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Welcome to Saplings 2015- 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Saplings 2015- 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Saplings

2 The Children 24 children - 9 girls and 15 boys Born in Autumn Term - 9
Born in Spring Term - 6 Born in Summer Term – 9 17 children live in Little or Great Waldingfield 8 children from Long Melford, Lavenham, or Sudbury and Great Cornard. Most children have attended First Friends others have also been to Yorley Barn or Lavenham.

3 Your Unique Child

4 Seven Areas of Learning

5 We are flexible and explore ‘as they happen’ events too.
Learning Themes Autumn: Journeys Local journeys Around the world Trip to Sudbury on the bus. Spring: Hop, Skip, Jump Knights and Princesses Trip to a local castle. Summer: Creepy crawlies Summer Trip to the seaside We are flexible and explore ‘as they happen’ events too.

6 Our Day Investigate today’s activities Morning Register Phonics
Introduce today’s learning Free flow learning activities that will be observed and assessed. Playtime/snack Milk Class discussion on the learning so far and achievements. Continued free flow activities. Focus literacy/maths activity as a class. Prayer/lunch Afternoon Register Whole class learning activity Playtime Choice of child selected play Daily Worship either whole school or class Home

7 Other things we do… We learn outdoors in our new learning area
(all change for September 2015!) We take turns to have a special day We take walks outside of the school. We go on the public bus to Sudbury and take a trip to a castle and to the seaside. We will be doing paired reading/ sharing of books with older children We have a buddy system for first couple of weeks for playtimes with year 6 children

8 Your child will need… A book bag Full school uniform
To be prepared for all weathers! PE Kit: Tribal coloured T-shirt, Navy shorts, Socks, Plimsoles, navy jogging bottoms, jumper and hairband Wellington boots An Inhaler if asthmatic Praise for all their achievements.

9 Foundation Stage Profile
Continuation of nursery learning - visits Parent and teacher informed “Come and Learn” ‘Home school books’ 80% evidence collected through observed independent learning – this will be available for you so you are kept up to date with your child’s progress. September Baseline assessment

10 Each day… Spend 5 minutes talking / reading / playing a game relating to school Write in the home / school log Keep the topic webs handy Praise every little step

11 It will help your child if you…
Say quick good-byes in mornings please Name everything and teach them to recognise their name and write it  Let them be independent in the loo dressing and undress opening food containers using a knife and fork Help us keep a no toys & teddies policy

12 copy of your child’s birth certificate to the office. Thank you.
Please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate to the office. Thank you.

13 In your packs…

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