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Next Week Kidz Church In Recess Teen Church In recess Please stay for a cup of tea or coffee after the service. Members who require prayer meet in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Next Week Kidz Church In Recess Teen Church In recess Please stay for a cup of tea or coffee after the service. Members who require prayer meet in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Week Kidz Church In Recess Teen Church In recess Please stay for a cup of tea or coffee after the service. Members who require prayer meet in the chapel after the service. Prayer & Praise Requests: Ian Rae – going to Albert Luthuli Hospital for skin cancer on face. Shirley Jennings – two cracked ribs. Rob Cubbin Snr - in Durban Hospital. Hennie & Vera Kunneke Mel & Nick Kleinhans – Mel has finished chemotherapy and radium treatment, but still very frail. Rebecca Nagal - back home, still not able to walk. Summer Camp – travel mercies, young people to come to know the Lord. Sid Tyler – further tests. Sunday 21 December 9am Family Service “Nazareth” -Pastor Chris Anderson - 6pm Evening Service No Thursday Prayer Meeting FridayYouth in recess for the school holidays Farewell To Gwen Fischer who is re-locating to Knysna. COMMUNION HELPERS Looking for volunteers to set up the communion table on the 1 st Sunday of every month for 2015. If 12 people volunteer you will only have to do it once for the year. You are welcome to rope people in to help you on your day. Please contact Carol in the office. Thank you 13-17 December Special church meeting: to be held after the service this morning at 10:15 for the call committee to make a recommendation to the members for the proposed candidate for appointment as associate pastor. Thank you To everyone who donated groceries so generously to the Care Cupboard. 6pm Service tonight Please bring your own candle and a plate of eats to share. e.g. mincepies Condolences to o Kathy Hill and the family on Pat’s passing and o To the Germond family on the passing of Ilse Germond. Help needed for catering We need help on Friday 19 th to cater for ± 30 youth from Tukkies who are ministering in the area. Please speak to Monique Whelan. Truck Carol-ling Friday 19 December 16:00 – 18:30

2 BANK DETAILS Margate Baptist Church Standard Bank, Margate Acc No. 053273036 Branch No. 05752840 DUTIES: - 21 December Door Duty: Louise Harley / Maureen Greeff / Violet Love / Carol Pautz Tea Duty: Janice Miller’s Group Lock up Duty: Sid Tyler Lock-up Duty TODAY Keith Langton Office: Youth Office: 039 312 0245 039 312 1177 Senior Pastor: Children’s Pastor Chris Anderson Intern: 082 3833733 Monique Whelan 072 842 4022 Youth Pastoral Interns: Meghan Aereboe JP Momberg 073 240 7021 072 711 8878 Youth Workers Sarah Paxton Donne de Wet 076 637 2890 071 885 7237 There are BIBLES in the cupboard at the back of the church. Please put them back at the close of the service. There are also cushions for the chairs, under the stairs at the back of the church. Sermon Notes: “Egypt” 9 DAY TOUR OF ISRAEL Departing 21 March 2015 Tour leaders John & Catrien Haupt Flyers and details are available on the table at the back of the church. HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Tom Parry 15 th Olivia Luke 16 th Rina Du Plessis 16 th __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ So what? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ _________________________________________

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