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Incoming Sophomore Registration February 10, 2009.

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1 Incoming Sophomore Registration February 10, 2009

2 Graduation Requirements & College Admission Recommendations Refer to the green Course Planning Guide page 1 for Geneseo High School Graduation Requirements and page 5 for College Admission Recommendations. Check the “Graduation Requirements” tab in your Skyward Access Account

3 Geneseo District #228 ACT Benchmarks English18 –EXPLORE 13PLAN15 Math22 –EXPLORE 17PLAN19 Reading21 –EXPLORE 15PLAN17 Science Reasoning24 –EXPLORE 20PLAN21

4 Registration Materials Green Course Planning Guide Yellow course request page Early Bird Permission Slip –Pre-registration w/teacher OR –Sign up - 2/11 6:45 am in the front office hallway Driver Education Form

5 Selecting your English Class (pg. 10) Select one semester –Eng10/Speech I (10200) or –Eng 10 H/Speech I (10202) –or Special Ed Speech I (19222) Select one semester of English 10 Composition –Eng 10 Composition (10230) or –Eng 10 Composition Honors (10240) –Or Special Ed English 10 Composition (19211)

6 Selecting your Math Class (Pg. 15) Please record the class your math teacher has recommended. The first class listed indicates the class you are currently enrolled in and the course(s) in bold indicates your choice(s). Pre-Algebra –Select Algebra I (20151 & 20152) or Algebra IA (20131 & 20132) Algebra IA –Select Algebra IB (20141 & 20142) Algebra IB –Select Plane Geometry 085 (20221 & 20222) Algebra I –Select Geometry (20211 & 20212 or Plane Geometry 085 (20221 & 20222) Geometry –Select Algebra II (20311 & 20312) Special Education Math –Basic Math - select 29111 and 29112 –Pre-Algebra/Geometry -select 29211 and 29212 –Practical Algebra - select 29311 and 29312 –Life Skills Math - select 29121 and 29122 Your PI will assist you in selecting the correct class

7 Selecting Your Science Class (Pg. 18) Your science teacher will make this recommendation. The class listed first represents the class you are currently enrolled in. The course(s) in bold represent your next choice(s). Earth Science –Select Environmental Science (30231 & 30232), Biology (30211 & 30212) or Quality Core Biology (30121 & 30122) Environmental Science –Select Biology (30211 & 30212) Biology –Select Chemistry (30221 & 30222) or Quality Core Chemistry (30331 & 30332) Honors Biology –Select Chemistry (30221 & 30222) OR Quality Core Chemistry (30331 & 30332) Chemistry –Select Physics (30351 & 30352 ) Special Ed Science –Select Science (39111 & 39112) Please review the science sequence. If you want to take Human Anatomy or an AP course, you must also concurrently enroll in Biology, Quality Core Biology or Chemistry.

8 Selecting Your Social Studies Class (pg.20) One year of US History is required for graduation US History –Select 40221 and 40222 US History Honors –Select 40231 and 40232* AP US History –Select 40211 and 40212* Special Ed History –Select 49221 and 49222** * requires a teacher recommendation ** your special education teacher (PI) will make this recommendation

9 Classroom Driver Education and Behind The Wheel (pg. 17) All students select 1st quarter Driver Education Classroom (50230) if you have not completed classroom. If you passed classroom driver education as a freshman and your DOB is on or before 10/30/93, select BTW1 (50401). If your birthday is on or before 4/30/93, you are eligible for Classroom and BTW 1st quarter. Select 50230 & 50401. You must have your permit before school starts, an early bird class or first semester study hall and log at least 25 hrs. BTW.

10 Selecting Behind The Wheel by Birth Date (DOB) DOB is on or before 1/2/94, select BTW2 (50402). DOB is 1/14/94 to 4/20/94, select BTW3 (50403). DOB is 4/26/94to 7/18/94, select BTW4 (50404). If you are not eligible for BTW, select Lower PE or Wellness.

11 Now select PE If you have already had classroom driver education or took Driver Education privately, select PE Lower 1Q (50101) or Wellness 1Q (50411) Make certain to select the same class each given semester. All other students select PE Lower 2Q (50102), PE Lower 3Q (50103), and PE Lower 4Q (50104) OR Wellness 2Q (50412), Wellness 3Q (50413) and Wellness 4Q (50414). DO NOT SELECT PE DURING THE QUARTER OF BTW.

12 Driver Education Permits Listen to the announcements for instructions on receiving paperwork for your learners permit. We will start with the oldest students first, and you must register and submit all of your registration paperwork before you are eligible.

13 Driver Education Reminders Driver Education Classroom will only be offered during first quarter. If you fail or are dropped from the class (generally because of attendance or eligibility), there will not be an opportunity for you to complete Driver Education at the high school. You will need to complete driver education in the summer or privately. You must have earned 8 credits in your previous two semesters in order to be eligible for driver education in your sophomore year.

14 Driver Education Reminders (continued) Students will be given one chance to take BTW. If you fail or are dropped for any reason, you will need to complete BTW at a later date. There is also a good chance that some sophomores with late birthdays will have to complete BTW at a later date. You are required to complete the yellow driver ed enrollment form in your registration packet. Select ONLY PE Lower during the quarter of BTW.

15 Making up credit if you failed a required class(es) If you failed a first semester class and the make up class is not listed on the registration page, select “Make-Up S1 90601”. You may select “Make-Up” only once in the same semester. We will replace the class with the actual class failed before your schedule is built. –Please indicate if you need more than one semester of make up.

16 Now select your Electives Classes which end in “0” meet either semester Classes which end in “1” meet first semester Classes which end in “2” meet second semester Be sure to select both semesters of a year long course (i.e. TV 160, Accounting I, foreign language, band, choir). Your course planning guide will tell you whether a course meets for a semester or year long

17 Social Studies (pg. 20) World History to 1350 (40111) World History since 1350 (40112) You are not eligible for the class if you had it in your freshman year or if you were in honors World History.

