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Introduction to Blogs and Blogging And educational uses for this application.

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1 Introduction to Blogs and Blogging And educational uses for this application

2 What is a Blog? Blogs -- short for Web logs -- are online journals or diaries. Blogs can be public or private, entertaining or educational, eclectic or subject specific. They are comprised of reflections and conversations that many times are updated every day (some may be updated multiple times a day) Blogs engage readers with ideas, questions, and links. They ask readers to think and respond. They “demand” interaction.

3 Types of Blogs Experiential (on-line diary) Referential (lots of links) Analytic (subject area expert) Educational – broad sense Collaborative

4 Educational Blogging Blog entries should include the date, reflections on a topic of interest, and a signature. Students can use blogs to practice writing and communication skills Teachers can use them to post assignments, share thoughts, and stimulate classroom discussion among other things

5 Examples of Instructional Blog use Students can: reflect on reading assignments or classroom discussions. investigate topics online and then report on their research. collaborate on group projects and record their progress. talk about shared classroom experiences. share thought-provoking quotes and then offer their own thoughts on the topic. create portfolios to showcase their work.

6 Examples of Professional Blog Use Teachers can: Communicate with parents – post class updates, homework assignments etc. Collaborate and share information with other teachers (across grade levels…)

7 Some Examples of Blogs Conners Emerson School – Room Twelve (Third Grade Writers) –http://Roomtwelve.com Blogical Minds –

8 Blogging Basics The risks of blogging are real. Although you cannot review all blog entries before they're published, you should take steps to lessen the risks of inappropriate entries. Get parental permission. Know your school and district acceptable use policies (AUPs) and convey them to your students. Make students aware of what subject matter is appropriate and permissible. Teach students the importance of tone and respect for others' opinions. Have clear expectations, rules, and consequences. Remember that with risk comes growth and learning.

9 Some Benefits of Classroom Blogging Students who lack the reading and writing skills they need to succeed also may lack the motivation to practice those skills. Many are motivated, however, to chat virtually with their friends. Seeing their words published on the Web is a great student motivator. Blogs offer an innovative way for students to engage in reflective writing on classroom topics in a familiar medium.

10 More Benefits of Classroom Blogging Blogs provide each student with the opportunity to publicly present his or her thoughts and opinions. Students who know they have an audience other than their teacher write more credibly, accurately, and carefully. Blogs allow others to respond, providing feedback to the authors. Blogs can bring today's students into the world of writing -- even at 2 a.m., even in their pajamas! Blogs are easy to create and maintain!

11 For additional ideas Learn2blog –$1 2$1 2 Future of Math – s.html s.html Blog posting/comment rubrics – Webquest on Blogging – 060831081120/ 060831081120/

12 Blog tools you might find interesting…

13 Links for additional help

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