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The Elizabethan Great Chain of Being

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1 The Elizabethan Great Chain of Being
Shakespeare’s World View

2 The Great Chain of Being
Shakespeare’s language is different from ours because his thinking was different from ours, especially about nature and the order of the universe.

3 The Great Chain of Being
An order of hierarchy in which every single created thing in the universe has its place. God’s love flows through, sustains, and holds together this whole system. Compounded Biblical lore, Greek philosophy, and much far fetched natural history. One of the most important and long- lasting ideas in man’s history.

4 Elizabethan World Picture
(Pure Being) (Intelligence) (Order) (Reason) (Motion, Sense) (Growth) (Mere Existence) God Angels Spheres Man Animals Plants Stones

5 Elizabethan World Picture
Angels Spheres Seraphim Cherubim Thrones Dominations Virtues Powers Principalities Archangels Angels Primum Mobile Stars Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon Elizabethan World Picture

6 Elizabethan World Picture
Man Family Emperor King Nobles/Churchmen Professions/Soldiers Trades Beggars Fool Father Mother Eldest Brother . Youngest Sister Elizabethan World Picture

7 Elizabethan World Picture
Animals Animals(cont) 4-Leg Lion Fox Wolf . mole 2-Leg Falcon Fish Dolphin/Whale Insects Bees Ants . worms Inert Animals Oysters, etc. Elizabethan World Picture

8 Elizabethan World Picture
Plants Stones Fruits Apples Flowers Rose Trees Oak Vines Herbs Weeds Liquids Metals Gold Silver . Lead Stones Elizabethan World Picture

9 Elizabethan World Picture
Body Psychological Head Eye ________________ Arm Trunk Leg Foot Reason, Will Memory, Fancy Five Senses Elizabethan World Picture

10 Element Humor Fire (hot & dry) (choler)  “choleric” (easily angered) Air (hot & moist) (blood)  “sanguine” (cheerful, confident) Water (cold & moist) (phlegm)  “phlegmatic” (sluggish, apathetic) Earth (cold & dry) (black bile)  “melancholy” (sad, depressed)

11 Rules: Great Chain of Being
Everything has its place God’s love holds it all together When someone tries to get out of line, the whole order is thrown into confusion Belief in the rightness of ORDER Stating what a thing is implies its VALUE Leads to comparison or analogy A King could be called: -God like -Gold -Father of his land -Sun -Head of his kingdom -Eagle -Lion


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