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C ONTENTS : 1: Personal Information 2: Goals-Term 1-4 8: Arts 3: Literacy 9:Tech 4: Maths 10: ICT 5: Social Science 11: Enviro ed. 6: Science 12: Term.

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Presentation on theme: "C ONTENTS : 1: Personal Information 2: Goals-Term 1-4 8: Arts 3: Literacy 9:Tech 4: Maths 10: ICT 5: Social Science 11: Enviro ed. 6: Science 12: Term."— Presentation transcript:


2 C ONTENTS : 1: Personal Information 2: Goals-Term 1-4 8: Arts 3: Literacy 9:Tech 4: Maths 10: ICT 5: Social Science 11: Enviro ed. 6: Science 12: Term Reflections 7: P.e

3 P ERSONAL P ROFILE D.O.B;20/08/1996 Family;6 Brothers,1Sister,Mum,Dad Favorite Subject; Spelling Favorite food=Fried chicken and chocolate YUM!!!

4 G OALS Goals for term 1- I want to be more punctual to school Have nice manners Be more careful with my words Think about more people than myself


6 M ATHS..\Learning Pathways pdf - Adobe Reader.msg

7 S OCIAL S CIUENCE Assignment Project-Labour Day

8 S CIENCE This term I have done a project on stain removing and will be doing affects detergents do on plants

9 P.E We have been doing large and small balls

10 A RTS This term was great as I was in the Kapa Haka group. I was blessed to work with such great teachers Whaea Darleen and Whaea Grace. I learnt a huge variety of songs including] Enoho Tuhetia Taku Ripene Pai E Tu Ana Au and many more

11 T ECHNOLOGY First term I did Wood Technology Second term I am doing Food Technology

12 We have been learning how to make blogs And how to do wordle and how to make our E portfolios.

13 E NVIRO E DUCATION Well hopefully we get to do tree planting And estuary clean ups so we can help the environment and keep the earth clean.

14 T ERM R EFLECTIONS A ND T ERM 2 GOALS Term reflections I think it was great this term as we got to do a lot of work on Maths, Maths, Reading and also I.C.T. Futures was cool to as I got to be in the Maori /Kapa Haka group and performed at the cultural festival at the Otahuhu Recreational Centre. This term was great fun and hopefully next term will be as fun or better. My Term 2 goals 1.To be more punctual to school. 2.keep on task 3.Respect myself and others 4.Improve on my handwriting


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