and waste. Problem solving - Consider ways to overcome the environmental problems faced in Wales and Kenya in a sustainable way. Improving own Learning and Performance – Pupil work contributing towards the International School Award. Ecological footprint completed – pupils have considered ways in which they may change. Staff have completed a pack evaluation of the work. Pupils will have an opportunity to evaluate the work undertaken.

16 Additional activities as outlined in the revised action plan. Diary of a typical school day. A letter outlining home life. A letter outlining life in the locality and in Wales. A letter outlining traditions and customs of Wales. Examples of pupil work available.

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