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Department of English Language Arts
Growing-UP Writing K- 1 Writing PD Department of English Language Arts MDCPS February 18, 2015
Objectives The participants will understand the LAFS (Florida Standards) for Writing. The participants will understand the Writer’s Workshop format/McGraw format with traits. The participants will understand how to apply McGraw Hill green pages to address instruction in language and writing. The participants will understand how to use District Writing Pacing Guide. The participants will understand the developmental stages of writing and the “primary” writing rubrics in order to score student pieces.
opinion informative narrative writing process Participants will continue working on side by side: Writing Strand – highlight the clusters – discuss each standard to understand content and review that these are “outcome standards” – Note that DOK levels may change across grade levels based on student demands (rigor). Research (3.7) standard has the highest DOK across grade levels publish writing to learn
A Closer Look: Kindergarten
Take notes during the presentation to gather information / complete content foci and instructional tools – Be ready to share! Participants take out blank copies of “A Closer Look” for K and 1 and complete by taking notes during the presentation
A Closer Look: Kindergarten
A Closer Look: First Grade
A Closer Look: First Grade
I love to write! Review expectations for each standard by grade level
Writing is a Process Planning: Drafting: Revising: R63 identify topic
identify genre/text type think, talk, draw, jot down notes, use a planner/organizer Drafting: write to get ideas down focus on meaningful content language standard 3 is emphasized Revising: rework for clarity, content, coherence share with peers, conference with teacher rewrite based on comments and suggestions R63 Writing Standard 2.5 is the Writing Process – participants may open to IRH p. 63 to review how writing piece is taken beginning to end. During Drafting students are choosing words to convey meaning which is cluster 3 Vocabulary in the Language Strand
Writing is a Process Editing Publication (Anchor 6)
read the piece with conventions in mind use grade appropriate checklist work with peers, conference with teacher rewrite based on comments and suggestions language standard 1is emphasized Publication (Anchor 6) collaborate with peers explore digital tools produce and publish share writing piece Cluster 1: Conventions of Standard English Demonstrate command of conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Writing process continued – During Editing phase students demonstrate command of conventions which is Cluster 1 Conventions of Standard English in the Language Strand / the writing process is learning to write
Language standards are assessed when I write!
Review the connection and impact of Language Strand and Writing – implications for students as they develop as writers and testing demands
Standards 3.7 and 3.8 –Research/
Write About Reading – Analytical Writing K Writing about reading includes many types of meaningful writing tasks: drawing in response to reading (retell, draw conclusions, infer what will happen next…) labeling illustrations in response to reading (show understanding of process, cycle, character development ...) taking notes while reading responding to text-dependent questions writing a summary writing an extended response(Essential Question) comparing and contrasting texts Standards 3.7 and 3.8 –Research/ Writing to Learn In Reading Wonders, as in the Language Arts Florida Standards, students are expected to write structured analytical responses that require them to communicate a particular central idea or opinion and to provide information to explain or develop that idea. Review from yesterday 3.7 and 3.8 – Write about Reading or Analytical writing happens during reading and content area / this is writing to learn. Students gather information to show understanding. In Kindergarten, students are asked to retell story in own words R61
First Grade: Write About Reading
EQ: How are the animals in Click, Clack Moo: Cows That Type like the people in “March On!”? Take notes while rereading to gather evidence in order to answer Open Response (EQ). Use note organizer to respond orally then take to writing Example of First grade analytical writing: take notes to answer Essential Question / Open Response The animals in Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type are like the people in “March On!”because they worked together to make their lives better. In both texts, the characters and people protested and worked together peacefully to get what they wanted (blankets and fair living conditions). 1st grade
Writing Traits and Skills
