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Nursery, Breakfast, After School & Holiday Club

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1 Nursery, Breakfast, After School & Holiday Club
Welcome to Ollie's Nursery, Breakfast, After School & Holiday Club

2 Here Every Child Matters.
Ollie's Our aim is to ensure that all children attending Ollie’s are given quality care and nursery education, in that; Here Every Child Matters. We will encourage children to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve and to make a positive contribution by making their own choices and to achieve economic well being. We believe that we can only achieve the best for your child if the home and nursery work in unison. Therefore, we hope to work in partnership with you to provide the best possible care and education for your child.

3 Registered Provider Ollie’s Trust is a registered provider of nursery education with OFSTED, registration number and a member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance, registration We are open 48 weeks a year, 7.45am–6.00pm and registered to take up to 40 children in one session, of this we have 24 nursery places for children aged 2-4 years, with no more than 8 of these being aged 2 years in any one session. We offer breakfast and after school care for children within our community and provide school holiday care for 10 weeks. We close for all Bank holidays and Inset days in line with Goosnargh Oliverson’s CE Primary School, 2 weeks at Christmas and 1 week at Easter. Please see the form Holiday Dates for the coming years closures. All parents with 3 & 4 year olds are entitled to 6 free nursery sessions per week for 37 weeks of the educational school year starting from the term after their 3rd birthday. Please note this does not always follow school terms, but those set by the government: 1st September – Autumn term, 1st January Spring term, 1st April Summer term. Although the government state free sessions term time, the number in which we are allocated per term does not always cover all sessions every week, therefore you will be charged for these sessions. Please speak to someone in the office if you wish to stretch these sessions over the 48weeks. Sessions Parents can choose sessions on a full or part time basis and build on the sessions throughout the year depending on availability. Breakfast Club 7.45am – 8.45am Nursery am 9.00am – 11.30am Lunch Care 11.30am – 12.30pm Nursery PM 12.30pm – 3.00pm Afterschool Club 3.15pm – 6.00pm

4 Session 2 yr olds 3+ yr olds
Places will be given firstly to children requiring full days from 7.45am – 6.00pm, then a full nursery day 9.00am – 3.00pm and then individual sessions. During the periods of 8.45am–9.00am and 3.00pm– 3.15pm for children remaining on site for the next session there will be a small additional charge, for children attending full day care this is included within the price. Prices Session 2 yr olds 3+ yr olds Breakfast Club (Casual booking) £3.95 (£4.50) £3.75 (£4.25) Nursery AM £9.15 £8.75 Lunch Care £3.60 £3.30 School Dinner £1.20 £2.00 Nursery PM After School Club £7.40 (8.40) £6.90 (7.90) Full Day Care (packed lunch) £33.00 £31.00 Full Day Care (School Dinner) £35.00 Additional 15 mins. £0.90 £0.80 Casual sessions for breakfast club, afterschool and the nursery additional 15mins can all be booked as and when needed, but must be paid for on the day.

5 Admissions & Intakes It is a legal requirement in which we have to see your child’s birth certificate and acknowledge their correct date of birth, so this must be brought either prior to your child’s start day or on their 1st day at nursery. The registration form must be completed giving as much Information regarding your child and the cultural environment in which they are a member. This ensures we fully understand your religious and ethnic values and continue to uphold your believes through our learning and understand of a wide range of cultures, teaching children to respect and understand others. It asks for immunisation records and written consent for a member of staff to accompany your child to hospital in an emergency (without this signature we cannot allow this to happen) Please make sure your registration form is ALWAYS up to date ! (if you change address or phone no. please let us know immediately) Please consider the days you choose for your child carefully. It is better for your child to have set days for the year in order to establish routine. It is important you specify on the form how many free entitled sessions you are claiming for per week. Children do not need to be toilet trained and will fully support you as parents in this matter as much as possible. Parents are expected to provide nappies, wipes and a change of clothes for their child on a daily basis. Safeguarding Children’s safety and well being is central to all the work undertaken here at Ollie’s. All staff are fully trained and have the skills to enable them to respond appropriately to any situation where a child may be at risk of abuse or neglect. Ollie’s will work in partnership with parents insofar as possible and in the best interests of the child(ren). However, the safety and welfare of children will be Ollie’s paramount consideration t all times. We have a duty to protect children and will pass on any concerns to the appropriate agencies.

