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The Buckeye State 4 Unit: Ohio Heritage 4 Fourth Grade 4 Miss Lewis.

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2 The Buckeye State 4 Unit: Ohio Heritage 4 Fourth Grade 4 Miss Lewis

3 Table of Contents 4 American Heritage 4 Lesson, Web Sites, Activities 4 People in Societies 4 Lesson, Web Sites, Activities 4 World Interactions 4 Lesson, Web Sites, Activities 4 Decision Making and Resources 4 Lesson, Web Sites, Activities 4 Democratic Processes 4 Lesson, Web Sites, Activities 4 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities 4 Lesson, Web Sites, Activities

4 American Heritage and People in Societies

5 Identify common characteristics of your community 4 Community name 4 Political leaders 4 Celebrations 4 Newspaper

6 Example 4 Troy, Ohio 4 Judge Welbaum 4 Strawberry Festival 4 Troy Daily News

7 Web Sites 4 http:/ / Oasis/ about/ ohg.html 4 4 http:/ / 4 ohio.htm 4 http:/ / oh_com.html 4 http:/ / ~maggieoh/Towns/ towns-i.htm

8 Activities 4 Group state events by broadly defined historical eras and place in proper sequence on a time line with evenly spaced intervals for years, decades, and or centuries (OHM, 44) 4 Examine state historical documents, sites, and artifacts and formulate questions for further investigation (OHM, 44) 4 Conduct interviews about recent state history and compare with other sources of information (OHM, 44) 4 Identify significant individuals and events in state history and explain their importance (OHM, 45) 4 Investigate the influence of geography on the history of Ohio and other states (OHM, 45)

9 People in Societies

10 Identify symbols of Ohio’s Culture 4 State Seal 4 State Capital 4 State Motto 4 Plus FOUR more state symbols of your choice

11 Example 4 State Motto: “With God All Things Are Possible” 4 State Capital: Columbus, OH

12 Example

13 4 State Slogan: “Ohio: The Heart Of It All” 4 State Song: “Hang On Sloopy”

14 Web Sites 4 http:/ / states/ symb/ oh_symb.htm 4 http:/ / schools/ msw/ fishname/ page6.html 4 http:/ / ~paz/ statesymbols.htm 4 http:/ / bob/ class/ clis734/ webguides/ symbols/ symbols.html 4 http:/ / portfolio/ reichert/ images/ statesymbols.html

15 Activities 4 Identify various cultural groups that have settled in Ohio (OSM, 45) 4 Examine the contributions of people of various cultural groups to Ohio’s development (OSM, 45) 4 Indicate on a map where various cultural groups have settled in Ohio (OSM, 45) 4 Identify how members of Ohio’s various cultural groups make a living (OSM, 45) 4 Compare customs, traditions, and needs of Ohio’s various cultural groups (OSM, 45)

16 World Interactions

17 Describe Ohio’s location in relation to... 4 Two states in the U.S. 4 Two nations in the world 4 Two continents in the world 4 One U.S. physical feature 4 One world physical feature

18 Example 4 Ohio is north of Kentucky and south of Michigan 4 Ohio is north of Chile and south of Canada 4 Ohio is north of South America and east of Asia 4 Ohio is east of the Grand Canyon 4 Ohio is north of the Amazon Rain Forest

19 Web Sites 4 http:/ / directory/ ~decarlo/ regents/ Geography/us_map.htm 4 http:/ / states/ states-us.htm 4 http:/ / Maps/ world_map.htm 4 http:/ / shot_worldmap.htm 4 http:/ / tech/ liberal-arts/ geography/ courses/ 205/205usphysical.htm 4 http:/ / CLA/ LESSONS/ 3156.html 4 http:/ / dist/ Dist/ Syllabi/ gg315.htm 4 http:/ / ss/ hmss/ 3/ unit/ act1.2.html

20 Activities 4 Point out major reference points, parallels, and meridians on maps and globes (OSM, 45) 4 Use maps to locate major landforms and bodies of water in Ohio, the U.S., and other nations in the world (OSM, 45) 4 Create map and key of personal place (OSM, 46) 4 Identify the factors that determine Ohio’s comparative advantage in production (OSM, 46) 4 Create tables, charts, and graphs to compare climate, vegetation, and resources in Ohio with other states and nations (OSM, 46)

21 Decision Making and Resources

22 Identify ways in which your household and its members use income to consume goods and services 4 Make a chart to list the goods and services which your family consumes with their income

23 Example 4 GOODS 4 Groceries 4 Clothes 4 Toys 4 SERVICES 4 Entertainment 4 Car Wash 4 Electricity

24 Web Sites 4 http:/ / econed/ Elementary.html 4 http:/ / ~ed344/ webunits/ economics/ keyeconomicterms.htm 4 http:/ / ~dlplc/ material.htm 4 http:/ / cynthiasparks/ elementarysummer.htm 4 http:/ / ~cee/ 3rd.htm

25 Activities 4 Identify the resources needed to produce a good or service and classify each resource by the factors of production (OSM, 47) 4 Explain that the demand for factors of production is derived from the demand for goods and services (OSM, 47) 4 Match each factor of production with the payment received (OSM, 47) 4 Describe the role of each factor of production in producing a specific good or service and suggest alternative uses for the resources involved (OSM, 47) 4 Explain how developing the skills and knowledge of individuals enables them to become better consumers and producers (OSM, 47)

26 Democratic Processes

27 Explain how the state government... 4 Promotes order and security 4 Controls the distribution of benefits and burdens of the society 4 Provides means of peaceful conflict resolution 4 Protects rights of individuals 4 Promotes the common welfare

28 Example 4 Maintains National Guard 4 Provides licenses with meeting of qualifications 4 Civil and criminal courts 4 Rights guaranteed in state laws 4 Provides funds for schools

29 Web Sites 4 http:/ / states/ oh/ govlist.htm 4 http:/ / www.legislature.state.oh.u s/ process.cfm 4 http:/ / newsissues/ usgovinfo/ library/ states/ bloh.htm 4 http:/ / v2/ state/ csohg.htm 4 http:/ / stategovoh.htm

30 Activities 4 Link examples of governmental actions with the purposes of state government (OSM, 48) 4 Explain the basic function of each branch of local and state government (OSM, 47) 4 Locate a current event that describes some function of the local or state government in action 4 Explain how the states and their local governments have principal responsibility for domestic functions in the United States (OSM, 47) 4 Identify a person holding a position in the local or state government

31 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities

32 Differentiate between fact and opinion 4 Write two facts about Ohio 4 Write two opinions about Ohio

33 Example 4 Fact: Ohio was the 17th state admitted to the Union 4 Fact: The Ohio flag is the only American state flag that is not a rectangle 4 Opinion: Ohio is the best state in the U.S. to live in 4 Opinion: Ohio’s speed limits are too low

34 Web Sites 4 http:/ / Relocate/ ohfacts.htm 4 http:/ / encyclopedia/ ARTICLES/ 0125/ 01355264_X.html 4 http:/ / esstephens/ Enrichment/ Socialstudies.htm 4 http:/ / ftmcarthurdar/ 50ohio.htm 4 http:/ / SOITA_Page/ Resources/ curriculum/ ohio.html

35 Activities 4 Monitor issues surrounding governmental actions on the local and state levels (OSM, 47) 4 Acquire information regarding viewpoints on state issues from various sources (OSM, 47) 4 Evaluate viewpoints and form an individual viewpoint of the issue(s) 4 Discuss issues facing local and state governments (OSM, 48) 4 Assume leadership roles and reflect dispositions that will enhance the learner’s effectiveness in addressing public issues (OSM, 48)

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