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Ongoing User Engagement via Professional Development Workshops: Pathways 2006-2007 Eileen McIlvain, Susan Van Gundy.

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Presentation on theme: "Ongoing User Engagement via Professional Development Workshops: Pathways 2006-2007 Eileen McIlvain, Susan Van Gundy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ongoing User Engagement via Professional Development Workshops: Pathways 2006-2007 Eileen McIlvain, Susan Van Gundy

2 Goals of Pathways workshops initiative  Increase participants’ use of NSDL Pathway portals and leverage their experience to impact a larger audience  Improve participant knowledge about digital libraries, NSDL, and how to effectively integrate digital resources in the undergraduate or K-12 classroom  Provide participants with concrete, real-world strategies that are effective and easy to implement, and that enrich their teaching practice

3  Provide post-workshop opportunities that support and engage participants as ongoing advocates and members of the NSDL educational community  Develop effective models and an infrastructure for workshops that can be easily replicated by workshop participants, Pathways, and other NSDL projects, and be adapted for distance learning environments  NSDL provided funding, coordination of logistics, travel, equipment, materials. Pathways had leeway to construct workshops in accordance with their outreach goals, choice of setting, focus of activities

4 Workshop design or type… Collaborative discussion: MatDL, Teachers’ Domain Collaborative hands-on development: ComPADRE Train-the-trainer/user in use of digital resources for education: Math Gateway, BEN, AMSER, CSERD, Engineering Online participation: Engineering, ChemEd DLib Conference setting: AMSER, Engineering Hands-on component: All, except MatDL

5 Capacity-building goals  Professional development and training:  Use of digital resources, tools, or services in teaching/learning: AMSER, BEN, CSERD, Engineering, Math Gateway  Use of digital resources in other capacities:  reviewing/selection of resources: Engineering  use of courseware (Moodle) supporting chemistry education: ChemEd DLib  hands-on collaborative development and dissemination of curricula via wiki use: ComPADRE  wiki use supporting research dissemination: MatDL  Outreach and dissemination best practices: BEN  Professional development expansion and outreach: Teachers’ Domain  Collaborative discussion fostering partnership opportunities: MatDL, Teachers’ Domain

6 Varied scope, length, setting…  AMSER - 3 hour workshop in a conference setting; preceded by a prior-day one-hour presentation that paved the way. Hands-on exploration of AMSER. 28 participants, solicited via email list serve announcement and conference announcement; 2-year and community college faculty, administrators, instructional designers.  BEN - 3.5 days of professional development; collaborative discussion, hands-on exploration. 25 participants selected by application process for year-long professional development program; undergraduate biosciences faculty.  ChemEd DLib – current: 8 week online training course in use of Moodle for utilizing ChemEd DLib resources; 25 undergraduate faculty participants to develop a workshop, course section, or faculty/high school teacher development program incorporating ChemEd DLib resources.  ComPADRE – 3 days of collaborative discussion, planning, hands-on exploration of wiki for curriculum development and provision; 9 high school teachers using specific physics curricula.

7 Varied scope, length, setting…  CSERD - 1.5 days of hands-on training in use of DL portals and tools for effective teaching/learning. 22 invited participants; high school teachers and other-than-school (ots) program staff.  Engineering – 4 hour hands-on workshop in a conference setting, with online component for distance participants. Training in use of DLs/portals for EP associate editors. 18 participants (6 online)  MatDL – 1 day of informational and collaborative discussion between NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSECs) and NSDL/MatDL. 32 invited participants, MRSEC program officers, MRSEC staff, National Institute of Standards (NIST) representatives  Math Gateway – 2 days of hands-on exploration and enabling strategies for secondary outreach to colleagues by 20 participants (high school math teachers, 2 and 4-year undergraduate faculty)  Teachers’ Domain – 1.25 days of workshop for eleven public television station representatives with local educational partners. Collaborative discussion and planning for use of TD/NSDL resources and professional development courses in local markets, with ongoing follow-up. 22 total invited participants.