6 Early Years Foundation Stage
Every child deserves the best possible start in life, and support to fulfil their potential. Here at Ollie’s we believe that a child’s experience in the early year has a major impact on their future life chances. On the next page is an overlay of the Early Years Foundation Stage, it’s four key themes express important principles underpinning effective practice in the care, development and learning of young children. We provide a secure, safe and challenging environment both indoors and out to allow children to free flow around the nursery. Through both our environments we provide a broad and balanced range of opportunities allowing children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. Through this free flow approach it allows your child’s keyworker the opportunities to observe your child’s learning and take note of their current interests which is required in order for personalised learning to take place, unique to your child. These observations are recorded with evidence through photographs and samples of your child’s work, which are gathered in their ‘Learning Journey’ file. Partnership working is essential for the success of the EYFS. You as parents are central to your child’s well-being and as staff it is vital that we work closely together, through clear information sharing to ensure we meet all the needs of your child. Here at Ollie’s we like to do this mainly through verbal communication at the beginning and end of the sessions your child attends. We also use a home/nursery diary in which staff members can write about your child’s achievements and inform you on what they chose for their dinner. We ask that you use this diary to inform us on your child’s activities at home, maybe you went to the Zoo or the park. This gives us both, you as parents, your child’s primary educator, and us as early years practitioners a talking point with your child to encourage their communication and social skills. You are free to look at your child’s Learning Journey file as and when you have time. We ask that you contact us if you child is not to attend a session, if due to illness it is important we understand the nature to ensure we can give you the right information regarding risk of infection to others.


8 Keyworkers provides an updated report once a term which gives clear targets for the following term, providing you with ideas on how to support your child’s learning at home. Your child’s keyworker or any other member of the Ollie’s team will always be available to answer any of your questions or if you simply want to ask ‘Is my child doing ok?’ There will be a fortnightly newsletter that we will to you (just ask if you prefer a paper copy) telling you about activities and events that the children have participated in and other information for yourselves to read. Close working between keyworkers and parents is crucial for the early identification of children’s learning needs, and to ensure a quick response to any area of particular difficulty. So if you ever have any concerns regarding any area of your child’s learning and development please speak to your keyworker assigned to your child. Here at Ollie’s we pay particular attention to children’s personal, social and emotional development. We believe that children should be provided with experiences and support which will help them develop a positive sense of themselves, respect for others, and a positive disposition to learn. Through adult and peer interaction we engage children in activities that give children time and space to develop concentration and gain ideas of their own interests. Providing positive images that challenge children’s thinking and help them embrace differences in gender, culture, religion and disabilities. Supporting the development of independence skills through teaching your child to hang up their own coat, put on their wellie’s, and how we respect equipment, look after our resources and tidy them away in their correct area. We give support to children when toilet training, promoting their personal care skills when using the bathroom. All these skills they need to ensure a smooth transition into primary school. Gaining an understanding of structure within a day and the boundaries within that structure all help children feel safe and secure, therefore ready to learn.

9 Continuous Provision Areas.
Children are competent learners and develop and learn in a wide variety of ways. We look, listen and carefully observe all our children, consider their needs, their interests, and their stages of development and use all this information to help plan a challenging and enjoyable experience across all the areas of learning and development through continuous provision areas both indoors and out. Reading/Quiet Area The children can choose non-fiction and fiction books within this area. We have storyboards, story sacks and interactive displays for the children to access and develop their imaginations through retelling familiar stories. Here is a parent reading to a small group of children Workshop Area The children have a wide selection of resources to choose from independently, to create their master piece. They use scissors, glue and sellotape to produce this, thus developing many skills in the process.

10 Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
Sand and Water Area We have sand and water available indoors and outdoors although sometimes this will change to gloop, mud, bark, shaving foam and many others, giving the children an extensive choice of textures to explore We love playing in the sand and water Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Numbers are visible in all areas at Ollie’s, and around the environment. We try to incorporate problem solving and reasoning into the daily activities, supported by open ended questioning and role-modelling.

11 Engines ready-Then off we go to put the fire out!!
Construction/Small World Area The children choose from the large or small construction toys and we incorporate the small world resources within this area. For example the children might use the large bricks to make a farm and then use this with the animals to set the scene. Engines ready-Then off we go to put the fire out!! Mark Making Area The children have a large choice of materials and implements to make marks with eg. Sand, shaving foam, pencils, pens, crayons, markers, chalk etc. They have a range of resources to make marks on, including postcards, coloured paper, white board and chalk board. We always encourage children to try and write their name on all pieces of work.

