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Presentation on theme: "Practice/Application"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice/Application
Connect abstract concepts with concrete experiences

2 Content Objective Participants will be able to:
Identify and prepare activities that apply and practice new content and language knowledge of subject areas

3 Language Objective Participants will be able to:
Discuss the use of integrated language skills to practice new content knowledge In groups, list hands-on materials and manipulatives needed to teach content area subjects to ELLs Reflect and respond to questions about what you currently do to help ELLs practice and apply new content and language knowledge

4 Practicing and Applying Content and Language Knowledge
Complete a quickwrite on why the three features of practice and application are important for English language learners. (1 minute)—While participants complete this assignment make sure everyone has a copy of the handout. Turn to a neighbor and share your thinking. Add additional ideas to your quickwrite. Participants will need 1 copy of the Practice and Application handout now. If working with trainers they will need a clean copy and a key at the end of the session. Let them know this so that they can write on the copy they have. If at all possible it is best to have participants get copies of the PowerPoint and key after the session. This is to keep them from finding the answers on the slides or in their books prior to covering the material. Prior to showing the video ask participants to close all materials and complete as much as possible of the first page of the handout. Give them 3 minutes to complete.

5 NC Guide to the SIOP Model DVD
Watch: Kim Reece: High School (Civics & Economics) Think about while you watch: What does this teacher do to help students practice and apply language and content objectives? Kimberly Reece teaches Civics and Economics. Ana Sanders is the ESL teacher in Katy Gurash’s 5th grade class. Choose the video based on the participants attending. Ask participants to complete two tasks while watching. 1.) Look for clues for completing any additional words on their handout 2.) Keep a list of what the teachers do to help students practice and apply.

6 Practice All students need opportunities for practice.
Marzano identified “practice” in Classroom Instruction as a strategy that works to significantly increase student achievement. It is one of nine high yield strategies correlated to student achievement. For the last bullet only mention the words “high yield” strategies once in the introduction. After the bullet you could provide background information on the research that reviewed both student and teacher centered strategies that improve achievement. Aside from practice they identified Identifying similarities and differences Summarizing and note taking Reinforcing effort/recognition Nonlinguistic representation Cooperative learning Setting objectives/Feedback Cues/questions and advanced organizers Generating/testing hypothesis How many of these have you seen in the past day? Watch for more…. Note to presenter: The words “high yield” are needed to complete the handout. However, you only want to say it once. Some participants will know the answer. Others will hear it and others will miss it as it isn’t in writing. Later when asked for it, tell them what it is. You can mention that it was stated once, but isn’t it easier when it is in writing as well. Having it presented in more than one way is helpful for us as well.

7 Marzano’s Classroom Instruction
Strategies correlated to student achievement: Practice Identifying similarities & differences Summarizing & note-taking Reinforcing effort/recognition Nonlinguistic representation Cooperative learning Setting objectives/feedback Cues/questions & advanced organizers Generating/testing hypothesis

8 ELLs need…. More than comprehensible input
Targeted output that focuses on the content, concepts and language of the lesson. Practice in both listening and discussing important content concepts Opportunities to write about content information. Note to presenter: The next few slides are meant to be covered simply.

9 Why practice language? A person must encounter a word 12 times in order to improve comprehension (Beck). For second language learners this must be comprehensible and with scaffolds as necessary. Manipulatives & hands-on materials are a means of making the content comprehensible and providing meaningful practice.

10 Example Practice & Application Activities

VIRGINIA PLAN NEW JERSEY PLAN James Madison -3 branches -bicameral Congress -population based COMPROMISES small state plan -equal voting -group executive -promoted state’s rights -Great Compromise House Senate -3/5 Compromise -Slave Trade Compromise CIVICS & ECONOMICS,SLHS Nov. 2007 Burnett/Wilkes



14 Biology-Biochemistry (carbs, nucleic acids, lipids, proteins)
Intro vocab and info about carbs (for example) – note-taking energy polysaccharides monosaccharides glucose starch fructose cellulose glycogen Demo foodstuffs/products containing carbs

15 Vocabulary Word Wall

16 Gap-filling informational text (guided practice)
Carbohydrates are organic molecules that ___________ carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Cells ________ these molecules for energy. The simplest sugars ____________ monosaccharides. GLUCOSE Glucose is a monosaccharide. Plants __________ glucose during the process of photosynthesis. Plants _______ energy from the sun, water, and carbon dioxide to make glucose. FRUCTOSE Fruits _______ sweet because they contain fructose. Fructose is also a monosaccharide. The complex sugars___________ polysaccharides. Examples ________ starch, cellulose, and glycogen. _________________________________________________________________ Use these VERBS to complete the paragraphs: .produce . are called .make .store .taste .include

