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Mitosis Flashcards.

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1 Mitosis Flashcards

2 Interphase Interphase is not part of mitosis
Draw: Label: Plasma membrane Nucleus DNA Interphase is not part of mitosis This is when the cell is doing its “everyday” job and getting ready for mitosis Cell grows Copies DNA

3 Prophase Beginning of mitosis DNA compacts into chromosomes
Draw: Label: Plasma membrane Nucleus Chromosomes Centromeres Spindle Fibers Centrosome Beginning of mitosis DNA compacts into chromosomes Centrosomes appear and begin to move to opposite ends of cell making the poles of the cell The nuclear envelope breaks down The mitotic spindle forms. It is made up of spindle fibers attached to each centrosome

4 Metaphase Draw: Label: Plasma membrane Chromosomes Centromeres Spindle Fibers Centrosome Metaphase Plate Sister chromatids attach to the spindle fibers at the centromere. Each centromere has two kinetochores that attach to the spindle fibers, one from each centrosome This causes the chromosomes to line up on the metaphase plate

5 Anaphase Draw: Label: Plasma membrane Chromosomes Centromeres Spindle Fibers Centrosome Sister Chromatids separate and begin to move to opposite ends of the cell The centrosomes shorten the spindle fibers dividing the sister chromosomes and bringing them to opposite side of the cell Each chromatid is now considered a new chromosome

6 Telophase Begins when the new chromosomes reach the centrosome
Draw: Label: Plasma membrane Chromosomes Nuclei (pleural) Centrosome Begins when the new chromosomes reach the centrosome The spindle fibers break down Two new nuclei form and the nuclear envelope forms around the chromosomes at each pole of the cell Chromosomes appear as chromatin Cytokinesis occurs

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