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WHAP Assignments Calendar August 2011
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8. 9. Turn in summer assignment (maps and questions); Introduction to Advanced Placement Classes HW: “The Big Picture” reading packet & questions due 8/10 10. Class procedures; Summer reading discussion; “I Can” statements 1.1 I A-B notes HW: “Human Web” p and questions due 8/11 11. “I Can” 1.1 I C & 1.2 E writing and discussion; Begin Neolithic Revolution lecture 12. Maps Quiz!!; Neolithic Revolution, continued HW: “Human Web” due 8/15 DOWNLOAD FROM ONLINE CLASSROOM 15. Neolithic Revolution, cont. HW: Strayer textbook p.61-69 DOWNLOAD FROM ONLINE CLASSROOM & questions 16. Early Civs map; “What is a Civilization?” notes; Mesopotamia & Egypt examples HW: Strayer textbook p DOWNLOAD FROM ONLINE CLASSROOM & questions 17. Egypt/ Mesopotamia JIGSAW group work chart 18. Student graffiti: What is the difference between a state and am empire?; Early civilization primary sources work HW: Strayer p & questions 19. Chinese Civilization & Philosophies Day HW: Strayer & questions 22. Early Interactions: Religion and Trade primary source pair work, Early religious beliefs power point & Rig Veda reading 23. Learning Target Period I breakdown pair work and whole-class presentation 24. Early Civilizations whole-class essay prompt HW: Strayer textbook p 25. Empires Unit Intro & Craine Brinton’s paradigm for Empires; Classical Empires map HW: Strayer 26. Whole-class timeline; Greece/ Persia SPRITE chart in small groups HW: Strayer textbook p 29. Greece/Persia primary resources discussion circles HW: Strayer & 30. Whole-class timeline; Rome/China SPRITE chart in small groups 31. Han China and Rome primary resources discussion circles 1. China and Rome applying the Brinton paradigm of Empire HW: India readingby 9/6 2. Empires: Rome and China Venn Diagram to Thesis statement (methods of political control prompt from 2010)
WHAP Assignments Calendar September 2011
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5. Labor Day – No School 6. Maurya & Gupta India power point HW: Strayer p & questions 7. Social Hierarchy in the Age of Empires Venn & Discussion; Han, Rome, and Indian (Bhagavad Gita) primary sources 8. Empires QUIZ (Greece, Persia, Rome, Han China, Maurya/Gupta India) HW: Religions readings 9. Religions presentation group work HW: be ready to present with your group on Monday! 12. Religions Presentations! HW: trade routes readings Strayer 13. Trade Routes Maps HW: trade routes readings Strayer 14. Bridging World History Trade Networks videos 15. Zones of Interaction: the development of long distance trade & associated technologies & crops HW: “Southernization” & mindmap by 9/19 16. The Arts in Classical Civilizations: Hellenism and Indian culture 19. Southernization fishbowl 20. Plan test bubbling 21. Period II Target breakdown and class presentations After School Review from 4:00-5:00pm 22. Plan testing 23. Period I & II Test (early river valley civs, early Empires, large empires; trade routes, religions) HW: Bulliet textbook p & optional questions 26. Islam Power point HW: Bulliet p & optional questions 27. vocabulary sheet; Caliphates chart 28. The Messenger DVD HW: Bulliet p & optional questions 29. Caliphates power point HW: When Asia Was the World Ibn Battuta Chapter p and NOT OPTIONAL questions by 10/3 30. The Awakening DVD
WHAP Assignments Calendar October 2011
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3. Urban decline and revivals: causes and effects HW: Bulliet p 4. Byzantine Empire Overview; Constantinople googlemaps tour HW: Bulliet p 5. Byzantine Art & Western European Art; animated Bayeux Tapestry HW: Bulliet p 6. Viking Migrations: Video Game & quick notes; Kievan Rus & the trading city of Novgorod HW: Bulliet p 7. Medieval Europe Overview power point HW: Strayer textbook (online classroom) p WITH NOT OPTIONAL QUESTIONS! 10. Crusades & the revival of European trade contacts in trading city-states ; primary sources and video clip (Islam: Empire of Faith) 11. Concept 3.3 Compare and Contrast in-class essay prep work 12. “Increasing Economic Productivity” C&C whole-class essay 13. FALL BREAK! 14. FALL BREAK! 