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Cammie Sheffield Room 226. AVERYESAVERYES ccept responsibility for your own actions oices remain quiet & movement is orderly in the halls nter school.

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Presentation on theme: "Cammie Sheffield Room 226. AVERYESAVERYES ccept responsibility for your own actions oices remain quiet & movement is orderly in the halls nter school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cammie Sheffield Room 226


3 AVERYESAVERYES ccept responsibility for your own actions oices remain quiet & movement is orderly in the halls nter school on time, prepared, and ready to learn espect self, others, and school property ou control your own behaviors- be polite! xcellence in education is of utmost importance afety rules are followed for everyone’s benefit

4 Parent/Teacher team Paraprofessional: Susan Day Head Room Parent – Rebecca Warren Web Page cammie_sheffield/site/default.aspx Things for parents to know

5 Daily Schedule 7:20-8:00 Morning Work 8:00-8:35 Specials Monday-Music with Mr. Boggs Tuesday-P.E. in the Gym Wednesday-Art with Mrs. Martin Thursday-P.E. in the Gym Friday-Music with Mrs. Medley 8:35-9:15 Media Center (Wednesday Only) 9:15-9:30 Restroom Break (Wednesday Only) 9:30-9:50 Weekly Cooking Activity (Wednesday Only) 8:35-8:50 Snack/Restroom Break (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) 8:50-9:50 Reading Centers (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday) 9:50-10:00 Calendar Time 10:00-10:30 Phonics/Writing/Language Arts 10:30-10:50 Science/Social Studies/Health 10:50-11:00 Restroom/Prepare for Lunch 11:05-11:35 Lunch 11:35-12:30 Math Centers 12:30-1:00 Recess 1:00-1:15 Snack & Restroom Break 1:15-1:50 Quiet Time 1:50-2:05 Pack-up, prepare for dismissal & announcements 2:05 Dismissal

6 Art – Music – Physical Education Specials schedule for the 1 st semester will be: Monday – Music Tuesday – P.E. Wednesday – Art Thursday – P.E. Friday - Music

7 Absences and Tardiness School starts at 7:45 A.M. If you arrive after 7:45, you will need to park and come into the office to sign in your child! If your child misses school, you will need to send a written excuse stating why your child was absent. (Emails are fine.)

8 Classroom Procedures  Centers  Ice Cream on Friday (please send in an envelope or sandwich bag labeled with name and place in Communication Folder)  Birthday treats during lunch  Healthy snack  Rest  Field Trips (one outside of school – Cagle Dairy on 10/31 and one in house – High Tech, High Touch)  Classroom party dates are October 20th, December 15th and End of Year  Love and Logic – September 1st

9 Daily Communication Folder It is IMPORTANT to check your child’s communication folder EVERY night. Include any transportation changes in the folder. ( The office will only accept transportation changes in writing on the ‘Transportation Form Change’ located on my website. These forms must be sent when any change is made to the permanent way you indicated your child will come home during Meet and Greet. ) Please include ice cream money that is in a labeled envelope in the Communication Folder on Friday.

10 Monthly Class Newsletter The Kindergarten monthly newsletter will be emailed and uploaded to my class website on the 1st Friday of the month. Included in the newsletter is information about academics, dates to remember and school announcements. There will also be a monthly calendar with information specific to academics in my classroom.

11 Kindergarten Standards  Georgia Performance Standards Developed by the state, aligned and prioritized by Cherokee County.  *Report Cards (no progress reports)*  GKIDS Kindergarten Parent Portfolio  GKIDS Power Point

12 The Essential Question Learning Focused Strategies have been implemented school wide to increase student achievement. Our Monthly essential questions are posted on my website.

13 Materials Used to Teach - Literacy “The goal of a developmentally appropriate kindergarten is to accept all children where they are and take them forward on their literacy journey.” Tools we use are: Variety of literature (fiction and non-fiction) Shared Reading Read and write predictable Books Writing – messages (model), copy, journals (stages of writing) Nursery Rhymes (phonemic awareness) Guided Reading (Website information)

14 Materials Used to Teach - Math Tools we use are: Calendar Daily Oral Math (DOM) Technology Hands on manipulatives Differentiation (practice, enrichment or reteach) Integrate curriculum with literature

15 Materials Used to Teach - Science Tools we use are: Authentic instruction using hands on ‘experiments’ Integrate curriculum with literature Technology

16 Materials Used to Teach – Social Studies Tools we use are: Integrate curriculum with literature Integrate other subjects (i.e. All About Me – graph, President’s Day - coins) Authentic instruction with parent involvement (Community Helpers) Technology

17 Conferences Fall Conference and Spring Conference Available at Other Times

18 How Can You Help at Home? Read nightly! Once we begin with Guided Reading book bags will be sent home for practice reading.

19 Thank you for coming out tonight. I know that together we will help make this a great year for your kindergarten student.

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