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ILO Project on “Strengthening Social Partnership in Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro”” financed by the Irish Government.

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Presentation on theme: "ILO Project on “Strengthening Social Partnership in Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro”” financed by the Irish Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 ILO Project on “Strengthening Social Partnership in Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro”” financed by the Irish Government PERC/FNV Thematic SEE workshop on IE Kotor 16 – 17 June 2009

2 Background information  The project has been developed by the Budapest-based ILO Subregional Office for Central and Eastern Europe (SRO Budapest)  within the framework of its programme of promoting Decent Work for the sub-region and funded by the Irish Government.

3 Background information  This programme aims at addressing the problem of informal economy in the construction/building sector trough social dialogue and tripartism as a tool of good governance and promotion of decent work for men and women in the sub-region.  The problem of informal economy can not be tackled only by the Trade Union. Joint effort of social partners is needed.

4 Project countries and partners Countries:  Albania  Montenegro  Bosnia and Herzegovina Project partners are representatives of: Government Government Employers associations Employers associations Trade Unions Trade Unions

5 Trade Union participation The following Trade Unions participate in the project: - Trade Union Federation of Wood Industry and Public Services, Albania - Indepdenedent Trade Union of Construction and Public Services, Albania - Trade Union of Construction and Industry of Construction Materials of Montenegro - Trade Union of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Republika Srpska - Trade Union of Brcko district of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Independent Trade Union of Building and Construction Materials Industry in Bosnia & Herzegovina

6 Project structure on Trade Union side  Launching Trade Union subregional seminar in August 2008 (Podgorica) decided to establish:  Subregional Trade Union project advisory group  National TU working groups  Evaluation TU conference

7 Project activities I  Research study paper on the informal economy in the construction sector for each country  Tripartite national conferences to discusse the study findings with participation of a tripartite resource group from Turkey  Tripartite national working group to design action plan based on the adopted reccommendations

8 Project activities II  The ILO SRO Budapest assists the social partners to take an active role in designing and implementation of the national tripartite action plans  The project coordinator of the PERC-FNV project on IE and the BWI SEE project coordinator cooperate closely with the ILO project  The TU action plan in Albania is prepared

9  Thank you very much for your attention!

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