17. Sui, Tang, Song China timeline HW: Strayer p & 18. Pastoral contacts with China & the Asian commercial revolution; Video - Bridging World History unit 8 early economies 19. Solidifying Confucianism in China: Crack down on Buddhism primary sources and foot binding ppt HW: Strayer p & Japanese feudal system wksheets 20. The influence of China & Eurasian trade networks on Japan HW: Begin “Fire Is Born” National Geographic article and questions – begin it! NOT OPTIONAL 21. “Fire is Born” National Geographic article and questions on Maya city-states and discussion HW: Inca Empire Nat Geo article and questions NOT OPTIONAL 24. Maya, Aztec, Inca ppt; Pre-Columbian primary resources whole class discussion HW: Day of Empire online reading & questions Part I – Not Optional 25. Maya, Aztec, Inca SPRITE Chart; thesis practice HW: Day of Empire Part II – Not Optional 26. Discuss DBQ rubric; Mongols DBQ documents Act-It Out HW: Day of Empire Part III – Not Optional 27. Mongols DBQ 28. Mongols Fishbowl
WHAP Calendar November 2011
Zheng He’s Ship WHAP Calendar November 2011 Columbus’s Ship Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 31. Comparing Mongol Empires: Persia, Russia, China Graphic Organizer Compare and Contrast Essay whole-class and individual work HW: Online Classroom Bentley textbook p ; 2. African Islamic Trading Empires: Ghana, Mali, Songhay, Great Zimbabwe group notes HW: Bentley textbook p ; 3. Quiz on Islam, Byzantium, Medieval Europe, Sui/Tang/Song; & Mongols; Finish group notes; Millennium video –Malian Empire and video questions 4. Discuss Quiz; Swahili Coast trade questions; Black Death primary source HW: Bulliet textbook p 7. Jewish Diaspora Traders in the Indian Ocean Article and Questions; European Revival - trading cities, guilds, and banking discussion After School Review with Sully Monster in the Library 4-5 8. Period III Review After School Review with Panda Booth in the Library from 4-5 9. Period III Multiple Choice EXAM! HW: Bulliet textbook p & Renaissance Man worksheet 10. European Renaissance guided notes 11. Medieval versus Renaissance Art power point and discussion questions worksheet HW: Bulliet textbook p (including “The Fall of the Yuan”) 14. Ming Dynasty Graphic Organizer in small groups, Zheng He Millennium Video HW: Bulliet textbook p 15. Government Change in Early Modern Europe brainstorming; Compare and Contrast Ming and Renaissance Revivals discussion 16. Early European exploration guided notes; Begin Guns, Germs, and Steel DVD Episode II & questions HW: Online Classroom reading and questions from Spice – needs to be done by 11/18 17. Finish Guns, Germs, and Steel Video Episode II & questions 18. Spice Fishbowl HW: Bulliet textbook p 21. European Encounters with Africans and Americans – primary source analysis and notes HW: Read Flow of Silver DBQ Documents & complete analysis worksheet 22. In-class DBQ Essay 23. Thanksgiving Break! 24. 25. Beef is good for you!
WHAP Calendar December 2011 SNOW DAYS ARE NOT EXCUSES! KEEP UP WITH READING! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 28. Protestant Reformation guided notes; Martin Luther Primary Sources HW: Bulliet p 29. Catholic Reformation guided notes & witch hunts discussion, Monty Python clip! HW: Bulliet p 30. Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment guided notes HW: Bulliet p 1. Political and Economic Changes in Europe guided notes 2. Review & Exploration/Ch. 16 Quiz HW: Bulliet p 5. Columbian Exchange Learning Stations HW: Bulliet p 6. Finish learning stations; Millennium Video & questions HW: Bulliet 7. Spanish Colonies & Native American Resistance guided notes & Millennium Brazil video HW: Bulliet p 8. British & French Colonies – comparison pictures with Spanish; thesis creation 9. The Atlantic System overview guided notes; Group discussion questions HW: Bulliet p 12. Sugar and Slavery & The Middle Passage guided notes HW: Bulliet p 13. The World Trade Created Reading and Discussion with Questions HW: Indentured Servitude DBQ Document Analysis worksheet 14. Atlantic Economy Art Analysis; Indentured Servitude DBQ in-class work 15. Indentured servitude DBQ 16. Ch Quiz 19. No School 20. Happy Relaxation Time! 21. Eat some cookies, lay around, watch a movie, generally do nothing 22. 23. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
WHAP Calendar January 2012 Remember to keep up with your reading on snow days!
