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Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program Alternative

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Presentation on theme: "Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program Alternative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program Alternative
TCAP-Alt PA Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program Alternative Portfolio

2 Content Standards/Alternate Performance Indicators
Curriculum Standards were revised for the school year Due to this revision, APIs had to be realigned All current APIs align to the new curriculum standards

3 Content Standards/Alternate Performance Indicators
The API content is the same Revisions have been made to the general format of the document Revisions include: Table of Contents General Use Statement which includes linking to general curriculum Alternate Learning Expectations and Alternate Performance Indicators are labeled

4 API Table of Contents Reading/Language Arts Reading Writing
Divided into four Content Areas Corresponding Content Standards listed For example: Reading/Language Arts Reading Writing Elements of Language

5 API General Use Statement Includes where to find information
How to use the API document to complete the Evidence Sheet and Graph Information How the API document links to the general curriculum

6 Content Standards/Alternate Performance Indicators
Content Standard: Reading: The student will develop the reading and listening skills necessary for word recognition, comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation. Alternate Learning Expectation (ALE): R.1.Develop oral language and listening skills Alternate Performance Indicators (API) Gr. K-2 Gr. 3-8 1. Communicate wants and needs

7 Manual and Forms On-line by August Activities include Social Studies
Exemplar Portfolio Two exemplars for teachers: 1. K-8 Educators Educators

8 Required Portfolio Components
Table of Contents Participation Guidelines Affidavit of Student Performance Statement of Inclusion Student Schedule Evidence Sheet Graph

9 What is NOT required Report of Irregularity Portfolio Validation Sheet
Will be on-line Portfolio Validation Sheet Proof of Schedule Use Media Permission Form NO PICTURES

10 Required Components

11 Table of Contents First page in binder
Includes basic demographic information as well as page number information Use order of the Table of Contents as a guide for form placement

12 Participation Guidelines
EasyIEP Two pages are required School Psychologist page and School Principal signature page Paper Copy Should only be used if not on EasyIEP Will be on-line Team members no longer sign Only School Psychologist and Principal should sign

13 Participation Guidelines
Functionally Delayed Not an IDEA Disability If an FD student is assessed with Portfolio, will be non-proficient and a non-participant AYP status will not be reflected on IPR or labels for file AYP status will be reflected in summary reports to system

14 Affidavit of Student Performance
Teacher of record AND School Principal must sign Includes language from Participation Guidelines for School Principal

15 Statement of Inclusion
Replaces Mode of Communication, Instructional Adaptations, and Statement of Inclusion Page Teacher will indicate to what degree the student is included if any with the general population If the student is fully included, general education teacher signs this page and does not have to sign on evidence sheet or graph Hours page from IEP must be included if student is to be considered fully included in any area

16 Statement of Inclusion
TCAP-Alt PA State Required TCAP-Alt PA Form Statement of Inclusion Check appropriate statement below: □ [Student name] is NOT fully included in any Content or Elective/Specialty area. □ [Student name] is fully included in the following Content Area classes (check all that apply): □Reading/Language Arts □Math □Science □Social Studies AND/OR Student is fully included in the following Elective/Specialty area classes: 1. 2. 3. 4. For all areas in which student is fully included, General Education teachers must sign below. *The IEP hours page taken from the Special Education and Related Services page must be included after this statement to receive automatic credit for inclusion. **If student is not fully included in any area, natural support must sign evidence and graph where indicated.

17 Evidence Sheet Page format has been updated
Significant change in the areas of Setting, Support, and Peer Interaction

18 Evidence Sheet Setting and Support
If setting is not inclusive, do not complete setting and support section If section is blank, special education setting and support will be assumed

19 Evidence Sheet Setting and Support Support Signatures
If “fully included” not indicated on Statement of Inclusion page, ALL Natural Support persons must sign if Setting is indicated

20 Evidence Sheet Settings and Support Are connected
Cannot have an Inclusive Setting without Natural Support Likewise, cannot have Natural Support without Inclusive Setting

21 Evidence Sheet Peer Interaction
Describe the interaction that occurred between student and peer in the activity Interaction must relate to activity A peer cannot qualify for TCAP-Alt PA If peer signs Evidence Sheet, do not need peer for Graph

22 Evidence Sheet TCAP-Alt PA Evidence Sheet
State Required TCAP-Alt PA Form Student Name: _______________________________ Grade Level: ________ Data Point Date (must be plotted on graph): _________ CONTENT Content Area (Circle One): Reading/Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Content Standard: _________________________________________________________________ Alternate Learning Expectation Code and ALE: ________________________________________________________ Alternate Performance Indicator Code and API: ________________________________________________________ ACTIVITY Learning Activity: Provide a clear explanation of learning activity and materials used. CHOICE Choices: Check box to indicate which type of choice was offered. Choice credit is dependent upon an acceptable activity. Check only ONE box. □ Materials □Who to work with □ When to work on the activity □ Where to work on the activity □ Reward/positive reinforcement for completing activity On the spaces below, write the two choices offered and circle student’s choice. Choice 1: ______________________________ Choice 2: ______________________________ SETTING AND SUPPORT If setting is not inclusive, do not complete Setting and Support section. If blank, Special Education setting and support will be assumed. Setting:_________________________________________________________________ Support: __________________________________ ______________________________ Signature Title PEER INTERACTION Peer Interaction: On the spaces below, describe the interaction that occurred between student and peer in the activity.  Interaction must relate to activity. (Note: A peer cannot qualify for TCAP-Alt PA.) First Name: _________________________________________ Grade: __________

23 Graph Continue to have four types Page format has been updated
Significant changes in the areas of Inclusion Codes, Choice Code “Who”, Support Signatures, Peer Interaction

24 Graph Inclusion Codes Divided into four content areas
General Education Reading/Language Arts: RL General Education Math: MA General Education Science: SC General Education Social Studies: SS

25 Graph Inclusion Codes Specialty Areas Music: MU Library: L
Physical Education: PE Art: A Guidance: G Computer Lab: CL

26 Graph Choice Codes Remain the same EXCEPT Who is now ?

27 Graph Support Signatures
If “fully included” not indicated on Statement of Inclusion page, ALL Natural Support persons must sign if Setting is indicated Need to sign both Evidence Sheet and Graph

28 Graph Peer Interaction
If peer did not sign evidence sheet, must sign graph A peer does not sign both evidence sheet and graph

29 Miscellaneous

30 New High School Policy Will not effect content assessed for Portfolio
Students must be assessed in Math, Science (Living Science), and Language Arts (including Writing)

31 Report of Irregularity
On-line Randa Site Paper RI still on-line Building Level Testing Coordinator usually enters……

32 Medical Exemption Same Process No “ME” bubble Will bubble “Absent”

33 Score Review New form Will be sent first of August

34 Trainings Webex Complete on-line form
Presentation on-line under Tools and Resources

35 Contact Info Need for both Portfolio and MAAS Send name of System, Name, phone number, and

36 Lori Nixon 615-532-1679

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