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SDME Revision Aid L.O. to remind yourselves about the different types of aid 30 th April 2015 Development Economic development Sustainable Development.

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Presentation on theme: "SDME Revision Aid L.O. to remind yourselves about the different types of aid 30 th April 2015 Development Economic development Sustainable Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDME Revision Aid L.O. to remind yourselves about the different types of aid 30 th April 2015 Development Economic development Sustainable Development Sustainable economic development Sustainable Decision Making Exercise

2 L.O. to remind yourselves about the different types of aid Aid On your A3 sheet add the key terms below to the appropriate spider leg. The key terms can go on more than one leg. Work together to check any you are not sure about. Bilateral aid Multilateral aid Voluntary aid Tied aid Bottom up Top down Short term Long term NGO’s Governments Government Individuals WaterAid Dams Vaccines Seeds Machinery Equipment Emergency Food GoatAid ComputerAid Medicines Job Swaps Expertise Education Clothing Money Oxfam Rescue equipment Energy Jobs Microcredit Shelter Roads Military equipment Fairtrade

3 L.O. to remind yourselves about the different types of aid Sustain - able To persist Keeps going Lasts a long time It works Appropriate Can be achieved SocialEconomicEnvironment How can development (improvement) be sustainable in each of these ways

4 DisadvantageTypeHow sustain- able AdvantageTypeHow sustain- able Big projects such as dams or airports often destroy people’s homes Short-term aid like food, clothing and medicines can help people through a crisis Provision of food aid often means that farmers no longer grow their own Providing a reliable supply of clean water can help improve health standards Poor countries grow food to sell to rich countries rather than to use themselves Introducing high-yield crops and better farming methods can improve diet Countries can become dependant on aid and fail to progress themselves Developing sustainable industries can provide jobs and increase wealth Countries that are unable to pay back loans build up huge debts Improving education and developing skills helps a country become self- sufficient Machinery or vehicles that have no spare parts cannot be repaired Advice on health care and family planning can improve the quality of life. L.O. to remind yourselves about the different types of aid On your sheet you have a number of advantages and disadvantages of development. Decide what type of aid project they are and how they are sustainable or not

5 L.O. to remind yourselves about the different types of aid You each have 4 different places that either we have studied or are prominent in the news at the moment (and therefore, if you are good geographers, you should know something about). For each of the places you have a diamond 9 with the same possible methods of helping the people in each of these places achieve sustainable development. Think carefully about which type of aid (tied, voluntary, bilateral, emergency, multilateral) each method is, what people really need at the moment, whether each method is long term or short term, what people really need for the future, who ultimately benefits from each method.

6 L.O. to remind yourselves about the different types of aid NepalMali Lake Naivasha, Kenya Rochina, Brazil

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