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Mind Map HW: Bulliet p 3. Gun-Powder Empires Intro guided notes; Group Discussion- land v. sea power HW: Bulliet p 4. Islamic Empires Chart HW: Bulliet 503 – 507 5. Gunpowder Empires vs. Trading Sea Empires: Compare and Contrast in-class essay preparation 6. Gunpowder Empires vs. Trading Sea Empires: Compare and Contrast in-class essay HW: Bulliet 516 – 525 9. China in the late Ming and early Qing guided notes 10. China in the Late Ming and Early Qing/ MacCartney Mission to Qing China play read-through 11. Club Day MacCartney Mission to Qing China – act out play and discuss HW: Bulliet p 12. Tokugawa Japan 13. Ch. 19 – 20 Review 16. NO SCHOOL – MLK Jr. Day 17. Tokugawa Shogunate - DVD HW: Bulliet p. 525 – 531 18. Russian Westernization under Peter the Great & Catherine the Great HW: Bulliet p 19.Discuss 2007 AP Exam Compare & Contrast question & create thesis After School Review Session 4-5 20. Unit IV Review 23. Unit IV Multiple Choice Test (Ch ) & Notebooks Due! HW: Bulliet p. 537 – 552 24. Age of Revolutions Intro & American Revolution guided notes; Declaration of Independence v. Dec of Rights of Man t-chart HW: Bulliet 25. French Revolution (moderate & radical phases) guided notes; French Rev Cartoons group work 26. French Revolution (Napoleon); Napoleon quotes wksheet HW: Bulliet p 27. Haitian Revolution reading & group questions; Revolutions review
WHAP Calendar February 2012
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 30. Latin American Revolutions characteristics ppt; Simon Bolivar’s Jamaican Letter Analysis HW: Latin American Revolutions wksheets 31. Latin American Revolutions group notes HW: Bulliet p 1. Revolutions Comparison work; Ch. 21 & 23 Atlantic Revolutions QUIZ; People’s movements: Abolition and Women’s Suffrage HW: 569 – 581 with inventions wksheet due 2/3 2. Agricultural & Industrial Revolution Ppt; Population Explosion demonstration HW: 3. Industrial Revolution Social Consequences: Child Labor & Disease; Train travel Primary Sources Inventions Wksheet DUE! HW: 6. Charlie Chaplain Modern Times clip; “Isms” notes & discussion 7. Industrialization Goes Global wksheet; Industrialization and Social Change Discussion HW: Industrialization in Japan and India primary sources analysis wksheet 8. Millennium Video: 19th Century & questions; discuss DBQ 9. In-class DBQ: Industrialization in Japan and India HW: 10. Trans-Oceanic Empire Building Basics guided notes; Ch. 22 Industrial Revolution QUIZ 13. Guns, Germs, and Steel Episode III & questions – Woo hoo Zulu! HW: 14. From Colonialism to Empire-building: The British Empire in India HW: & History of the World in 6 Glasses 15. British Settler Colonies: Australia HW: Finish 6 Glasses; Bulliet p 16. Imitators: the USA and Russia Expand guided notes 17. Chapter 24 QUIZ; Tea & Empire Fishbowl HW: 20. Mohammad Ali – Late Ottoman and Egypt guided notes 21. Ottoman Empire Reform Movements: Tanzimat Reforms & Young Ottomans Africa Map Quiz NEXT Tuesday! HW: 22. Chinese responses to the West: Isolation HW: 23. Japanese responses to the West: Meiji Restoration & Engagement 24. Chapter 25 + Japan QUIZ; Chinese and Japanese Responses: Writing Point of View statements for DBQs HW: 2002 AP Exam C&C Thesis & Outline
WHAP Calendar March 2012 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
