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Train Up A Child.

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1 Train Up A Child

2 Train Up A Child "Train up" – proper conduct is not automatic; it is the duty of the parents to teach it (Eph. 6:1-4) "A child" – you must start early "In the way he should go" – there is a proper way to live according to God’s word "And when he is old" – we take with us what we were taught in childhood

3 Discipline Is Teaching & Training
Instructive discipline – teaching with words, both positive and negative reinforcement (Prov. 1:8; 3:11-12) Corrective discipline – spanking (Prov. 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13-14; 29:15,17,19) Self-discipline – the goal of teaching and spanking early on is to develop self-control later in life (Prov. 20:11; 22:6)

4 Discipline Is Teaching & Training
Prov. 13: Prov. 19: Prov. 22: Prov. 23: Prov. 29:15,17 - - Loving & diligent Timely & controlled Appropriate & corrective Painful & saving Educational & rewarding

5 Discipline Is Teaching & Training
Note four important words: "rod" (use something other than your hand) "beat" (pain without abuse; 19:18b in KJV) "chasten" (instruct, correction, wisdom) "reproof" (calmly explain why they are getting a spanking)

6 Discipline Is Teaching & Training
Give both positive and negative statements Make the punishment equal to the misbehavior and age appropriate Express disappointment without demeaning words: stupid, moron, idiot, etc. Set rules and boundaries and keep them Be consistent; don't make empty threats

7 Discipline Is Teaching & Training
Say “No” and meant it; don’t lie to your child Punishment needs to be immediate Distinguish between willful disobedience and accidents

8 Discipline Is Teaching & Training
Do not spank when you are out of control Do not spank in a way that abuses (lacerations, bruising, broken bones, scarring, etc.) Do not spank without cause; no constant hitting Do not spank without explaining why; use it as an opportunity to teach; reaffirm love

9 Discipline Is Teaching & Training
Respect for authority and obedience is established early on with instructive and corrective discipline: home (Eph. 6:1), civil (Rom. 13:1), and church (Heb. 13:17) Disobedience to parents is a sin (Rom. 1:30; 2 Tim. 3:2)!

10 No Discipline = Permissiveness
Don’t ignore disobedience and the need for correction! Many parents are permissive like David; he wouldn’t question his child (1 K. 1:6) Many parents are permissive like Eli; he said “No”, but he didn’t enforce it (1 Sam. 2:22-26; 3:13; see Deut. 21:18)

11 In the Worship Service Early to bed on Saturday night; naps on Sunday afternoon if necessary Face them forward so as not to distract themselves and others; adults should not "play" with them from across the room Bring quiet, Bible related activities (cloth books); wean them off of these as soon as possible so they can hold a song book or their own Bible; later they can take notes

12 In the Worship Service Use the break time to get all your “needs” done; constant “in and out” during the service is disruptive; emergencies are one thing, bad habits are another Use the nursery for accidents or discipline only, not for playtime or sleep time When you take them out for discipline, make it count: “take them out, wear them out, and bring them back in”

13 In the Worship Service The building is not a place to play
Parents, take turns with the discipline “Practice” at home to have a time to sit still and be quiet; we can’t expect them to behave at the church building if they are not made to behave at home; quiet and still behavior is learned at home Be consistent at every service (Heb. 10:25)

14 Love Them, Save Them Love them by speaking the truth to them (Eph. 4:15) and love them by correcting and disciplining them (Prov. 13:24; Rev. 3:19) Save them (Gen. 18:19)

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