17 Paired Reading, Round Robin & Comprehension Check Questioning

18 Info transferred to a graphic organizer

19 Info transferred to a graphic organizer

20 Summarize to show understanding (Pair work)
Write a description of lipids in 1-3 paragraphs Include key vocabulary words and verbs from graphic organizer Provide examples of lipids in common products/items (use pictures if desired)

21 Supermarket “shopping” activity – sorting items, identify & explain properties (four corners)

22 Review 1 Biomolecules Word Sort Compare & discuss connections in pairs
Give examples of products/food stuffs containing the biomolecule

23 Review 2 Biomolecules Groups of 3, use a maximum of 15 key words related to your assigned biomolecule and design a graphic organizer to show what you know about the topic. Include verbs/function words to connect the vocabulary words Share the graphic organizer with the class.




27 More Examples of Practice & Application of Content & Language Knowledge
Physical Science, June 2008 Crowley/Wilkes

28 Physical Sc, June 2007 Crowley/Wilkes

29 Biology, SLHS May 2008 Poston/Wilkes

30 -Group Vocabulary -Write sentences connecting words/ideas
Biology, SLHS, Nov 2007 Poston/Wilkes

31 Let’s Practice & Apply …
Use the following content and language knowledge you have gained today and prepare a graphic organizer to demonstrate your understanding Write ONE vocabulary word on a sticky note to include in your graphic organizer When finished, share with a neighboring table (same grade span, if possible) WORD BANK Words can be used more than once content apply output oral language manipulatives reading comprehensible speaking acquisition scaffolded listening writing student achievement hands-on comprehensible input written

32 Practice, Apply and Reflect
Please take minutes to apply and complete the information shared so far about Practice & Application on the worksheet. Use the Word Bank to fill in the gaps on page1 Work with a partner if needed. Reflect on the questions on page 2 and write your thoughts on the worksheet. Turn to a partner and share your ideas for overcoming the challenges in the 2nd question on page 2 Note to presenter: These bullets present individually, unlike the rest of the presentation. 5 minutes may or may not be long enough. Adjust as you must then present the second bullet.

33 Whole Group Reflection
So, during the activities you just did, what language skills did you practice? What did you do to practice those skills? How many times have you been able to practice and apply the content and language knowledge of this SIOP component so far?

34 REMEMBER-practice should:
be divided into short, meaningful amounts incorporate both content and language concepts of the lesson/topic/unit be introduced using clear, sequential steps and directions be modeled to ensure students understand what to do

ELLs need social interaction to have opportunities to integrate language and successfully master content and language objectives. Activities that support this include: cooperative learning, partner work, discussion, and reporting out after group work. Sheltered English teachers integrate the four language processes.

36 Time to practice and apply:
We will separate into 8 groups. We will need to separate into elementary and secondary first. Elementary move to the right wall Secondary move to the left wall. Separate into 4 content areas of math, language arts, science and social studies. All other distribute yourselves evenly—moving from strength to weakness. Don’t forget to let them know not to move into groups until you give the signal and what your signal is. Provide specific areas for content areas of each grade span to meet. Teachers who are not content areas should evenly distribute themselves attempting to first go to an area of strength, but then filling in as necessary so that groups are even. Moving quickly is a bonus. Choose as many of the following activities as apply to support your teachers. Add additional tasks as you deem necessary.

37 Task 1 Consider your content area and grade span.
Brainstorm a list of appropriate hands-on materials and manipulatives needed to teach your content area to ELLs. Record on chart paper 5 minutes Report out to the content beside you It’s recommended to assign or have them select appropriate cooperative learning jobs. Give 2 minutes and report out.

38 Task 2 Select a topic covered in the NC Standard Course of Study in a specific course or grade level of your content area. Identify hands-on activities you could use to help students practice and apply content and language objectives. Find partner by birthday month and share your group’s ideas with your partner Adapted from Center for Applied Linguisitics

39 TASK 3 Discuss the following questions with your clock buddy:
What do ELLs need differently in practicing and applying from the rest of your students? What do you already do well according to SIOP? What could you do differently? What do you want to know now?

40 WRAP UP Summary & Review of Objectives
Summarize what you have learned from this session on practice and application. Share one idea with a partner at your table Review the objectives for this component

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