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EPHESIANS 1:17 Wisdom & Revelation. Do you pray like Paul?  How we pray is as important as what we pray for.  Always full of thanks, remembrance and.

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Presentation on theme: "EPHESIANS 1:17 Wisdom & Revelation. Do you pray like Paul?  How we pray is as important as what we pray for.  Always full of thanks, remembrance and."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPHESIANS 1:17 Wisdom & Revelation

2 Do you pray like Paul?  How we pray is as important as what we pray for.  Always full of thanks, remembrance and praise.  Prayers for each other should be full of Spiritual ambition and focus.  If you want to pray differently come and pray with me.

3 Wisdom  Wisdom is the application of knowledge to life.  Not about knowing the facts, but what to do with those facts.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  Putting God in the picture, seeing things from His perspective.

4 Revelation  Known without being taught.  Experienced not evidenced.  From God? Or where from?

5 To Know Him Better  How do we know Him better?  Fear... To know Him  His perspective... To Know Him  Experience... To Know Him

6 Ephesians 1:17 How do you pray? What could change to make it better? _____________________________________________ How can you get more of God’s perspective? _____________________________________________ Does your fear of the Lord drive you decisions? _____________________________________________ How do we better fear the Lord as a church? _____________________________________________ What can you do to experience more of God? _____________________________________________ What is your plan to know God better? _____________________________________________ Ephesians 1:17 How do you pray? What could change to make it better? _____________________________________________ How can you get more of God’s perspective? _____________________________________________ Does your fear of the Lord drive you decisions? _____________________________________________ How do we better fear the Lord as a church? _____________________________________________ What can you do to experience more of God? _____________________________________________ What is your plan to know God better? _____________________________________________

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