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Vocabulary, “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”

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1 Vocabulary, “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”
Turn to page 575 in your textbook. Copy the definitions beginning with “garrulous” through “ornery.” Write SENTENCES with each vocabulary term. When you are finished, pre-read the story found on pg 581. Be prepared to take notes.

2 The Civil War & Expansion
The Age of Realism The Civil War & Expansion

3 Transformative Years Industrialization: ( ) America transforms from agricultural nation to industrial nation North vs. South: Civil War Freedom or slavery? North: Commerce South: agriculture and cotton industry; sugar, rice, and tobacco Controversy over slavery influence literature of the day

4 North Vs. South Anti-slavery (for the most part)
Transportation & Immigration Industrial Revolution brought reform to the North Slower-paced Plantations Institution of Slavery

5 Abraham Lincoln Represented newly formed Republican party
Dedicated to halting spread of slavery President through the Civil War times Assassinated in 1865

6 Expanding America Change occurred quickly after Civil War years
Physical expansion & industrialization transformed landscape, economy, society, and identity Westward Expansion: Homestead Act of 1862: 160 acres to anyone who’d live and improve land over certain period Half a million farmers, tens of thousands of emancipated African Americans, all went West National Railroad System replace covered wagons

7 Changing Society Electricity 1880s: triggered Second Industrial Revolution Electricity replaced steam power Electric lights, telephones, automobiles, motion pictures, phonographs Advertising City Life Skyscrapers, department stores, mass transportation Negative impacts: noise, traffic jams, air pollution, crime and slums

8 Wealth & Poverty Population grew from 50 million to 76 million; 9 million immigrants over 20 year period Millions of Americans left farms and small towns and moved to cities for work Wages of workers were low Child labor Dark, unventilated apartments with no toilets; disease Owners of big operations made fortunes Mark Twain: “The Gilded Age”: representing veneer of glitter over something of poor quality

9 Literature of the Period
Theme of Discontentment Women, African Americans, and workers agitated by changes in social, economic, and political status Spirituals Work songs, war songs, laments, lullabies, and funeral dirges Abolitionist Narratives Frederick Douglass: autobiography and indictment of slavery Wartime Voices Diaries, letters, journals, speeches during the war Gettysburg Address

10 Realism & Naturalism Realism began after Civil War
Victory in War led to cost in human life and nation’s idealism Young writers turned away from Romanticism Writers focus on “real life” as ordinary people live it Naturalism depicted people in real situations but believed forces larger than individual (nature, fate, heredity) shaped individual Human Endurance Saw industrialization as a force against which individuals were powerless

11 Mark Twain and America Best known for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Captured speech of everyday characters, as opposed to common, formal speech writers had used prior to him Utilizes dialects and speech patterns for each of his characters Work considered to be written in “American” English

12 Life on the River & The Traveling Man
Twain (given name Samuel Langhorne Clemens) felt tied to Mississippi River Pen Name: Mark Twain meaning, “two fathoms deep.” Printer’s apprentice until age of 21 because riverboat pilot Civil War closed traffic on Mississippi River , Twain became a journalist/lecturer The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County published in First big hit Travelled throughout his lifetime Wrote: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer

13 Mark Twain Mini Bio

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