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Elements & Principles of Art Miss McDaniel 6 th Grade Art Introduction to Art.

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2 Elements & Principles of Art Miss McDaniel 6 th Grade Art Introduction to Art

3 Elements & Principles of Art There are 14 Elements and Principles of Art which are crucial to the making of any artwork. They are the basic parts and symbols of all art. Artists throughout history have used them just as we do when we make art today.

4 Elements of Art LINE SHAPE COLOR TEXTURE VALUE SPACE FORM These are topics we have been discussing/using since the beginning of the year. They need to be referenced when making an art criticism.

5 Explaining Elements of Art LINE Line in artwork serves multiple purposes 1.Emphasizing Line 1.Emphasizing Line – Shows the edges or contours of an object, also known as a contour line.

6 Element of Art - LINE 2. De-emphasizing Line 2. De-emphasizing Line – Attempts to eliminate or hide the outline of objects in the picture.

7 Element of Art - LINE 3. Axis Line 3. Axis Line – Imaginary Line that is traced through an object or several objects in a picture. This line can help to determine movement and the direction of movement in a work of art.

8 Element of Art - LINE Suggesting Movement – The way the axis line is drawn 4. Suggesting Movement – The way the axis line is drawn implies various perceptions implies various perceptions a. Vertical (up and down) suggests strength and stability b. Horizontal (side to side) suggests calmness c. Diagonal suggests tension d. Curved suggests flowing movement

9 Element of Art - FORM FORM - a three dimensional object 1.Mass – the outside size and bulk of a form 2.Volume – the interior space of an object

10 Element of Art - SPACE SPACE - The distance or area between, around, above, below, or within things. Can be two or three dimensional. 1. Actual Space – has three dimensions 2. Implied Space – has two dimensions

11 Element of Art - SPACE There are several techniques to create the illusion of depth or distance on flat surfaces. a.Overlapping the shapes in a work

12 Element of Art - SPACE b. Making distant shapes smaller and closer shapes larger

13 Element of Art - SPACE c. Placing distant shapes higher and closer shapes lower

14 Element of Art - SPACE d. Using less detail on distant shapes and greater detail on closer shapes

15 Element of Art - SPACE e. Using duller, less intense hues for shapes in the distance

16 Element of Art - SPACE f. Coloring distant shapes with hues that appear more blue to suggest the layers of atmosphere between the viewer and those shapes.

17 Element of Art - SPACE g. Slanting horizontal lines at shapes to make them appear to extend back into space.

18 Principles of Art EMPHASIS PROPORTION RHYTHM PATTERN UNITY VARIETY BALANCE These are concepts that we have been using all year when creating artwork but have not formally discussed. Reference these as well when critiquing art.

19 Principles of Art Emphasis The importance artists add to certain objects or areas to attract the viewer’s attention

20 Principles of Art Rhythm Uses repeated elements to express a sense of visual or actual movement

21 Principles of Art - Rhythm 2. Regular Rhythm 2. Regular Rhythm – Repeating the same element

22 Principles of Art - Rhythm 2. Alternating Rhythm 2. Alternating Rhythm – Two or more elements repeated on an alternating basis

23 Principles of Art - Rhythm 2. Progressive Rhythm 2. Progressive Rhythm – A repeated element changed in progression

24 Principles of Art Pattern The regular repetition of a line, shape, or color

25 Principles of Art Unity The sense of belonging together

26 Principles of Art Variety The combination of elements of art that makes a composition lively and interesting

27 Principles of Art Balance There are three types of balance 1.Symmetrical Balance 1.Symmetrical Balance – two halves of the artwork nearly mirror each other.

28 Principles of Art - Balance 2. Radial Balance 2. Radial Balance – Elements spread out from a center point

29 Principles of Art - Balance 3. Assymetrical Balance 3. Assymetrical Balance – The application of equal visual weight

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