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Drawing Project Creating a Still life using Tone Values, Emphasis, and Balance In a Composition.

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Presentation on theme: "Drawing Project Creating a Still life using Tone Values, Emphasis, and Balance In a Composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drawing Project Creating a Still life using Tone Values, Emphasis, and Balance In a Composition

2 Here are some examples of how some artists have been successful with a still life composition.

3 Keith Mallett Using Pattern to add Variety

4 Mark Stewart Using Point of View

5 Juan Barrera

6 Using Value to create Space




10 Using Contour Line

11 Use of Color


13 Color to Unify a Composition


15 Using Texture

16 Using Symmetrical Balance

17 Using Asymmetrical Balance

18 Use of color to Emphasis

19 Using Shape



22 Vocabulary words you need to know. Value- using gray tones to show light and darkness of something so it looks 3-d…. Remember you can’t see gray in the dark. Emphasis- artists use this strategy to point to something they think is important. Balance- is the relationship of the objects to one another and where they are located on the paper. Remember, putting everything on one side or in the corners looks funny, and not in a good way.

23 Steps to Creating a Still life Composition 1.Draw Boarder around Paper 2 ½ inches on all sides. 2.Select a Soda Can that you will use as a subject for this drawing and draw a contour sketch on 8 x 11 paper using ellipses correctly. Concentrate getting correct shape of can and Labels should match as well. 3.On large paper, arrange the cans in a repeated composition. This can be formally balanced using symmetrical balance- the same on both sides; asymmetrical- different on both sides, but visually balanced; or radial- in a cirular pattern.

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