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Published byAubrey Collins Modified over 9 years ago
22 STADIUM ELECTRICITY SUPPLY PHILOSOPHY Electricity Supply Philosophy for Peter Mokaba Stadium (N - 1 security of supply a requirement): Pitch lighting powered by a permanent 800 kVA motor generator set. Municipal power as standby. Legacy stadium building systems (IT, selected lights, fire and evacuation systems, electronic systems, sound) supplied by municipal power (4x1500kVA 11000/400 V transformers) and 1600 kVA permanent generator as standby.
33 STADIUM ELECTRICITY SUPPLY PHILOSOPHY UPS System with 600 kVA capacity for 10 min. for start up of back up generator (in 2 above) Broadcast centre IT & T powered by temporary fully redundant generator installation – 2 identical generators, synchronized located outside the building on trailers. Municipal power as further standby. (N-2 security of supply) Stadium precinct overlay and domestic load supplied from municipal grid (mini-subs) with back up generators or from the stadium system
44 STADIUM ELECTRICITY SUPPLY PHILOSOPHY Precinct street lights and parking areas supplied from municipal power ( 6 mini substations with temporary 500 kVA back up generator sets). Fan fest park supplied from 2 x 500 kVA mini substations with temporary back-up generators.
5 DEFINITION OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY ZONES ZONE 1: Eskom 132kV network ZONE 2: Polokwane 66KV network ZONE 3: 11kV network from Beta substation to Peter Mokaba Stadium ZONE 4: All electrical infrastructure at the stadium ZONE 5: All other municipal 11kV and 400V electrical infrastructure ZONE 6: Various diesel generators provided
6 DURING THE EVENT OPERATION Zone 1 (Eskom 132kV network) Zone 1 will be looked at by Eskom from the Regional Control Centre, Witbank. The City of Polokwane electricity department’s control room will be in telephonic contact with Eskom control. Eskom to monitor the feeds to Polokwane and be responsible should there be a failure. Eskom will have personnel on standby at the intake substations. A loss of one supply is critical as the other will be overloaded and the supply to Polokwane is no longer a firm one.
7 DURING THE EVENT OPERATION Zone 2 (Polokwane 66kV network) Zone 2 will be the responsibility of the electricity department. The status of the network will be monitored from the control room. During match day, there will be personnel stationed at the key substations (Beta, Golf Club and Peter Mokaba). Visual checks will be done of overhead lines and switchgear on match day and match day minus one. All battery supplies will be checked to confirm charge. Routine checks will be done on all safety equipment during the event period. A loss of supply in Zone 2 is a serious issue high as the supply will no longer be firm.
8 DURING THE EVENT OPERATION Zone 3 (11kV network Beta to Stadium) Zone 3 will be the responsibility of the electricity department. The status of the network will be monitored from the control room. During match day, there will be personnel stationed at the key Golf course substation. Visual checks will be done on match day and match day minus one. All battery supplies will be checked to confirm charge. Routine checks will be done all safety equipment during the event period. A loss of one supply in Zone 3 is medium as there are three feeds to the stadium with N-2 redundancy.
9 DURING THE EVENT OPERATION Zone 4 (Electrical infrastructure at Stadium) Zone 4 will be the responsibility of the stadium operator. As there is no SCADA on the entire stadium network, the status of the network will be monitored from manually at each local substation or generator. During match day, there will be personnel stationed at each of the identified areas and will provide feedback to the electrical leader. Visual checks of all switchgear and UPS will be done on match day and match day minus one. Routine checks will be done all safety equipment during the event period. The diesel generators will be run on match day minus one as a test. The routine checks as per the manufacture specification will be followed. All battery supplies will be checked to confirm charge. The stadium operator will be responsible for fuel management. In the event of a total loss of power, the stadium is equipped with emergency lighting to assist in the safe evacuation of people.
10 DURING THE EVENT OPERATION Zone 5 (All other munic 11kV and 400V networks) Zone 5 will be the responsibility of the electricity department. The control will monitor the 11kV systems while the 400V will not be monitored. Visual checks will be done prior to the event. All battery supplies will be checked to confirm charge. Routine checks will be done all safety equipment during the event period. The faults will be investigated only after they have been reported by the public. Staff will be on 24 hour stand-by During match day, the VOC commander will notify the electricity department should there be a problem at areas such as park & rides and the like. Loss of supply in Zone 5 is high if the supply to the team hotels and training areas is experienced.
11 DURING THE EVENT OPERATION Zone 6 (All generators outside stadium itself) Zone 6 will be the responsibility of generator contractor. The contractor will be responsible to carry out all routine checks as per the diesel generator manufacturer’s requirements. The contractor will have adequate staff available during the event period. Further, he will monitor fuel and the changeover from the grid to the diesel generators. The contractor’s compliance with the OSHact will be reviewed by the electricity department prior to and during the installation and operating period. Routine checks will be done all safety equipment during the event period. Loss of supply in Zone 6 is low as this is a back up supply.
