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Cell Reproduction in Bacteria Binary Fission: asexual reproduction producing genetically identical cells.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Reproduction in Bacteria Binary Fission: asexual reproduction producing genetically identical cells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Reproduction in Bacteria Binary Fission: asexual reproduction producing genetically identical cells

2 Cell Cycle: Eukaryotes Growth1: –Cell increases in size –Prepares for division Synthesis: –replicates the genetic material

3 Cell Cycle Growth 2: –Continue to grow Mitosis –Nucleus divides Cytokinesis: –Cell splits Interphase


5 4 Stages P rophase M etaphase A naphase T elophase

6 Prophase coiling of DNA into chromosomes Nucleolus and nuclear membrane break down and disappear Centrosomes appear Spindle fibers appear –Mitotic spindle

7 Metaphase Kinetochore fibers move chromosomes to the middle

8 Anaphase Chromatids of each chromosome separate at the centromere Move towards opposite poles * Now called individual chromosomes

9 Telophase Spindle fibers disassemble Chromosomes uncoil to chromatin state Nuclear envelope forms Nucleolus forms

10 Cytokinesis Cell membrane pinches inward Cleavage furrow: point at where two cells separate Cleavage furrow Cleavage furrow


12 Meiosis: production of gametes Diploid cell producing 4 haploid cells: 4 pollen grains





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