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African American Celebration A time to celebrate…

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2 African American Celebration A time to celebrate…

3 Enchantment Laverne Ross

4 Heritage Culture Remembrance

5 With Emphasis On…. Family values Community responsibility Self Improvement

6 In Kiswahili… Kwanzaa stands for…

7 Founded in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga Based on the Nguzo Saba… The Seven Guiding Principles

8 Seven Guiding Principles

9 1. Umola (oo-mo-jah)

10 1. Umoja Unity Importance of togetherness for Family and community “I Am We.” “I Am We Because We Are.”

11 2. Kujichagulia (Koo-gee-cha-goo-lee-yah)

12 2. Kujichagulia Self-determination Define our common interest Make decisions that are in the best interest for entire family

13 3. Ujima- (oo-gee-mah)

14 3. Ujima Collective work and responsibility Obligation to the past, present and future We have a role to play in the community, society and world!

15 4. Ujimaa- (oo-jee-mah)

16 4. Ujimaa Cooperative economics Emphasizes our collective economic strength Encourage us to meet common needs through mutual support

17 5. Nia- (Nee-yah)

18 5. Nia Purpose Encourages us to look within ourselves To set goals that are beneficial to the community

19 6.Kuumba (Koo-oom-bah)

20 6. Kuumba Creativity To build and maintain A strong and vibrant community

21 7.Imani (Ee-mah-nee)

22 7. Imani Faith Honoring the best of our traditions Draws upon the best in ourselves Helps us strive for a higher level of life For humankind, by affirming our Self worth And confidence in our ability to succeed

23 Ankh Symbolic representation of physical and eternal life Power to give and sustain life Associated with water- regenerate life 1 st created by Africans in Ancient Egypt

24 “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the strength to do what is right in the face of it.”


26 Karumua “Kwanzaa Celebration” “brings us closer to our African roots” Celebrated December 26-January 1

27 During the Kwanzaa Karumua (celebration) Kukaribisha (Welcoming) Kuumba (Remembering)

28 Kwanzaa Karumua Kuchunguza Tena Na Kutoa Ahadi Tena (reassesment and recommitment) Kushangilla (rejoicing)

29 Kwanzaa Karumua Kutoa Majina Calling names of family Ancestors and Black Heroes

30 and a Tarnshi la Tutaonana a farewell statement is made

31 Kwanzaa Karumua Tamshi la Tambiko (Libation Statement)

32 Libation Statement: “For the Motherland cradle of civilization For the Ancestors and their indomitable spirit For the Elders from whom we can learn much. For the Youth who represent the promise for tomorrow. For the People the original people. For the Struggle and in remembrance of those who have struggled on our behalf. For Umoja the principle of Unity which should guide us in all that we do. For the Creator who provide all things Great and Small.”


34 Feast Kikombe Cha Umoja (Unity Cup) Filled with water (the essence of life) is passed around In the direction of the 4 winds N, S, E, W

35 Feast Ngoma Drums are played

36 Feast Kuumba Creativity Hand crafted gifts are given

37 Kwanzaa Colors are displayed… Green Black Red Represent the heritage of African- American people

38 Kinara- Candle holder Similar to a Menorah in the Jewish faith for Chanukah Kinara- 7 candles reflect the 7 principles that are the foundation of Kwanzaa

39 Kinara Mishumaa saba 7 candles 1 black 3 red 3 green “Gifts that are enriching.”

40 Mkeka Straw placemat Foundation of the center piece

41 Corn Symbolize African concept of Social parenthood Vibunzi- each ear of corn for each child in household

42 Mazao Fruits and vegetables Kwanzaa-”first fruits of the harvest.”

43 Kuumba Yams 6-9 medium yams Butter 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 cup honey Spices, nutmeg, cinnamon all spice Fruits, raisins, grated coconut, pineapple Wash yams Rub with oil Place in uncovered shallow baking dish Bake 45 minutes or until tender Cool Add different spices and/or fruits to yams

44 Black-eye Pea Salad Black-eyes peas symbolize Good Luck! 3 15oz. Cans black-eye peas 2 cups cooked cubed ham 1 cup celery 1 large green/red pepper 1 med onion 1 teaspoon yellow mustard 1 cup mayonnaise Salt and pepper Stir, refrigerate and eat.


46 “To do always as much as we can in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial then we inherited it.”

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