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Curriculum for Excellence Early Years Carol Vallance Headteacher Bridge of Weir Primary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum for Excellence Early Years Carol Vallance Headteacher Bridge of Weir Primary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum for Excellence Early Years Carol Vallance Headteacher Bridge of Weir Primary School

2 What is Curriculum for Excellence? Curriculum for Excellence provides a Framework for change which aims to improve the learning, attainment and achievement of all young people in Scotland. It is not just about examinations but is also about preparing children and young people aged 3-18 with the skills for learning, work and life.

3 Curriculum for Excellence Raising Standards Improving Knowledge Developing Skills Making learning relevant Focusing on the learner Helping children to make connections Nurturing children to become........

4 Curriculum for Excellence  Successful Learners  Confident Individuals  Responsible Citizens  Effective Contributors

5 Achievement Framework LevelExperiences and Outcomes for most children or young people EarlyIn pre-school and primary 1 FirstBy end of P4, but earlier for some SecondBy end of P7, but earlier for some ThirdIn S1 and S2, but earlier for some FourthFourth level broadly equates to SCQF Level 4 (St Grade Credit) SeniorIn S4 – S6, but earlier for some

6 Curriculum Areas Health & Wellbeing English & Literacy Mathematics & Numeracy Science Social Studies Expressive Arts Technologies Religious & Moral Education

7 Health and Wellbeing personal and social development physical activity healthy lifestyles

8 English and Literacy listening talking using books early reading and writing

9 Mathematics and Numeracy number measurement shape pattern colour problem solving position

10 Sciences living things sun, moon, stars recycling exploring and investigating my body growth

11 Social Studies our world our community Scotland people and places people in the past weather

12 Technologies programmable toys using tools and equipment designing

13 Expressive Arts Art and Design Drama Dance Music

14 Religious & Moral Education citizenship celebrations respect positive attitudes concern for others cultural awareness

15 Planning and Assessment

16 We are learning to.... use scissors safely

17 We are learning to.... put on our shoes

18 We want to learn about.... Boats

19 We want to learn about.... Minibeasts

20 Instant recognition..... Today I painted a beautiful picture. Ask me about it! Ask me about what I planted today I helped to tidy the book corner. I had some snack today.

21  Meetings between nurseries and local primary schools  Visits to and from schools  Sharing of information  Buddy System  Induction Programmes Transition Nursery to Primary School

22 The journey doesn’t come to an end it takes a new and exciting path !

23 Further Information Play, talk, read- visit Parentzone Visit Triple P Events run in schools and nurseries – Cluster plans.

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