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CH 9 - Creating a Positive Learning Environment. Creating Positive Learning Environments  Helps students feel safe and secure  Enables students to take.

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Presentation on theme: "CH 9 - Creating a Positive Learning Environment. Creating Positive Learning Environments  Helps students feel safe and secure  Enables students to take."— Presentation transcript:

1 CH 9 - Creating a Positive Learning Environment

2 Creating Positive Learning Environments  Helps students feel safe and secure  Enables students to take health risks  Creates more opportunities for student learning  Assists with positive personal development

3 Harassment  Verbal: teasing, name-calling, threatening, and taunting  Relationship assaults: gossip, destroying relationships, and exclusion from social interactions  Physical assaults: hitting, kicking, shoving, and weapons use

4 Harassment (Cont.)  All aspects of harassment have existed among youth for generations

5 Your Turn  Think back to when you were in elementary, middle, or high school.  Based on the previous definitions of harassment, do you remember harassing, being harassed, or watching someone be harassed?  What do you recall?  How did it make you feel?

6 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (1999) The YRBSS sampled thousands of students in grades 9-12. Their report is located: ss4905a1.htm. ss4905a1.htm

7 Findings from YRBSS  The second leading cause of death among youth today remains homicide (18.6%).  More youth today feel unsafe about coming to and staying at school than youth from decades ago.  Approximately 5.2% of youth surveyed missed school at some point during the 1999 school year because they felt that their safety was threatened.

8 Verbal Harassment: Words Do Hurt Verbal harassment may have the following consequences:  May leave deep emotional scars on our young people.  May lead to physical violence.  May negatively affect the recipients self- esteem and self-image

9 Reasons for Verbal and Physical Harassment  Bias  Prejudice  Hatred  Jealousy  Fear  Ignorance

10 What is Positive Discipline?  Discipline means the training necessary to produce or establish a specific pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.  Positive discipline works to create an inclusive environment where students want to come to learn and participate.  Positive discipline emphasizes teachers catching students doing things well or correctly.

11 Negative Discipline  Negative discipline is grounded in reactive behaviors on the part of the teacher.  The emphasis is on catching students doing something wrong.

12 Your Turn Recall your physical education experiences.  How did your teachers discipline students?  What were the benefits and limitations of these approaches?

13 The Art of Positive Discipline  Establish clear rules about classroom routines, student behavior, and learning protocols.  Establish clear consequences for breaking rules.  Never use exercise as punishment or tactics that instill fear or humiliation in students

14 What are your rules? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

15 What are your protocols/procedures  Locker room?  Students not dressing out?  Roll call?  Warm-ups?  Getting equipment?  Fire drill?  Others...

16 How will you convey that information  To the students?  To parents?  To the administration?

17 Establishing Positive Discipline in Your Classes  Examine personal biases and assumptions about students.  Self-fulfilling prophecy cycle  Use inclusive language.

18 Establishing Positive Discipline in Your Classes (Cont.)  Use equitable language  Monitor appropriateness of student language.  Interrupt ALL forms of harassment.  Pay attention to the physical environment.

19 Be Aware of Everything – DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK


21 Teaching strategies for positive discipline  Help students get to know you and one another.  Establish ground rules for the class.  Post ground rules in the gymnasium or locker rooms.  Determine consequences for poor behavior and post these as well.

22 What are your consequences? They should be in a hierarchy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

23 Teachers with Effective Discipline are proactive  Dos  Be assertive  Act  Be consistent  Communicate clearly  Set realistic goals  Treat students with courtesy  Don’ts  Be aggressive  React  Be inconsistent  Be vague  Set unrealistic goals  Nag, threaten

24 Teachers with Effective Discipline (Cont.)  Dos  Convey interest & enthusiasm  Maintain composure  Don’ts  Be disinterested and bored  Lose temper

25 Teachers with Effective Discipline (Cont.) Are good planners- -Meet students at the door -Teach students their rules Are good managers- -can see all students at all times -have equipment readily accessible Have high traffic areas free of congestion

26 Developing social skills  Stating clear rules and consequences does not guarantee good behavior.  The purpose of developing social skills is to teach students how to behave positively with one another and how to cooperate.  Include social concepts such as trust, respect, honesty, trustworthiness, responsibility, cooperation, and integrity.

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