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Parent Advisory Welcome!!! Current Graduation Requirements What does it take for my student to graduate? (

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1 Parent Advisory Welcome!!! Current Graduation Requirements What does it take for my student to graduate? (

2 Requirements 1. Credit Requirements 23 credits – Vancouver School District 2. Pass State Tests 3. High School and Beyond Plan – Navigation 101 (CAP class) 4. Culminating Project

3 Credits SubjectThrough 20122013 + English4.0 Math2.03.0 Social Studies3.0 Science2.0 Occupational Ed1.0 PE/Wellness/Fitness1.5 Health.5 Arts1.0 Electives7.56.5 CAP/High School & Beyond.5 TOTAL23

4 Requirements 1. Credit Requirements 23 credits – Vancouver School District 2. Pass State Tests 3. High School and Beyond Plan – Navigation 101 (CAP class) 4. Culminating Project

5 Pass the State Tests Certificate of Academic Achievement (CAA) – Pass Reading, Writing &Math State Exams, or some alternative Starting with the class of 2013, this year’s 10th graders, students must pass Reading, Writing, Math, & Science OR Certificate of Individual Achievement (CIA) – Special Education students may qualify

6 Requirements 1. Credit Requirements 23 credits – Vancouver School District 19 credits – minimum state requirements 2. Certificate of Academic Achievement (CAA) – Pass Reading, Writing & Math WASL, or some alternative Certificate of Individual Achievement (CIA) – Special Education students may qualify 3. High School and Beyond Plan – Navigation 101 (Advisory) 4. Culminating Project

7 CAP Purpose: The purpose of the culminating project is to help students get involved in their community, think about their learning, and develop their plans for life after high school. The Community Experience includes a 15-hour community-based learning or service project. The Culminating Assessment Portfolio is a collection of goals, plans, and reflections about high school and life after high school. The CAP lessons helps students complete the requirements of the Culminating Assessment Portfolio. The Reflective Essay allows students to write about their learning and growth over their high school years. The Presentation allows students to share their Reflective Essay, Portfolio, and Community Experience.

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