To help students develop writing proficiency and create effective writing pieces, Reading Wonders teaches students: Writing Traits and Skills how to analyze expert models of writing for specific traits and skills how to analyze models of student revisions to apply those skills in their own writing Writing Process shared writing to model process interactive writing - allow students to participate in creating longer writing pieces independent writing to compose and apply skills Students learn how to develop real and imagined narratives, opinion writing, and informational/explanatory texts R59 Writing program from McGraw includes Writing Traits and the Writing Process IRH p. 59. There is progression/scaffolding built in to provide support for young writers: beginning with shared writing “I do” – Interactive writing “We do” and Independent writing “You do” . Sample Kindergarten below Days 1-2 Days 3-5
Writing Trait and Skill
Sample K online lesson
Understanding Grade Level Expectations
I must write everyday! IRH p. 60 to note progression of skills and expectations
Writing/Grammar Format
During a writing workshop, you will be teaching a brief mini-lesson and your students will be given time to write – I do, we do, you do model. R69 Writing: 30 minute routine that is predictable and structured IRH p. 69 for explicit teaching: model is for both teaching writing skill and grammar skill. 30 minutes of writing must occur daily to develop writers. The routine is structured and predictable in positive and nurturing environment
I I You do I do We do Independent Writing Shared Writing
Interactive Writing Model for explicit teaching – reinforce I do / We do / You do. Students need support and writing models I I You do I do We do
My teacher likes the way I used words to show …
Conferencing is powerful tool – purpose is to know student thinking though conversation and provide immediate feedback
Let’s Share-Out: Making the Grade Activity
Assign tables writing standard to share content foci and instructional tools: for example W1.1 Opinion for K / W1.1 Opinion for 1st grade -K and 1 can work together or separate depending on number of participants – pass out materials - provide time for this activity
A Closer Look: Kindergarten
Let’s Check A Closer Look: Kindergarten genre anchor chart model for explicit teaching opinion map using words to express an opinion chart McGraw-Hill Instructional Handbook p. R66 McGraw-Hill Green pages states an opinion about topic or title of book they are writing about uses words or drawings to express opinion names the point the author makes gathers and names some information about the topic author gives for this point genre anchor chart model for explicit teaching information map McGraw-Hill Instructional Handbook p. R66 McGraw-Hill Green pages K shares then check point: one standard at a time flies in – provide time for discussion genre anchor chart model for explicit teaching narrative map story elements (story map organizer) somebody wanted but so plan traffic light sequencing (BME) McGraw-Hill Instructional Handbook p. R66 McGraw-Hill Green pages tells story includes single event or several loosely linked events includes a beginning, middle, and end and writes/draws these events in order includes character reaction to what happened
A Closer Look: Kindergarten
Let’s Check A Closer Look: Kindergarten plans, drafts, and revises, writing based on questions and suggestions from peers and teacher adds details to strengthen writing removes extraneous information writing is a process anchor chart conferring with student writers compliments editing chart (primary) McGraw-Hill Instructional Handbook p. R63, R64, R65 & 69 produces and publishes writing pieces using digital tools collaborates with peers to publish and present digital tools 5 rules for listening writing TAG writing rubric builds knowledge about content organizes, interprets, summarizes, and presents information McGraw Hill Research and Inquiry Lessons Continue with K McGraw-Hill Instructional Handbook p. R61 & 62 graphic organizers note taking selective highlighting/underlining oral retells/collaborative discussions gathers information from sources to inform or expand on a topic or answer a question
A Closer Look: First Grade
Let’s Check A Closer Look: First Grade states an opinion about topic or title of book they are writing about uses words to express opinion organizes information supplies a reason for opinion provides closure genre anchor chart model for explicit teaching opinion map using words to express an opinion chart McGraw-Hill Instructional Handbook p. R66 McGraw-Hill Green Pages names topic/point the author makes supplies some facts from the text to support a specific point organizes information provides closure genre anchor chart model for explicit teaching information map McGraw-Hill Instructional Handbook p. R66 McGraw –Hill Green Pages 1st grade shares then check point: one standard at a time flies in – provide time for discussion genre anchor chart model for explicit teaching narrative map story elements (story map organizer) somebody wanted but so plan temporal words anchor chart McGraw-Hill Instructional Handbook p. R66 McGraw –Hill Green Pages writes a story describes two or more appropriately sequenced events includes details about what happened – specificity organizes events: beginning, middle and end and uses temporal words to signal event order provides closure
