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Activities P&S, W-B & C.Diversity and bilingualism. Continue to establish routines for the class Encourage practical and self help skills- feeding, drinking.

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Presentation on theme: "Activities P&S, W-B & C.Diversity and bilingualism. Continue to establish routines for the class Encourage practical and self help skills- feeding, drinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activities P&S, W-B & C.Diversity and bilingualism. Continue to establish routines for the class Encourage practical and self help skills- feeding, drinking increasing range of foods to try Keeping Healthy-teeth cleaning, washing hands and faces eating healthy foods Provide opportunities for pupils to make choices and to celebrate achievements within school at the various places we visit Encouraging sharing turn taking and collaborative play ie playing in the role play areas eg Create special environments for plants Work through Home/school book to find out favourite places the children like when with their families. Encourage pupils to think about how they feel in special places- use faces with expressions to help Experience the differing needs, views and beliefs of other people in their own culture Use stories or situations to raise question about why some things are special Develop a growing interest in the word around them and understand what their environment has to offer when playing alone or with others ICT Switch It programs Experiment with new learning opportunities including ICT To develop gross and fine motor skills through ICT activities To see links between cause an effect RE/SMSC Awe and wonder opportunities during visits to church, castle, aquarium. Appreciating the sounds, colours, smells, textures in the environments we use and outside areas. Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Visits to local welsh sites of interest Thinking Skills Encourage pupils to select their own resources for activities and plan and develop their own activities To express and communicate different feelings and emotions To concentrate for lengthening periods To ask for assistance when needed Topic: Nursery Rhymes and Traditional Tales Area: PSD, WB and Cultural Div Class: Red Date : Spring 2015


3 ICT Skills Offer children’s ICT skills, knowledge and understanding through a range of experiences. RE/SMSC Skills Pupils will be given opportunities to explore and experience a range of lifestyles and beliefs Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Skills Develop children’s understanding of cultural identity unique to Wales through visits Thinking Skills Planning, developing and reflecting to developing deeper understanding and make sense of the world. Class: Red Date: Autumn 2014 Topic: Colour and LightArea: PSD, WB and Cultural Div Foundation Phase Skills To become more independent in their needs- feeding, washing hands, obtaining and replacing toys and equipment To use a range of communication to express feelings & talk about experiences. To make & express choices. To be able to respond to new routines & surroundings & to cope with change To develop curiosity and be eager and confident to explore new learning situations. To build relationships with adults and other children- care and consideration and respect for themselves and others. To develop concentration span. To have opportunities to practise turn-taking and sharing To gain a sense of belonging to class/school community. To become aware of Wales and begin to gain a sense of belonging. Value living things and appreciate the world around them. Be aware that some things are special and valued To celebrate achievement and feel good about themselves. LNF Skills Reading Communicates ‘more’ or ‘no more’ through two different consistent actions (RFL 28) Express preference for items not present via symbolic means (RFL 41) Attend with interest as an adult reads a story, look at, touch and manipulate the book at intervals (R.ASteps) Point to a picture of a character in a familiar story (R.BSteps) Show pleasure when an adult starts to read a familiar story, respond at key points and show an understanding that it has finished (R.BSteps) Using data skills Selects from 2 or more items (RFL 36) Match an object to an identical object and a picture to an identical picture (UDS.Bsteps) Sort & classify objects using one criterion (UDS.Csteps) Record numbers by matching numerals to sets of objects (up to 5) (UDS.CSteps) Separate objects which share a specified attribute e,g, big/little, round (UDS.CSteps)

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