27. Wrap Up: China & Japan Compare & Contrast Outline; Ch. 26 group questions & modern art activity HW: 28. Nationalism Definition Activity; Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire and Egypt Venn diagrams HW: ; conclusion 29. Unification of Germany & Italy notes, Ch. 26 Review HW: 1. Imperialism Overview notes & Motives pair work; AFRICA MAPS QUIZ! HW: 2. Imperialism Learning Centers HW: & complete your Learning Centers, if needed 5. SNOW DAY 6. ACT Testing – Only 5&6th period meet After School Review HW: study CCOT Essay rubric 7. Berlin Conference: Notes & Discussion of point-of-view in African and British primary sources 8. Change and Continuity Over Time Essay Rubric Discussion & Examples 9. Unit V Review HW: 12. Unit V Exam (Ch ) & Notebook Due! HW: 13. WWI guided notes (MAIN Causes) HW: & Colonial Troops in WWI wksheet 14. Russian Revolution & WWI Aftermath HW: & Middle East Partition Map 15. Middle East Partition & Mandates Cartoon Activity HW: 16. No School! 19. Stalin’s Russia video & questions HW: 20. World Economic Depression & Fascism HW: 21. WWII overview guided notes HW: 22. Total War & Propaganda activities; Sniper Grannies video HW: CCOT ESSAY due 3/27 23. WWII in the Pacific – video 26. WWII Events History Alive Activity; Atomic Bomb discussion HW: 27. Cold War ideologies; iron curtain wksheet HW: 28. Cold War, cont.; Arms-race demonstration HW: 839 – 840 & 842 – 845; & 29. Non-Aligned Movement HW: 750 – 752 & & 30. Modern China guided notes overview HW: Ch. 30 & Reading Questions
WHAP Calendar April 2012 due 4/20 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday 2. Spring Break! Do your homework! 3. 4. 5. ARE YOU DONE WITH CHAPTER 30 READING QUESTIONS YET?? 6. Spring Break Homework due tomorrow! Ch. 30 with reading questions! 9. Mao’s China HW: Decolonization Intro Reading and Questions 10. Decolonization overview & guided notes HW: Korea OR Vietnam Reading & Questions & Bulliet p. 856 11. Decolonization in East & Southeast Asia HW: Bulliet p ; 12. Decolonization in Africa HW: Modern Turkey Reading & Questions & Bulliet p 13. Decolonization in the Middle East HW: LAST CCOT Essay, 2007 Exam: National Identities due 4/20 AP Review Session Saturday from 9am -12pm! CHORUS ROOM 16. END OF COURSE TESTS – a.m. WHAP DON’T MEET CCOT Essay Help available in the library after school until 5:00! 17. Decolonization Wrap-Up: Common Issues of New Nations HW: India Aftermath: Choices reading & questions part I 18. END OF COURSE TESTS – a.m. WHAP DON’T MEET HW: India Aftermath: Choices reading & questions part II 19. END OF COURSE TESTS – a.m. WHAP DON’T MEET 20. Indian Independence HW: 23. Mexican Revolution and Latin America after the Cold War HW: LAST Compare/Contrast Essay on Revolutions due 4/27 24. Modern Middle East: Israel-Palestine HW: p 25. Modern Dictatorships and Totalitarian Regimes: North Korea & Iran Case studies HW: SKIM Ch. 33 & Definitions Sheet 26. Modern Issues Fishbowl 27. In-class PRACTICE MULTIPLE CHOICE EXAM for participation credit
WHAP Calendar May 2012 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
30. REVIEW 1. REVIEW 2. REVIEW HW: Thesis Practice wksheet Part 1 3. REVIEW HW: Thesis Practice wksheet Part 2 In-class timed DBQ MOCK EXAM SATURDAY 9:00-1:00!!! 7. REVIEW HW: Thesis Practice wksheet Part 3 8. In-class timed Compare and Contrast Essay 9. REVIEW HW: Thesis Practice wksheet Part 4 AFTER SCHOOL REVIEW 4-5 SULLY 10. REVIEW AFTER SCHOOL REVIEW 4-5 BOOTH 11. FINAL EXAM: MOCK AP MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST FOR CREDIT! 14. REVIEW 15. REVIEW 16. REVIEW AFTER SCHOOL REVIEW 4-6 BOOTH and SULLY 17. AP Testing Day at ECS! Arrive Early for Breakfast! Test BEGINS at 8:00 am!!! Breakfast at 7:20 18. Come to school on Monday for FUN! HW: APUSH SUMMER ASSIGNMENT
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