A Closer Look: First Grade
Let’s Check A Closer Look: First Grade plans, drafts, and revises, writing based on questions and suggestions from peers and teacher adds details to strengthen writing removes extraneous information writing is a process anchor chart conferring with student writers compliments editing chart (primary) McGraw-Hill Instructional Handbook p. R63, R64, R65 & R69 primary writing rubric produces and publishes writing pieces using digital tools collaborates with peers to publish and present digital tools 5 rules for listening writing TAG Continue 1st builds knowledge about content organizes, interprets, summarizes, and presents information McGraw Hill Research and Inquiry Lessons McGraw-Hill Instructional Handbook p. R61 & 62 graphic organizers note taking selective highlighting/underlining oral retells/collaborative discussions gathers information from sources to inform or expand knowledge on a topic or answer a question
K - Pacing Guide - Unit 7 Week 2
Kindergarten Pacing Guide – note format
Day 1: Shared Writing Let’s practice: teacher writes
Kindergarten lesson follows McGraw Format: Model lesson day 1 Let’s practice: teacher writes
Day 2: Interactive Writing
K lesson model day 2 Let’s practice: we write together
Day 3 - 5: Independent Writing
Who writes? K lesson model day 3
Instruction in Presentation Format
K Informational Writing Instruction in Presentation Format K lesson writing trait online
Kindergarten Grammar K Grammar online
Look at K writing rubric: low, medium, high (outcomes)
Look at Developmental stages of writing and instructional focus
K Writing Sample #1 Look at K writing sample – determine writer’s strengths and implications for future lessons - discuss
K Writing Sample #2 Look at K writing sample – determine writer’s strengths and implications for future lessons - discuss
1st - Pacing Guide Unit 6 Week 1 1st grade Pacing guide – note format
A Closer Look at 1st Grade Instruction
Gather Ideas and Plan: 2 1 We are going to go through the writing process – 1st grade lesson / steps are numbered. Note that in the writing process there is gradual release to provide scaffold and support as students develop writing skills 3 select topic
4 Beginning Middle End After class selects topic – teacher models how to plan using simple beg.middle.end organizer 5
1st Grade Grammar Grammar component built in daily
7 6 8 Next Step: Expand on Plan Story Board
Next step is to expand beginning, middle, end plan to develop story. Story board is just one way to accomplish this
Draft 10 9 After story board, teacher models how to compose/draft. There is writing trait activity in RWW. Students draft applying trait and grammar. As students write, teacher conferences to provide guidance and support 11
Revise 12 13 14 Students revise Peer Review
Revision is next step – since writing trait is sentence fluency (sentence length) model how to check for trait in writing by using sentence revision activity. Use class sample to model activity. Students then apply to their writing. Peer review is a good option to spark writing conversations 13 Students revise Peer Review 14
Publish & Share 15 Students complete final draft – share pieces celebrate writing pieces 16
Writers talking to writers. Good activity while students share – accountable writing talk
Writes listen to other writers.
Review rules for listening – while writers share
Basic checklist of writing components
Fantasy Story Teacher Checklist:
topic: taking action two or more sequenced events details of what happened problem/solution temporal words to signal event order sense of closure sentence variety Let’s look at student pieces! Teacher checklist specific to weekly writing task - the purpose is to gauge student progress and determine need for future mini-lessons
Look at 1st grade writing rubric: low, medium, high (outcomes)
Look at Developmental stages of writing and instructional focus
1st Grade Writing Sample #1
Writing pieces: look at strengths and implications for future lessons - teacher asks: what writing skills do I need to plan/teach to develop and refine writing pieces
1st Grade Writing Sample #2
1st Grade Writing Sample #3
“Children’s success in many disciplines is utterly reliant on their abilities to write; children deserve writing to be a subject that is taught and studied just like reading or math it is nonnegotiable that every child spends time every day learning to write, and that during that time, the teacher is teaching writing. The Art of Teaching Writing Lucy Calkins Teachers College, Columbia University Closing thoughts
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