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Copyright © 2005 SRI International The NanoSense Project Project overview Patti Schank, Tina Stanford, Anders Rosenquist, Alyssa Wise SRI International.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2005 SRI International The NanoSense Project Project overview Patti Schank, Tina Stanford, Anders Rosenquist, Alyssa Wise SRI International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2005 SRI International The NanoSense Project Project overview Patti Schank, Tina Stanford, Anders Rosenquist, Alyssa Wise SRI International

2 2 Team Patti Schank (PI) Vera Michalchik (internal eval) Anders Rosenquist (learning scientist) Tina Stanford (Co-PI, chem) Nora Sabelli (advisor, workshop) Alyssa Wise (intern) Ellen Mandinach (external eval) Maureen Scharberg (chem, SJSU)

3 3 Goals Work with scientists and educators to create and disseminate high school units that – Promote learning of basic science concepts that account for nanoscale phenomena – Help students visualize underlying principles that govern the behavior of particles on the nanoscale – Situated in single discipline (chemistry), but making explicit ties to other disciplines – Map to core concepts and standards

4 4 Year 1 Activities Materials development Teacher meetings (every 6-8 weeks) – feedback on materials, plan pilot use of materials Evaluation: planning, 2 initial implementations Workshop on science and technology education at the nanoscale (March 28-30), and report External site visit (Larry Woolf, General Atomics) Synergistic activities – Related proposals/subgrants Dissemination and outreach – Papers, presentations, web site; materials on web site

5 5

6 6 Workshop on Science and Technology Education at the Nanoscale March 28-30, 2005 sponsored by – SRI International – NASA Ames Research Center – Foothill-De Anza Comm. College – NanoSIG ~50 participants – Ed researchers – Science educators (K-16) – Nanoscientists – Science museum specialists – Workforce development staff

7 7 Workshop Goals and Format Goals: identify/discuss – Core nanoscale concepts – Role of hands-on and simulation-based experiences – How to prepare teachers – Industry needs, career paths, and pathways – Needs, directions for nano ed research Format – Pre-workshop survey – Presentations by sponsors – Small group working sessions – Report out, with feedback from industry visitors – Evaluation

8 8 Workshop: Core Concepts 8 core nanoscience concepts identified – Scale – Energy – Quantum principles and probability – Relation between structure and properties – Surface phenomena – Unique properties – Self-assembly – Control of fabrication

9 9 Workshop: Hands-on Activities and Resources Authentic, transparent tasks – Layer of bubbles – Koolaid dilution – Lego AFM – Pouring tea exhibit Use of stories and narratives – Mystery of the Sick Puppy (problem-based learning) – Goal-based scenarios, books, movie scripts Using simulations and online modeling – Virtual AFM – Molecular Workbench

10 10 Multi-scale Modeling Characteristic scales and limits of simulations –Could use to show students how properties change when scale changes

11 11 Workshop: Career Paths Careers and education pathways – Document the education needs based on expected employment needs in Silicon Valley – Understand work: Where, what are the nanoskills? – Surveys: How did people get to where they are? – Certificates vs. programs: What level of knowledge and skills are best for each?

12 12 Atlas of Nanotechnology (FHDA) Map concepts, work skills to curriculum, training

13 13 Material Development Develop, test, refine materials (2004-2007) – Define learning goals and core concepts – Gather, validate, organize content – Design and generate assessments, activities – Classroom test and refine materials Disseminate widely (2007-2008) – Teacher workshops at San Jose State University, conferences – Online

14 14 Curricular Units Introduction to Nanoscience (tested, available) – 1-2 weeks, 1 day; Size and scale, unique properties, tools of the nanosciences, applications Clear sunscreen (in development/testing) – 1 week, 1 day; How light interacts with matter Nanofiltration (in development/testing) – 1 day; How size, charge, and shape become important factors in filtration Planned for development in 2006-2007 – Quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, clean energy

15 15 Introductory to NanoScience Enduring Understandings The study of unique phenomena at the nanoscale could vastly change our understanding of matter and lead to new questions and answers in many areas, including health care, the environment, and technology. There are enormous scale differences in our universe, and at different scales, different forces dominate and different models better explain phenomena. Nanosized particles of any given substance may exhibit different properties than larger particles of the same substance. New tools for observing and manipulating matter increase our abilities to investigate and innovate.

16 16 “Traditional” ZnO sunscreen is white Zinc oxide nanoparticles Nanoscale ZnO sunscreen is clear Sources: http://www.apt Clear Sunscreen Large ZnO particles – Block UV light – Scatter visible light – Appear white Nanosized ZnO particles – Block UV light – So small compared to the wavelength of visible light that they don’t scatter it – Appear clear

17 17 Challenge 1: Defining Curriculum Defining the curriculum for a new and evolving area of scientific study – Accessible topics and applications to illustrate them – Finding reliable, verifiable information – Different fields use different terminology – How to organize materials? Themes? Topics? Prioritize units based on – Readily available expertise – Gaps in current instruction – Engaging applications – Innovative opportunities Example: Clear Sunscreen

18 18 Challenge 2: Situating the Science Situating an inherently interdisciplinary science within a classroom that focuses on 1 discipline – Teachers want to use the materials in many different classes – Different terminologies, focus on different phenomena How to help teachers figure out where the curricula fits with what they currently teach? – Connect to standards, core science concepts – Provide single and multi-day versions of materials, incorporate/map to popular curriculum

19 19 Challenge 3: Prof. Development Novelty, newness -> new pedagogical demands – Draws on concepts from fields outside of teachers’ primary area of expertise – Teachers can’t know all the answers – Traditional concepts not always applicable – Questions beyond knowledge of scientific communit Provide more and deeper background content Help teachers model the science in making – Recast teaching challenges as opportunities to model the scientific process – Provided concrete strategies for how to do so

20 20 Research Questions Will students’ understanding of nanoscience concepts improve over time? For example, – effects of size and the forces – significance of high surface-to-volume ratios Will their understandings of the process of science and the interplay between science and technology improve? Will their interest in science increase? Will they appreciate how technologies can alter their lives and society? How do teachers use these tools and activities to support student discourse and understanding?

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