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EGYPT-Sharm el Sheikh A guide to have a perfect holiday in Egypt packed with fun and activities! For fantastic offers click here.

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2 EGYPT-Sharm el Sheikh A guide to have a perfect holiday in Egypt packed with fun and activities! For fantastic offers click here.

3 Contents GDP growth in EgyptWhere exactly are you going..Activities for each dayWhat can you eatWhat can you buyWhere can you stayHow to get there

4 GDP growth in Egypt compared to MENA and world average

5 Where exactly are you going.. Egypt is a country with a large population located in the region of Africa. Its biggest cities and towns include Cairo, Alexandria, Sharm el Sheikh, Gizeh and Port Said. With its history of the past era with mummies and ancient leaders it is a country which will leave you with many places to visit and explore including some of the worlds largest pyramids.

6 Activities for each day… Sunday-Family day, head out to family activities centre including swimming pools and children entertainers. Monday-Quad biking and sand bugging, have the ultimate ride of your life. Tuesday-Splash your cash and have a shopping spree. Wednesday and Thursday-Complete 2 day trip and travel across all the tourist hotspots. Friday-Soho square- a night spent a centre made of complete ice, including all ice activities. Saturday-Ride on a boat with a glass bottom having access to see the corals and exciting life under.

7 What can you eat… Hotels will accommodate a varies of different dishes to provide food for all the tourists different needs. Bread is a side dish which will be available at all times as it provides the backbone for Egypt cuisine. Here is what a typical Egyptian menu would look like.

8 What can you buy… Souvenirs include key rings, jewellery and necklaces made by the Bedouins (desert people). Fake designersTraditional Egyptian spicesHieroglyphics memorabilia'sEgyptian cottons (one of the best in the world)Egypt’s national clothing

9 Where can you stay… The Sharm Plaza's array of restaurants and facilities offer a lots of choices for how to spend your time. Whether you're looking for a quiet corner in which to read, or a more active adventure such as a snorkelling on the famous Far Garden reef (accessible from the hotel's jetty), you won’t be disappointed. Take a closer look at hotel offers Click to explore!

10 How do you get there… Travelling on a plane usually takes about 4 hours and would cost you around £400- 500, including hotel costs for a total stay of 7 days. If the holiday deals are not to your standard you can also make your own plans and book tours etc! (A link is provided on the useful links page.)

11 Useful links Http:// el|+Egypt+|+ Holiday&AdGroup=Egypt+|+Egypt+|+Holiday+- +Generic&Keyword=%2Bholiday%20%2Bto%20%2Begypt&MatchType=b&Device=c&utm_source= msn&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=%2Bholiday%20%2Bto%20%2Begypt Make your own plans

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