18 Visual and Performing Arts (pg. 26) Visual Arts –Beginning Ceramics (60210) –Advanced Ceramics (60280) –Beginning Painting/Drawing (60220) –Advanced Painting/ Drawing (60250) –Beginning Sculpture/Drawing (60230) –Drawing II (60260) construct portfolio Visual Arts w/out Intro to Art –Drawing I - no Intro to art (60290) –Drawing II (60260) Performing Arts –Concert Choir (60211 & 60212) –Theatre I (10210) –Theatre II (10220) Theatre I is the prerequisite for Theatre II

19 Directions for students registering for Band Marching Band –Select Marching Band (60111), Band 2nd quarter (60112), and Band 2nd semester (60002). Concert Band –Select Concert Band (60101), –Select Concert Band (60101), Band 2nd quarter (60112), and Band 2nd semester (60002). Remember, driver education classroom will replace a 1st quarter PE waiver. If you are in Band and eligible for BTW during 1st quarter, you must take a 1st semester study hall or early bird BTW or wait until 2nd quarter BTW.

20 Vocational (pg. 24) Energy (70110) Drafting(70120) Power (70170) Intro to Metals (70350) Prod Machining (70232) 70350 pre req Intro to Manufacturing - Woods (70180) Intro to Build Trades (70340) 70180 pre req

21 Business (pg. 8) Computer Concepts (70151) Information Processing (70262) Computer Concepts is the pre-requisite. CS 100 (70272) Computer Concepts is the pre-requisite. Accounting (70351 & 70352) Consumer Economics (70160) Web Design (70360) Computer Programming (70370)

22 Family & Consumer Science (pg.12) Radio Broadcasting (pg. 24) Family and Consumer Science (70171 & 70172) Foods I (70250) Foods II (70270) Child Development (70251) Parenting (70252) Radio Broadcasting (70191 & 70192)

23 Agriculture (pg. 7) Introduction to Agriculture (70111 and 70112) Science Application in Agriculture (70281 and 70282) [does not count for science credit] Horticulture I - Plant Propagation (70321) Horticulture II - Landscape Design (70322) Ag 131 - Soils (70291)

24 Foreign Language (pg. 14) Spanish –I (80121 and 80122) –II (80221 and 80222) Spanish I is a pre- requisite French –I (80111 and 80112) –II (80211 and 80212) French II is a pre- requisite

25 Special Education Electives (pg.22) Home Arts (79181 & 79182) Orientation to Vocational Education (79191 & 79192) Survey of Industrial Technology (79201 & 79202) Literacy Lab I (19101 & 19102) Literacy Lab II (19100) Study Skills (19110)

26 Early Bird Classes Advanced Wellness - Mr. Johnsen AP Biology - Mr. Ringenberg Chemistry - Mrs. Hirshfelder Humanities (1 semester) - need to pick another class if you want early bird for a year. - Mr. Hall and Mr. Harrington COOP - TBA Drivers Education (classroom 1st quarter - BTW 2nd-4th quarter) - Mr. Rakestraw - French II - Mrs. Mattie (4) Literature Survey I - Mrs. Eberhardt PE - Mr. Hillman

27 Early Bird con’t Pre -Calculus - Mr. Christiansen Spanish II - Miss Croner STEP - see Mrs. Breedlove Please check the front office window. If your name is listed, you do not need to come to Early Bird Sign up. If your name is NOT on a list, you must come to early bird sign up, tomorrow morning at 6:45 am in hallway by the front office. The remaining openings are on a first come first serve basis.

28 Study Hall You may take one or two semesters study hall. –First semester study hall (90121). Special Education Homework Assistance (90011). –Second semester study hall (90122). Special Education Homework Assistance (90012).

29 Directions for Completing Registration Students will request courses for next year using their Skyward Access Account beginning February 10. Select at least 12 credits under “courses requested”. If you want a study hall, please select it with “courses requested”. Students enrolling in classes pds. EB- 7 need a minimum of 12 credits and a maximum of 16. To begin the process, you will log on to the STUDENT Access page in Skyward ONLY. Follow the steps on the next frame.

30 Directions for Completing Registration continued 1.Go to “ Courses for 2009 – 2010 “ (left side of column) 2.Click “ Update Request ” (Middle of Page) 3.Highlight the course (Follow your Registration Worksheet for choices) 4.Click on “ Add Course ” 5.After all courses have been selected, go to “ selected ” tab to verify choices. 6.Print this page 7.Attach this to your registration sheet, which must be signed by a parent 8.Log out

31 Power Points Available online under “counseling” on the high school portion of the district website –Go to high school website –Left hand tab, open “counseling” –Left hand tab, open “GHS graduation requirements, course planning, AP/Dual Credit”

32 Help with online registration A counselor will be available in the high school library on February 16 from 7:45 am until 3:15 pm. Bring your Skyward access information. You must secure a permit from your study hall teacher before coming to the library. If you do not have a study hall, please come in before or after school. If you do not have access to the internet, please come to the library on the 16th to request your courses.

33 Due Dates Your yellow registration form and a print out of your course requests must be returned to the Guidance Office on or before February 19, 2009. Also, attach other applicable forms. You must complete your online registration in your Skyward account on or before February 19, 2009 Please attach a copy to your course request form. If applicable, you must attach your early bird and/or PE waiver form to your registration form. Please do not request your “alternates” in online registration. Write them on the last page of your blue registration page.

34 Signature Page Your yellow registration page must have your signature and a parent signature. Make sure you return your Driver Education Signup form with your registration papers.

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