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Step by Step Weight Management Workshop Opening prayer Welcome/Opening activity: Write down 1-3 questions about nutrition want answered (collect in bag)

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Presentation on theme: "Step by Step Weight Management Workshop Opening prayer Welcome/Opening activity: Write down 1-3 questions about nutrition want answered (collect in bag)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Step by Step Weight Management Workshop Opening prayer Welcome/Opening activity: Write down 1-3 questions about nutrition want answered (collect in bag) State name, previous diet(s) tried (if any), and pick one question to read from bag Confidentiality for freedom to share openly in safe environment My background: (1) RD, MS/ABD, Seminar (2) Nutrition applied to Biblical principles Goal for Workshop: um, wt loss/main.? Yes and no– means to greater goal of having healthier bodies to love and serve the Lord with all our soul, mind and strength and others as ourselves. Pastor Gary’s message on 2 Timothy: Fighting the good fight, running the race, and keeping the faith – running the course, not without aim, not beating the air Critical to know and focus on our course/goal so we know when we’re off track. Ravi’s quote: “Anything that refreshes you without distracting you from, diminishing, or destroying your final goal is a legitimate (vs. illicit) pleasure.” There are 3 major points to drive home the point about having a clear, Christ-centered goal 1. Our desire for wt loss/main must be motivated by faith. Romans 14:23 “Everything that does not come from faith is sin.” FAITH here = a strong conviction of what is right and God’s will for oneself – insert in Not only is God concerned that we have our goal comes from a strong conviction of what is right and falls within God’s will for us, but He is very much concerned about the path we take to reach that goal. The quickest, shortest path may not be the path God would have us take! We may know starvation and laxative abuse are wrong means, but there are a slew of good options out there, but we need to seek God to choose the BEST. HFNG example– Not only applies to building campaigns! So point #2 is… 2. We need to seek God’s counsel to receive His plan, His best path for us to achieve our goal. God tells us in His Word just how important this is to Him! Let’s look at a few verses: Proverbs 21:30 There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. Psalm 127:1-2 Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late!

2 It doesn’t say “Unless the Lord helps build the house…” Let me paraphrase, “Unless the Lord prepares your wt management program, you will diet in vain. In vain you will count calories and fat grams, in vain you will exercise!” If I asked you Carol/Pam/Karla, how do you raise children, what would you say? God’s Word gives many general principles on how to “raise up a child in the way he should go” like discipline we know is important, but the specifics on HOW we discipline each child varies based on our understanding and knowledge of that particular child’s needs. Let me encourage you, fellow children, that we have a heavenly Father who knows us perfectly– He created us and intimately knows our struggles, our weak spots, He knows what diet strategies will work for us and which ones won’t. And this leads us to the most encouraging point of all, which is that IF our goal to lose/main wt is motivated by faith, and IF we seek His plan or path to achieve that goal, THEN… point #3 3. The LORD will be our confidence!! HE will give us success! It is the outworking of Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart– His ways, His plans; Lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him– make sure your motivations are centered on Him and that you seek Him for a plan, THEN HE WILL MAKE YOUR PATHS STRAIGHT!!! He will give you success and not let you stumble! AMEN?! These 3 points lay the foundation for this workshop because I am convinced that all the information, methods, and strategies I offer will not mean a thing otherwise. So this series will be structured in such a way as to provide good, sound information to you and guide you to seek God’s counsel on what is BEST for you. The first bit of information I want to give you that will be woven throughout this workshop are those strategies most used by people who have successfully lost and maintained their wt. OH1 Tonight we are going to go over the first key: Self-Monitoring There are many areas we will monitor, but monitoring our eating patterns will be the first one because further monitoring will stem from this. OH2 Some of you may have done this before– let me tell you why this is so important: Awareness of our patterns and what causes them to perpetuate, is a crucial 1 st step to changing. We have to be conscious of how we act. We cannot change what we are not aware of. I have these forms or checkbook logs whichever you prefer OH3 Keep for one week. Go over “homework assignment” Date and time discussion Closing prayer

3 Step by Step Weight Management Workshop Homework week 1: Next workshop on 9/15 at 4:30 p.m.

4 Keys for “Successful Losers” Self-Monitoring Support Individual Plan Physical Activity Cognitive Restructuring

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