12 Malleable Area Painting Easel
The children can access the malleable resources independently. Enhancing this with candles, baking tins, pots, pans and accessories to encourage role-play, lentils and pulses to add texture, various scents and stampers and moulds to promote their imaginations!! We enjoy many malleable experiences, with gloop being one of our favourites – What out it makes lots of mess!! Painting Easel The children are able to paint freely throughout the session using a variety of tools, and paper. We have many illustrations around to inspire our budding artists.

13 Oh my hair looks beautiful thank you!
Role Play We have a large role play area usually as a house, with an upstairs and downstairs. Occasionally we change it to a doctors or a zoo going with the children’s current interests! This area is enhanced with many different resources throughout the year e.g washing and ironing, babies and baby baths and a variety of foods from around the world. We have the dressing up clothes which children use within all areas of continuous provision to bring their ideas to life. …watch out for our Nativity too!!! Oh my hair looks beautiful thank you! Computer Area Within Ollie’s we have a computer with an interactive whiteboard for the children to use. We have simple paint programmes for the children to experiment on and internet access ; for favourite sites like CBeebies which contain fun, learning activities and stories. We can also have lots of fun with interactive DVD’s with singing and dancing activities tumble tots! Children have access to the digital cameras and the tuff cam to film each other, along with other digital remote control toys.

14 Outdoor Area Our outdoor area is open for the children as soon as they arrive and offers a wide range of learning activities that both reflect and enhance the indoor provision, with the larger toys and climbing frame extending children’s physical development. We have a lovely outdoor area which enables us to explore and investigate the beautiful natural environment in which we live!!! We love growing and have an annual sunflower growing competition!

15 Snack Time Ollie’s snack bar is opened in the morning at 9.00am for toast and fruit and in the afternoon at 1.20pm with a variety of savoury snacks . This time is monitored by a member of staff who encourages all children to come and have a drink of milk or water and a snack We encourage healthy eating and in the morning the children have a choice of two, or more, pieces of fruit. In the afternoons this snack may include toast and jam, crackers with cheese spread, and even pita's with tuna. We encourage the children to spread their own snack and pour their own drink. We are very independent and like to do things for ourselves!! Dinner Time If your child is to stay for a packed lunch, please ensure it is clearly labelled and put it in the fridge on arrival. Please try to keep these as healthy as possible and if you include grapes, ensure they are cut in half. The school dinner menu for each day will be situated in the main entrance, you are to mark which option your child wants that day on the form next to the sign in / out book. (Please inform us if your child has any major dislikes.) We have lunch up in the school hall prior to the school children (11.30am). This enables the children to become totally familiar with this experience, and with the kitchen staff, ready for when they start big school.

16 Medication Fees Clothing
Invoices will be sent out the last week of each half term. All fees are due by the end of the first week of the new half term. A 20% surcharge of your bill will be charged to all late payments. If this is still outstanding a cancellation to your child’s place will take effect immediately. Please be reassured we take personal circumstances into consideration and to let us know if payment will be delayed. Any cancellations of Breakfast and Afterschool club must be made no later than 24 hours prior to booking or full payment will be charged. Nursery fees will still be charged for any absences during term time. Childcare voucher schemes We accept payment by vouchers from Accor and Busy Bees and Care 4. (Although other Voucher schemes can be easily accessed, just have a word in the office!) Additions/Amendment forms are also available in the entrance for any alterations you may need to make within the term. Additional bookings will need to be paid either in advance or on the day in cash or cheque which will be receipted. A 20% surcharge will be added on for any late payments. Clothing We do have a selection of nursery uniform consisting of a yellow T-shirt/polo shirt and a royal blue sweatshirt or zipped jacket. Fleece coats, caps and clothes bags are also available. These all have our Ollie’s bee embroidered on them and will be available to order through nursery or online: - Please dress your child in comfortable trousers or skirts for our messy play nursery activities! We ask that you also provide a waterproof jacket and a pair of wellie’s that can stay on your child’s coat hook, allowing them to experience all the weathers that are kindly sent our way. Sun Safety Please provide sun hats and apply cream prior to the sessions during hot weather. Named sun cream may be brought in and kept in your child’s bag, and staff may apply if needed. Medication We are only administer prescribed medication. On occasional instances we can administer creams and allergy medicine, this is up to the discretion of the manage/deputy manager. Please complete our medication forms on arrival and sign them when you collect your child.

