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XVI International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology 10-13 September 2008 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia.

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Presentation on theme: "XVI International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology 10-13 September 2008 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia."— Presentation transcript:

1 XVI International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology 10-13 September 2008 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Collaborative Research and Education for Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Countries Keith M. Moore, Associate Program Director, SANREM CRSP This presentation is made possible by the United States Agency for International Development and the generous support of the American people through Cooperative Agreement No. EPP-A-00- 04-00013-00

2 Outline What is a CRSP? Conceptual research model Competitive grants program Long-term Research Program Educational Program Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech

3 What is a CRSP? Collaborative Research Support Programs (CRSPs) are: created under Title XII of the Foreign Assistance Act by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD) utilize U.S. land grant universities to carry out international food and agricultural research mandates of the U.S. Government.

4 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech What is SANREM? a CRSP that supports Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management (SA & NRM) decision-makers in developing countries by: Conducting SA & NRM research Providing access to appropriate data, knowledge, tools and methods of analysis, Enhancing host country capacity to make better development decisions.

5 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech SANREM Objectives Empower small farmers, NRM-users, (particularly women) Increase stakeholder income generation Enhance decentralized resource management Strengthen local institutions Improve market access for small-holders and communities Promote sustainable and environmentally sound development

6 Landscape Systems Approach Sustainable development requires a systems approach which is multi-disciplinary and addresses interactions at and between the following landscape levels: Field systems Farm household and enterprise systems Community/watershed systems Ecosystems Policy and market systems Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech

7 Landscape Systems Approach Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech

8 Adaptive Management for Complex Adaptive Systems A book to provide development practitioners with the knowledge, understanding, and tools to improve the innovative capacity of stakeholders. Learning by doing Cross-scale thresholds and discontinuities Interdisciplinarity – Transdisciplinarity Constructivism and Negotiation

9 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Knowledge Production US and Host Country Researchers, Policy makers, CSO Leaders, Community members, Farmers USAID/EGAT/NRM/LRM and USAID Country Missions Management Entity SANREM CRSP Knowledge Base Landscape System Coordinators Web-based Information, listservs, and E-publications USDA SA & NRM Knowledge Development INFOMINE, RDN, AgNIC, AgBiotech, InfoNet, etc. SANREM Bridging Program PIs Conferences, papers, books, articles, and reports Planning and Long Term Research PIs USAID Projects and Development Inventions IARC and Bilateral Projects and Programs Knowledge and Information System

10 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech SANREM Partners Cornell University Florida A&M Indiana University Iowa State University Kansas State North Carolina A & T North Carolina State Penn State Purdue University Rodale Institute Texas A&M U C Berkeley University of Connecticut University of Georgia University of Missouri University of Wisconsin Virginia Tech Washington State University Winrock International

11 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech International Partners World Cocoa Foundation AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food ICRAF – Int. Ctr. for Research in Agroforestry ICRISAT - Int. Crop Res. Inst. for the Semi-Arid Tropics IITA - International Inst. for Tropical Agriculture ILRI - International Livestock Research Institute IRRI - International Rice Research Institute CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CIFOR - Center for International Forestry Research CIP - Centro Internacional de la Papa IFPRI - International Food Policy Research Institute Wildlife Conservation Society Dozens of host country colleges, universities, national research centers, and NGOs

12 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Research Programs Bridging Awards Planning Awards Long-Term Research Awards

13 LTRA submissions and awards Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Columbia UC- Santa Cruz Cornell (4) * UC-Davis * Florida A&M Univ. of Florida (4) * Indiana Univ. * Univ. of Michigan Iowa State * Univ. of Missouri Michigan State (2) * Univ. of Oklahoma NC A&T * Univ. South Florida NCSU Univ. of Wisc.-Madison * Ohio State * Virginia Tech (5) * Old Dominion (2) Washington State (2) Vermont Yale * Illinois LTRA recipients * Planning award recipient Initial SANREM partner

14 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Long-Term Research Awards Decentralization Reforms & Property Rights: Potentials and Puzzles for Forest Sustainability and Livelihoods (Kenya, Uganda, Bolivia, Mexico) Lead-PI, Elinor Ostrom, Indiana University Developing a Participatory Socio-Economic Model for Food Security, Improved Rural Livelihoods, Watershed Management, and Biodiversity Conservation in Southern Africa (Zambia) Lead-PI, Alex Travis, Cornell University

15 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Adapting to Change in the Andean Highlands: Practices and Strategies to Address Climate and Market Risks in Vulnerable Agro- Ecosystems (Bolivia, Peru) Lead-PI, Corinne Valdivia, University of Missouri Watershed-based Natural Resource Management in Small-scale Agriculture: Sloped Areas of the Andean Region (Bolivia, Ecuador) Lead-PI, Jeffrey Alwang, Virginia Tech Long-Term Research Awards

16 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Agroforestry and Sustainable Vegetable Production in Southeast Asian Watersheds (Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam) Lead-PI, Manuel Reyes, North Carolina A&T Long-Term Research Awards

17 Cross-Cutting Research Initiatives Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Watershed Modeling and Assessment, Lead-PI, Conrad Heatwole, Virginia Tech Linking Knowledge and Action: Meeting NRM Challenges in SANREM, Lead-PI, Ester Mwangi, Harvard University Soil Metagenomics, Lead-PI, Karen Garrett, Kansas State University

18 Cross-Cutting Research Initiatives Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Assessing and Managing Soil Quality for Sustainable Agricultural Systems Lead-PI, Peter Motavalli, University of Missouri Gendered Access to Markets: Gendered Networks and Livelihood Alternatives Lead-PI, Maria Elisa Christie, Virginia Tech

19 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Host country participation U.S. scientists develop partnerships and design a research project in collaboration with researchers at host country universities and research institutions Allocating project funds for host country nationals to participate in SANREM Annual Meeting More than 50 percent of LTRA funds must be expended by or on behalf of host countries

20 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Long-term degree training participants Degree US & Developed Countries Host Countries TOTAL MenWomenMenWomen Doctorate4107627 Masters2291124 Bachelors00161430 TOTAL612323181 FY2007

21 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Routine Activities involve:  PIs holding joint planning sessions  US PIs visiting the field with their host country partners.  Such visits are at least once or twice a year for an average two weeks per visit.  In addition, US and host country students are spending time in the field together, too.

22 Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Host country challenges Difficulty of U.S. visits because of TraiNet requirements (J-1 visas) Varying levels of host country participation (both numbers and quality) Host country partner visas for travel to other host countries Timely funding of HC partners due to late funding from USAID

23 Shaping their future Creating, organizing, and disseminating knowledge that improves livelihoods through sustainable agriculture and natural resource management Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech

24 Questions and Discussion Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech

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