8 Capacity-building…  Train the trainer models  2 nd level outreach by participants via:  departmental or institutional brown bags  professional society meeting presentations or workshops  programmatic outreach  one-to-one outreach

9 Capacity-building…  Participants developing action plans  Teachers’ Domain: local public television station reps with local educational partners collaborate on action plans for 2007/2008 school year, utilizing TD Professional Development courses or providing other educational services  BEN: biosciences faculty in BEN Scholars program develop a learning object, and accompanying outreach plan

10 Capacity building…  Collaborative development - familiarization with wikis  MatDL – use by graduate students in REU program as forum for research output  ComPADRE – use by faculty as a collaborative curriculum delivery mechanism

11 Challenges…  Settings affecting do-ability: clear planning on what is possible to do in time allotted; technology limitations of certain settings  Scope of audience: conference-based workshops challenged to address wide range of interests and concerns of participants  Hand-holding necessary for online training; lack of participant familiarity with digital libraries  what’s an educational resource  what’s a collection  what’s a digital library  dispel misconceptions

12 Challenges…  Online access to portals requiring user registration: prior-to-workshop user registration at various portals is recommended, or use of a workshop account login for workshops participants  Teacher release time: K12 teachers are challenged to take one-two days away from their jobs for professional development. Incentivize by provision of continuing education units (CEUs); lower the barriers to participation  Follow-up and evaluation of second-level outreach by workshop participants

13 Outcomes  New relationships were established or strengthened, either programmatically, organizationally, or within Pathway communities  Professional development extended to higher ed STEM faculty and K12 teachers  Workshop participants provided usability feedback  User bases of PWs and NSDL were expanded via first and second-level outreach

14 Recommendations for future workshop planning  Model the use of technology; incorporate interactivity in exploration, guided activities  Model the use of content - meet the need for teacher content knowledge, within contexts of use  Provide workshop participants a range of options for how to remain involved - concrete suggestions  Leverage NSDL workshops as a partnership opportunity with other STEM stakeholder organizations and NSF-funded initiatives -> multiple audience access  Evaluation and usage: develop common, adaptable evaluation forms for data collection, common metrics -> close the loop with participants – follow-up surveys (6 months/1 year)

15  Metrics: track outreach-event-generated usage spikes; create special web pages tied to events where noticeable effects, sustained use can be monitored  Micro-surveys of users on PW sites, tied to resources. One to three meaningful questions - how are you using this resource?  Collect the good stories of workshop experience/use  Revelations that occur re: use of technology in classrooms  Focused activities: creating of local action plans  Measuring attitude changes in teachers toward technology use -> changing behavior or practice as form of impact  Viral marketing –> creating teacher/faculty advocates

16 Next Steps…  Workshop on a Flash drive  Tape parts of workshops for inclusion on a how-to- do-workshops video/podcast, for faculty/teacher 2 nd level outreach  Standardized outreach materials for PWs, projects – the two slide essential info  Requests centralized via NSDL  Develop multi-purpose NSDL online workshops – provision of services, use of tools  Services/materials supporting 2 nd level outreach

17 Print-based materials development  Workshop planning guides  Participant sign-in forms; session evaluation forms  Audience-focused handouts (K-12; higher ed)  Information sheets on Pathways; partner projects  Workshop training materials that can be repurposed across projects  Provide 50/100/200 word abstract language for NSDL workshop submissions (conferences)  Provide outreach best practices (do’s and don’ts)  Provide guidelines for writing “NSF nuggets”, featuring the accomplishments and research of NSF-funded projects; submit to NSF  NSDL and Pathways posters for teachers/libraries

18 Online materials  Provide links to or requests for Pathways materials from (Outreach Materials Request Form)  Pathways, other partner projects: provide variety of PPTs: the 2-slide summary; a 15-minute and 30- minute PPT, for distribution, use by workshop participants in 1 st and 2 nd level outreach  Create an NSDL Outreach Wiki for coordination of outreach events, workshops - not to replace the NSDL Outreach Materials page or request form, but to coordinate collaborative activities: Pathways, all NSDL projects

19 Communications  Institute a monthly or bi-monthly conference call for outreach related issues  Create an outreach-focused email list Evaluation  Track download statistics  Standardized, adaptable evaluation form  Close the loop with workshop participants – long-term follow-up: 6 mo / 1 year – has practice changed?

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