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Tsung Tsin Christian Academy Day 1 Big Group Sharing 29th September, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Tsung Tsin Christian Academy Day 1 Big Group Sharing 29th September, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tsung Tsin Christian Academy Day 1 Big Group Sharing 29th September, 2010

2 Academy Anthem Now thank we all our God, With heart and hands and voices, Who wond'rous things hath done, In whom Tsung Tsin rejoices; Who from our founding year Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today.

3 Academy Anthem O may this bounteous God, Through all the years be near us, With charity and hope And lasting faith sustain us; O help Tsung Tsin to grow And challenges to face; Vouchsafe to keep Tsung Tsin Forever in Thy grace.

4 The Academy Prayer Almighty God, We beseech Thee To grant our academy Thy gracious favour That knowledge may ever be Enlarged and deepened; And all good learning Flourish and abound. Bless all who teach And all who learn; And grant That both teachers and learners, In humility of heart, May look ever upward unto Thee, Who art the Fountain of all wisdom; Who art the Fountain of all wisdom; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

5 Day 1 Theme Servant Leadership Servant Leadership

6 Leader should live …. Purpose driven life Purpose driven life

7 Clarify your goal Identity Belief Environment Who am I? What kind of person am I? What identities do I possess? What are the most important things to me? What kind of environment fit my goal?

8 Clarify your goal Ability Behaviour Spiritual Am I competent to achieve this goal in terms of characters and skills? When I set up my goal, what things I have to do? What things I have to stop doing? What contribution does my goal offered to God, family, society, nation and the world?

9 In order to set an achievable goal, you should know…. Who am I? Who am I?

10 What is that? Activity 1: Ask three questions about this object.


12 What do you concern? Functions of the object Functions of the object Other information like price, weight, place of production etc. Other information like price, weight, place of production etc.

13 Who is he? Activity 2: Ask three questions about this guy.


15 What do you concern? His history His history Other information like age, weight, height etc. Other information like age, weight, height etc. His plan, his dream and his vision His plan, his dream and his vision

16 Ask yourself – Who am I? Your history Your history Other information like age, weight, height etc. Other information like age, weight, height etc. Your plan, your dream and your vision Your plan, your dream and your vision

17 BUT … It depends on how you see yourself!!!

18 If you perceive yourself successor of ape … You are just an animal, or at most a civilized animal.

19 If you perceive yourself dump… Your life will be treated worthless and you will ruin your life.

20 If you perceive yourself a beautiful creature of God … You know that God cares about you and He has a plan in your life.

21 Psalm 139:13~17 13. My flesh was made by you, and my parts joined together in my mother's body. 我的肺腑是你所造的;我在母腹中,你 已覆庇我。

22 Psalm 139:13~17 14. I will give you praise, for I am strangely and delicately formed; your works are great wonders, and of this my soul is fully conscious. 我要稱謝你,因我受造,奇妙可畏;你 的作為奇妙,這是我心深知道的。

23 Psalm 139:13~17 15. My frame was not unseen by you when I was made secretly, and strangely formed in the lowest parts of the earth. 我在暗中受造,在地的深處被聯絡;那 時,我的形體並不向你隱藏。

24 Psalm 139:13~17 16. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book all my days were recorded, even those which were purposed before they had come into being. 我未成形的體質,你的眼早已看見了; 你所定的日子,我尚未度一日,你都寫 在你的冊上了。

25 Psalm 139:13~17 17. How dear are your thoughts to me, O God! how great is the number of them! 神啊,你的意念向我何等寶貴!其數何 等眾多!


27 Hymn No. 26 His sheep am I His sheep am I

28 Reflection Question How is the understanding, you are a wonderful creature of God, affect your goal? Please share. How is the understanding, you are a wonderful creature of God, affect your goal? Please share.

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