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PROTECTED AREA: DEFINITION A protected area is an area of land and/or sea especially dedicated to the protection of biological diversity, and of natural.

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Presentation on theme: "PROTECTED AREA: DEFINITION A protected area is an area of land and/or sea especially dedicated to the protection of biological diversity, and of natural."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROTECTED AREA: DEFINITION A protected area is an area of land and/or sea especially dedicated to the protection of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and managed through legal or other effective means ( IUCN, 1994 )

2 Management Categories Category I: Strict Nature Reserve/Wilderness Area. Protected area managed mainly for science or wilderness protection. Category II : National Park. Protected area managed mainly for ecosystem protection and recreation. Category III : Natural Monument/Natural Landmark. Protected area managed mainly for conservation of a specific natural features.

3 Cont’d Category IV: habitat and Species Management Area. Protected area mainly for conservation through management intervention. Category V: Protected Landscape/Seascape. Protected area managed mainly for Landscape/Seascape protection and recreation. Category VI: Managed Resource Protected Area. Protected area managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural resources.

4 Purposes for Protected Areas According to the World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas (NCPPA): 1)Safeguard the world’s outstanding areas of living richness, natural beauty and cultural significance as a source of inspiration and an irreplaceable asset; 2) Maintain the life-supporting diversity of ecosystems, species, genetic varieties, and ecological processes; 3) Protect genetic variation and species which are needed t met human needs, e.g., in food and medicine;

5 Cont’d 4) Provide homes to human communities with traditional cultures ad knowledge of nature; 5) Protect landscapes reflecting a history of human interaction with the environment; 6) Provide for scientific, educational, recreational and spiritual needs of societies; and 7) Provide benefits to local and national economies and as models for sustainable development to be applied elsewhere.

6 National Protected Areas, All Categories (2003) Number Total Area Protected % of Total Land (Million ha) Botswana 71 17.5 30.2 Ethiopia 40 18.6 16.4 Kenya 336 7.2 12.3 Namibia 196 4.6 5.6 Tanzania 792 37.4 39.6 South Africa 528 7.6 6.2 Zambia 683 31.2 41.4 Zimbabwe 249 5.7 14.7

7 Threatened Species in East & Southern Africa Country Mammals Birds Others* Total Ethiopia 34 16 27 77 Kenya 51 24 136 211 Tanzania 43 33 303 379 Zambia 12 11 14 37 Zimbabwe 12 10 16 38 Botswana 5 7 0 12 S. Africa 41 20 214 275 Namibia 14 9 13 36 * Include: Reptiles, amphibians, fishes, inverts, plants

8 Common Features of Colonial Conservation Favored modern techno-scientific knowledge over indigenous knowledge Nature portrayed as separated from human life Engagement with nature that was regulated by bureaucratic control Engagement with nature through regulation and coercion Application of standardized models of landscape management and social administration Engagement with Nature aimed at increasing productivity without regard to sustainability of nature’s capital; nature was conquered, made productive despite itself.

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