17 Be Honest Be gentle Be good at listening Be kind and helpful
Behaviour Whilst we operate in a relaxed atmosphere, our aim is to promote and maintain a certain standard of behaviour. By encouraging and reinforcing positive behaviour through rewards and praise, we will ensure that a safe and happy environment is provided for all the children. The staff are consistent when dealing with inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour. Here are our rules for Always being a Busy Bee. Be Honest Be gentle Be good at listening Be kind and helpful Be hardworking We use these rules to encourage positive behaviour at all times and reward the children with a bee for their busy bee chart for demonstrating one of these rules. When they have got all 10 bees on their chart they get to go in the magic box for a surprise treat to take home. This is monitored very closely to ensure the success of ever child, promoting positive self esteem and confidence.

18 Breakfast & After School Club
Children are provided with a breakfast of either toast or cereal and fruit, a choice of fruit juice or milk to drink. At after school club the children are given a healthy snack similar to those of nursery. Children help to plan topical activities by giving ideas each ½ term. Examples of some of our activities include art and craft, baking, fun games, as well as all the continuous provision areas still being accessible. Arrivals and Departures Please park away from the school entrance near to the Bushells or Grapes. We ask that parents of nursery children do not walk through the school playground but keep to the right of the school and use the path to the scout hut and then around the back of Ollie’s to our main entrance. Our emergency exit is for emergency purposes only. No one, at any time, is allowed to drive into the school grounds except for medical or emergency purposes. All parents are required to sign their child in / out and state the time. Also your child, with your help, should find their name card and stick it to the self registration honeycomb There is a message column in the sign in / out diary. Please write in if any one other than yourself is collecting your child, so all staff are aware of the situation. If staff have not seen this person before, a password will be required. Please do not arrive more that 5 minutes prior to a session start time and likewise please collect children promptly. Please telephone us on in the event of a late collection due to an emergency.

19 Correspondence Policies Staff Training
Please clearly mark all correspondence for the attention of: Mrs Liz Southworth, Ollie’s – Nursery, Breakfast and Afters School Clubs Complaints procedure Stage 1: For the parent/carer to speak direct to the person involved to try and resolve the matter, or to the manager if this is not appropriate. If the complaint is regarding the manager, then speak to a member of the Trust (Details of these the back of this booklet). Stage 2: If informal discussions of a complaint or problem have not produced a satisfactory resolution to the situation, parents/carers should put their complaint in detail and in writing to the Committee. Within 28 days the complaint parents/carers must be provided with an account of the findings and of any action taken as a result. The Unit must make a written record of complaints, any action taken and the outcome of any investigations, and provide a summary on request to any parent of a child for whom they provide day care and OFSTED. (Please see policy for further information) Policies All our policies are in the file situated on the shelf outside the office for all parents to access. There is a Fees Policy and Procedure letter within this pack, please read this booklet and attaching letters carefully, and sign the home/club agreement. This confirms your understanding to this policy and our right to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your child. Staff Training Staff are fully trained within the Early Years Foundation Stage. We are constantly reviewing our knowledge and understanding of child development, nursery education and out of school care through, specific ongoing training. We are all qualified paediatric first aiders, and have all been trained to safeguard children. We currently have three members of staff; Mrs Liz Southworth, Mrs Hayley Cornall and Miss Angie Turner , who are studying their foundation degree in young children’s learning and development.

20 The staff at Ollie’s Trustees
Hayley Cornall Deputy Manager/ Keyworker Liz Southworth Manager Sheila Platt B/C and AS/C Supervisor Lorraine Slater Nursery Nurse / Keyworker Clare Gornall Nursery Nurse/ Keyworker Angela Turner Nursery Nurse/ Keyworker Hannah Platt Nursery Nurse / Keworker Zoe Shepherd Nursery Nurse / Keyworker/ AS/C assistant Lindsey lee Administrator Hayley Webster Administrator Shelley Terrins Nursery / AS/c Level 2assistant Trustees Helen Sant – Oliverson’s Chairperson Jo Longworth – Treasurer Kathryn Botes – Parent Kate Calder – Secretary Nicola Hall – Teacher, Early Years Advisor

21 We look forward to meeting you and your child/ren
Ollie's From the Staff We feel that we are a friendly, caring and approachable team that is unique in providing nursery education and a time for free play under supervision and expertise. All children can have fun and learning experiences in a secure, warm and friendly, homelike, safe environment. Children are able to make new friends and choices gaining the necessary skills they need for starting school. We look forward to meeting you and your child/ren Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries or concerns you may have prior to your child starting.

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