12 KEY CONSIDERATIONS Provide manpower for the safe operation of all of the installed equipment and systems Adequate capacity and high reliability of supply Efficient resource deployment due to scarcity thereof Provide backup spares Overall site coordination during events for Technical Power, Overlay Backup Power, Legacy Power and Stadium Lighting Investigations and corrective actions during and after events Provide and order diesel for the safe and continued operation of all of the diesel generators
13 PRE - EVENT PREPARATIONS - by Eskom Silica 80 MVA TRF installed and commissioned for the 2 nd Eskom supply to Polokwane Critical maintenance work completed on systems supplying electricity to the FWC event IR scanning done on lines feeding Polokwane Vegetation management done on HT lines 33 kV lines deviation project for N1 bypass Plan in place to obtain critical spares
14 PRE - EVENT PREPARATIONS - by Polokwane Municipality 66 kV line second Eskom supply completed Beta substation upgraded (additional 20 MVA trf) Establish new Golf Club 11kV distribution station to supply the stadium Install 11 kV cables to supply stadium from Beta sub Install distribution system for stadium precinct area Stadium street lights and parking area lighting Electricity supply to Fan Fest Park on cricket grounds Suid street Standby generator service provider appointed. Generators on site 1 May 2010
15 PRE-EVENT PREPARATIONS - by Polokwane Municipality Upgrading work in Alpha (Eskom Pietersburg supply) station – replace 66 kV CB’s and HT yard equipment IR scanning of circuits supplying the stadium and repairs to faults found Acquisition of critical spares Maintenance of municipal electrical systems, specifically those supplying over night accommodation places Special maintenance of street lights and traffic lights
16 COMMUNICATION Communication protocol during match days Customers to Elec. Control room - telephone Stadium VOC to Mun JOC and Elec. Control room – 2 way radio (Electrical dept.) Eskom SAC and Mun JOC – Eskom 2 way radio Elec staff amongst – Elec 2 way radio Cell phones if network coverage allows
17 Human Resource Planning - Standby During match days Control room – one controller + 2 assistants Normal maintenance staff PM JOC – Asst Manager Persons posted in 3 Key substations - Beta – Senior Elec staff member - Golf Club - Senior Elec staff member - PM sub – Senior Elec staff member Fan Fest Park -maintenance during whole FWC event
18 Human Resource Planning - Standby During match days Standby roster with names and telephone numbers for rest of Polokwane (Zone 5) to be populated closer to event
19 HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNINING During Match Days Four hours prior to kick off and two hours after match ends DATES GAMES Sunday 13 June 2010 - 13h30Algeria vs Slovenia Thursday 17 June 201 - 20h30France vs Mexico Tuesday 22 June 2010 - 20h30Greece vs Argentina Thursday 24 June 2010 - 16h00Paraguay vs New Zealand
20 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FAILURE Different scenarios of power failures and procedures to restore supplies
21 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FAILURE Scenario 1: Supply from Eskom Silica to Beta fails Impact on PM stadium No effect on pitch lighting Generator takes over to supply power to stadium Precinct supply from backup generators Reporting of outage: Stadium and precinct users report to Stadium JOC JOC reports to control room Normal reporting by all customers Reporting to Eskom SAC: Elec. control room Elec staff at Beta Actions to restore supply Supply Beta from Eskom Pietersburg sub Load shedding if necessary Eskom establish reason for trip and clear fault Restore supply from Silica
22 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FAILURE Scenario 2: Supply in Beta fails Impact on PM stadium No effect on pitch lighting Generator takes over to supply power to stadium Back up generators take over to supply precinct Reporting of outage: Stadium and precinct users report to Stadium JOC JOC reports to control room Normal reporting by Beta customers Report outage to Eskom SAC Not applicable Actions to restore supply Establish reasons for trip Supply from Eskom P’burg if necessary Clear fault and restore supply Feedback to control room
23 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FAILURE Scenario 3: Supply in Golf Club sub fails Impact on PM stadium No effect on pitch lighting Generator takes over to supply power to stadium Back up generators take over to supply precinct Reporting of outage: Stadium and precinct users report to Stadium JOC JOC reports to control room Report outage to Eskom SAC Not applicable Actions to restore supply Establish reasons for trip Clear fault Restore supply Feedback to control room and JOC
24 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FAILURE Scenario 4: Supply in Peter Mokaba sub fails Impact on PM stadium No effect on pitch lighting Generator takes over to supply power to stadium Back up generators take over to supply precinct Reporting of outage: Stadium and precinct users report to Stadium JOC JOC reports to control room Report outage to Eskom SAC Not applicable Actions to restore supply Establish reasons for trip Clear fault Restore supply Feedback to control room and JOC
25 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FAILURE Scenario 5: Supply from Eskom Pietersburg sub fails Impact on PM stadium No impact Reporting of outage: Effected customers report to control room Report outage to Eskom Control room Actions to restore supply Eskom to establish reason for trip and clear fault Load shedding Restore supply from Pietersburg Feedback to control room
26 LOAD SHEDDING Eskom Northern Region and Polokwane have done scenario planning around load shedding, if necessary. The following principles will apply: No load shedding on Beta supply area (2010 event area) Load shedding of CBD area to be avoided Rural areas around city to be load shedded first Avoid load shedding of hotels, hospitals, airport, other key installations Final planning to be documented during April 2010
27 AFTER THE EVENT Meetings will be held between the Electricity department, ARUP, Aggreko, Match IT&T, Stadium electrical support personnel, HBS and all other relevant and affected parties within 1 day after an event. The purpose of this meeting will be to identify any problems encountered during the event. The meeting will discuss the performance of all personnel, equipment and procedures during the event. Such meetings will be minuted and corrective actions will be determined, documented and performed in order to ensure that problems encountered during an event will not be experienced again.
28 AFTER THE EVENT The largest issue that would have to be dealt with after the event is the removal of temporary diesel generators rented by the City and the management of the fuel removal and spillages if any. Each installation will be visually inspected by a representative of the City and a hand back signed by the representative from the contractor to the City. Restore normal shifts
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