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Creative Inventions and Robotics Programming with Robolab By Rebekah Gendron.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Inventions and Robotics Programming with Robolab By Rebekah Gendron."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Inventions and Robotics Programming with Robolab By Rebekah Gendron

2 Programming is writing a set of directions for your robot to follow. You will be writing... A programming story!... and all writers need the proper tools to work with!

3 This is the Tools Palette (Your writing instruments) Wiring Tool Position/Select Tool Change Value Tool Set Color Tool Text Tool Scroll Tool

4 This is the Functions Palette (The “words” for your story) 4 Sub-Menus BeginEnd Structures Sub-Menu Wait For Sub-Menu Modifiers Sub-Menu

5 Writing a Simple Programming Story The wiring tool connects each word together to make the story complete! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Once Upon a Time 2. Motor A turned on Full Power 3. It waited until a Touch Sensor on Port 3 was pushed 4. Then Motor A turned off 5. The End

6 Wiring Tips EndBegin Start with your 2 Functions Remember to wire each function separately 1 2 3 Click your Wire Tool on the top right corner of the 1 st function 4 Move your Wire Tool to the top left corner of the 2 nd function and click to complete the wire BROKEN WIRES must be removed or the program won’t work You can remove the broken wires in “EDIT” or by typing CTRL + B

7 The Wait For Sub-Menu If you want to program your robot to wait for an action before it proceeds then you will need to use: Wait For Time Wait For Touch Wait For Light

8 Here’s a program that will continually turn two motors on and off. Wait for Touch and Wait for Time are found in the Wait For Sub-Menu Jump and Land lets the program loop back around forever Jump and Land are found in the Structures Sub-Menu JumpLand

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