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Parent Course Selection Information Night For Grade 9 RAP Parents.

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1 Parent Course Selection Information Night For Grade 9 RAP Parents

2 Graduation Requirements 30 credits 18 compulsory credits: 4 credits English 3 credits Math (at least 1 in Gr. 11 or 12) 2 credits Science 1 credit Canadian Geography - Grade 9 1 credit Canadian History - Grade 10 1 credit French as a second language 1 credit Arts 1 credit Health & Physical Education 1 credit Careers/Civics ** Substitute with a RAP Art Credit

3 Additional Credits Three additional credits - one from each of the following lists: Group 1: Additional credit in English, or French or a Native language an international language, or Social Sciences and the Humanities or Canadian and World Studies, or Guidance and Career Education, or Cooperative Education **** GRADE 11 WORLD RELIGION ***** Group 2: Additional credit in Health and Physical Education, or the Arts, or Business Studies, or Cooperative Education ****** RAP ART CREDIT GRADE 9 ***** Group 3: Additional credit in Science(11 or 12), or Technological Education, or Computer Studies, or Co-operative Education ****** SUMMER CO OP AT HARBOURFRONT***** Plus successful completion of the Grade 10 Literacy Test Plus 40 hours of Community Service

4 COMPULSORY COURSES for Grade 10 RAP Students English RAP Religion and Physical Education Mathematics Science Canadian History/ Summer School Option 2 RAP Courses Elective Courses 1-if you do not go to summer school for History 2 – if you do go to summer school

5 Elective Courses Comprehensive Arts: Dance Drama Instrumental Music Jazz Band Music Strings Keyboard/Music & Computers Vocal Music Visual Art Business Studies: Introduction to Business Computer Studies: Computer Science Moderns: French Italian Spanish Social Sciences & Humanities: Family Studies/Nutrition Technological Studies: Construction Technology Transportation Technology Communication Technology Manufacturing Technology

6 Grade 9 Principles Academic 75 MPM1D Grade 9 Foundations Applied MFM1P Grade 9 MAT1L Grade 10 Principles Academic MPM2D Grade 10 Foundations Applied MFM2P Grade 10 MAT2L Grade 11 U Functions MCR3U Grade 11 M Functions and Applications MCF3M Grade 11 C Foundations for College Math MBF3C Grade 11 Math for Work and Everyday Life MEL3E Grade 12 U Advanced Functions MHF4U Grade 12 U Math of Data Management MDM4U Grade 12 U Calculus and Vectors MCV4U Grade 12 C Math For College Technology MCT4C Grade 12 C Foundations for College Math MAP4C Grade 12 Math for Work and Everyday Life MEL4E Functions is a prerequisite for Calculus University Degree engineering computer science commerce life science architecture University Degree business kinesiology general science life science nursing College Diploma auto mechanics engineer technician Tool and Die College Diploma practical nursing business Hotel, Travel direct to workplace vocational programs service industries many programs require a 2 nd math eg. business Sample of Post-Secondary Destinations Chart for Mathematics, Grades 9 – 12

7 SUMMER SCHOOL JULY 2012 Remedial (repeat) summer school credits offered for compulsory subjects in grade 9 You may take remedial summer school if your mark is between 35%-49% in a grade 9 compulsory courses If your mark is below 35% the compulsory course must be repeated in first semester of grade 10 Limited offerings of Full Credit Courses in summer school for Grade 10 - History recommended for RAP students


9 1. Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences (DEGREES) 2. : Business Related Programs (DEGREES) 4. Engineering or Physical Sciences (DEGREES) 3. Life Sciences Programs (DEGREES) 5. Fine Arts (DEGREES)

10 UNIVERSITY ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS General Guideline for Ontario Universities: 6 Grade 12 University-U code or University/College - M code Courses Note: Grade 12 RAP courses are University/College Courses – code M Both Grade 12 RAP courses can be used for University Admission

11 HUMANITIES / SOCIAL SCIENCE DEGREE Grade 12 University English plus Religion or Philosophy plus 4 other U or M level courses Choose 4 of the following: 2 Grade 12 Rap Courses, History, Politics, World Issues, Law, Economics, Writer’s Craft, Literature, Food and Nutrition, Canadian Families, Challenge and Change, Photography, Media, Film, International Languages, other Art credits

12 BUSINESS DEGREE Grade 12 U English Grade 12 Religion or Philosophy Grade 12 U Math – 1 or 2 Math Credits in Data, Functions, Calculus Suggested courses: Economics, Accounting RAP Courses

13 LIFE SCIENCE DEGREE Grade 12 University English Grade 12 Religion or Philosophy Grade 12 Functions and Calculus Grade 12 Biology Grade 12 Chemistry RAP Course(s) * Physics may be recommended and can be taken at Summer School after grade 10 and grade 11 or 12*

14 FINE ART DEGREE Grade 12 University English Grade 12 Religion or Philosophy 4 other Grade 12 U or M courses : 2 Grade 12 RAP Courses 2 other Grade 12 U or M courses Audition or Portfolio

15 1. Non-Technical (General Arts, Early Childhood Ed.) 2. Business Related Programs (Marketing, Accounting) 4. Technical (Computer Systems, Automotive Technician) 3. Science or Health (Massage Therapy, Paramedic)

16 COLLEGE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS English – college or university level Math – college level required for many programs Business, Health,Technology Science – college level required for some programs

17 Post-Secondary Resources Go to:  for university info  for college info  for apprenticeship info

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