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The Holy Spirit and Blessed Trinity
Chapter 3 The Holy Spirit and Blessed Trinity
Holy Spirit is God -Jesus’ glorified body is no longer visible to us after his resurrection but he remains presnt to us through the Holy Spirit -Holy Spirit is the very presence of the risen, glorified Lord -In the Nicene Creed, Catholics profess that the Holy Spirit is “Lord and giver of life” -The Blessed Trinity is the central mystery of our faith
Discussion Questions 1. Name the greatest joy you have ever experienced. 2. What does it mean to say that the Holy Spirit is the “giver of life”?
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit -Wisdom -Understanding -Knowledge -Counsel (right judgement) -Fortitude (courage) -Piety (reverence) -Fear of the Lord (wonder and awe)
Holy Spirit in the Bible
-Holy Spirit spoke through the prophets Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: -In creation, the Spirit brings life ot the world and keeps the world in existence. -God forged a covenant with the Chosen People through Abraham -The Spirit inspired kings like David to rule in Yahweh’s name
Holy Spirit in the New Testament
-Pentecost - day the Holy Spirit descended on Christ’s disciples hiding in the Upper Room in Jerusalem -Immediately afterward the apostles went to proclaim the gospel to the crowds in tongues -Pentecost fulfilled Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit people were baptized that day
-Holy Spirit accompanied Jesus through his whole life:
Jesus Filled with Holy Spirit -Holy Spirit accompanied Jesus through his whole life: -enabled Mary to conceive Jesus helped John the Baptist to prepare people for the “way of the Lord” was at Jesus’ baptism Jesus began his preaching ministry filled with the Spirit’s power Jesus revealed the mystery of the Holy Spirit in his public ministry He promised to send the Holy Spirit (Paraclete) Remained with Jesus even up to his death
Discussion Questions 1.How would you describe the Holy Spirit in one or two sentences based on the scripture passages in this section? 2. Why do you think the disciples gathered again at the Upper Room following Jesus’ death? 3. How is the Holy Spirit a “Spirit of Truth”?
Names, Titles and Symbols
-Holy refers to God’s total uniqueness from his creatures -Spirit also refers to the real sense of something -When Christians join both Holy and Spirit together they are following Jesus’ revelation about the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity Symbols of the Holy Spirit -Fire, Tongues of Fire, Anointing with Oil, Water, Hand, Dove
Discussion Questions 1. The Paraclete “consoles, acts as an advocate, and defends us” How has this statement been true in your life? 2. Describe examples of both the life-giving and destructive elements of the fire and water. How does the Holy Spirit connect with your examples?
Life of Christians Gifts of the Holy Spirit:
-Holy Spirit makes us Christians -Holy Spirit is God’s grace to us -Holy Spirit forms the Church, which is the very Body of Christ and Temple of the Holy Spirit Gifts of the Holy Spirit: -Gifts that make us holy Gifts that serve the Church (charism) Gifts that result in spiritual fruit (fruits of the Holy Spirit)
Where Holy Spirit is Present
The Catechism teaches that the Holy Spirit actively works in the Church in: 1. The Scriptures, which he inspired Sacred Traditions The Magisterium The Sacraments - both word and symbols Prayer The many gifts and ministries that build up Christ’s body The signs that go with the Church’s apostolic and missionary life The saints
Discussion Questions 1.In what ways has your participation in the Church drawn you closer to Christ? 2. How have you experienced the Holy Spirit working in the Church? 3. Identify someone in your family, parish, or school who you feel has one of the charisms of the Spirit. Explain your choice.
Mystery of the Trinity Jesus Reveals the Trinity
-Dogma of the Blessed Trinity is a mystery in the strictest sense -Each mystery is a truth of the faith that is knowable but inexhaustable Jesus Reveals the Trinity -We believe that God is Trinity because of our knowledge and relationship with Jesus -Apostles were sure that God of their ancestors was at work in his Son, Jesus -We believe in the Blessed Trinity because of the things Jesus teaches about who God really is
New Testament Evidence
-Many religions call God “Father” in the sense of creator who loves his children -Jesus was unique in his teachings about Abba/Father -Apostles referred to Jesus as the Word of God -Jesus revealed that God was incredibly loving - in his use of Abba - Parables like the lost coin and lost sheep reveal God to be loving beyond our imagination. His healing miracles reveal a compassionate God. He reveals a Father who gives us his own selfless Son for our redemption
-Every page of the New Testament proves the divinity of Jesus
Reveals Father and Son -Every page of the New Testament proves the divinity of Jesus Mark 1:10-11 -important passage refers to all three divine Persons of the Blessed Trinity -The full mystery of the Blessed Trinity was revealed at Pentecost when the Father and Son sent the Holy Spirit.
Discussion Questions 1. Explain how you understand a God in three persons, the Blessed Trinity. 2. How do you experience God as Father? As Mother? 3. Why is Jesus’ baptism central to understanding the mystery of the Trinity?
Understanding More -Sign of the Cross - begins many Catholics prayer and worship -Large version - made with right hand professes that our minds, hearts, and entire being are under the power of our Holy Redeemer -Small version - made with thumb, petitions the Triune God to bless our thoughts, words, and desires. -We are baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, not in their names -Jesus Christ and the coming of his Holy Spirit have revealed to us that God is a Trinity of Persons
Immanent Trinity -God alone without any references to human beings
-Three important terms that developed to address the mystery of the Trinity: 1. Substance - nature or essence Person - distinctions among the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Relation - all three are distinct because of their relationships Three important truths about God’s own inner life: 1. There is only one God 2. There are three distinct Persons 3. The divine persons have distinct relationships with one another
Economic or Salvific Trinity
-We know God by what he does, how he acts in our lives and in the world -We meet God through creation -Through God-made-flesh, Jesus Christ -As the Holy Spirit who gives us life and directs us to live Christ-filled lives -All three Persons of the Blessed Trinity are involved in common work of salvation Creation is attributed to God, Salvation to the Son, Santification to the Holy Spirit - Divine Missions of the Blessed Trinity
Discussion Questions 1. What does it mean to describe God as a “community-in-unity”? 2. To which Person of the Blessed Trinity do you usually address your prayers? 3. Which symbol for the Trinity described in this section best helps you to understand the mystery of the Trinity? Why?
-The Shield of the Trinity
Trinitarian Symbols -The Shield of the Trinity -The Shamrock -Tree and Sun
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