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Published byChastity Russell Modified over 9 years ago
The Not-So-Secret Service based on Luke 10:1-12, 16-21 ©2004 David Skarshaug ( Conditions for use: (1) If you use all or parts of this script in any form, please consider sending a suggested $25 donation check made out to “The ROCK” to the following address: Ascension Lutheran Church, 615 Kellogg, Ames, IA 50010. Reference the script title in the memo on the check. (2) Do not sell any part of this script, even if you rewrite it. (3) You may reproduce this script for internal use, but all copies must contain this copyright statement.
Lena:Alissa (Apron, table, 4 chairs, 4 cups on tray) Narrator 1:Kelly Ole:Austin Elwood:Ben (Black coat, hat, glasses, briefcase) Emcee:Eric Jake:Michael (Black coat and hat and glasses) Abe:Matt (Computer & chair) Barb:Alleah (Remote & chair) Narrator 2:Allee
Narrator 1:(Music) Luke 10:1. After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. Jake:I’m Jake. Elwood:And I’m Elwood.
Jake & Elwood:We’re on a mission from God. (Boys turn and knock on door). Abe:(Clicking away at the computer.) Hello, yeah, yeah, I’m coming. Hold your horses. (Walks to door and opens it.) Who are you and what do you want?
Jake:Hello, sir. My name is Jake. My brother Elwood and I are here to share the good news with you. Abe:I gave at the office. Go away. (Slams door. Boys walk to next door.)
Narrator 2:He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.” Luke 10:2-3.
Elwood:You offended him with that strong approach, Jake. Here, let me show you how to do this. (Knocks.) Barb:(Seated watching TV with a remote control in hand, she walks to door.) Who is it? Elwood:Ma’am, my name is Elwood.
Barb:Elrod? (Gets up and moves to the door and opens the door.) Well, who do you think you are, making me get up and walk all the way to the door during the grand prize spin on The Price is Right? Elwood:Ma’am, I just wondered if you’d have a few minutes to…
Barb:Minutes? I don’t even have a few seconds! Don’t you know I’m busy! (Slams door. Boys look at each other and shrug.) Narrator 1:Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road. Luke 10:4.
Jake:Say, Elwood, what do you suppose Jesus meant by that purse and bag stuff? It sounds like he wants us to be totally unprepared. And “no sandals”? Most people would turn me away if I showed up without any shoes. And what about not greeting people on the road? I thought we were supposed to be…well you know…friendly.
Elwood:It’s all about urgency, Jake. It’s not that he has anything against purses, backpacks…or even briefcases. He’s just emphasizing the urgency of getting the word out—don’t take time to do anything that would detract you from the mission.
Jake:Hmm. That makes sense. (Reading sign on door.) Hmm…”Vel-come-en to the Olson Home”. Lena:(Jake knocks on door.) Hello, who is it? Jake:Hello, ma’am. My name is Jake, and this is my brother Elwood.
Lena:(Opens door to talk.) What do you want? Elwood:Ma’am, we’re on a mission from God. Lena:(Gasp!) Mormons! Go away. I’m not interested.
Jake:Excuse me, ma’am. You misunderstand. We’re here to share the good news of Jesus… Lena:But I’m Lutheran. Go away. Elwood:Lutheran. That’s great ma’am. Then you must be on the same mission we are on. May we come in?
Lena:Well, I suppose. Come on in. Narrator 2:When you enter a house, first say, `Peace to this house.' If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you. Luke 10:5-6. Jake:Peace to you ma’am.
Elwood:And peace on this house. Lena:Well, there’ll be peace if Ole gets the sump pump fixed before the rains arrive tonight. (Yelling at Ole.) Ole, come on up, we have company! Ole:(From basement.) I’ll be there in a minute, Lena.
Lena:Now let’s see, you’re going to ask me questions like “If you were to die today, do you know if you would go to heaven? Jake:Well, yes, that’s about right. If we were to ask you that, what would you say?
Lena:Well, I’d say I’m saved by the blood of Christ because He lives in my heart as my personal Lord and Savior. Elwood:She nailed it, Jake. Now what do we do?
Lena:Well you can start by joining me and Ole for coffee and some freshly baked Kringla? Narrator 1:Stay in that house, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Luke 10:7.
Jake:Ah, yes Ma’am, thank you very much. Lena:(Calling to Ole.) Ole, come on up for some coffee with our guests. (Lena leaves to go to the kitchen.) Ole:I’ll be right there, Lena.
Elwood:Jake, Coffee and Kringla? What is she talking about? Jake:Relax Elwood, it’s a Scandinavian variation of the beer and pretzels that you grew up with.
Elwood:Oh, sure. I get it. Say, Jake, maybe Mrs. Olson could help us understand this neighborhood a little better. Maybe she could tell us something about the spiritual standing of her neighbors. Jake:Good thinking, Elwood.
Lena:(Returns with tray of coffee and Kringla. Ole appears right behind her.) Here you go. Ole, this is the last time I’m going to call for you…. (Turns to yell at Ole and is startled to find him right there.) Lena:Uff-da. You half scared the life out of me, Ole!
Ole:You didn’t tell me we were being visited by the Secret Service, Lena? They’re here to investigate that toenail clipper I accidentally took with me on the last flight to see the grand kids, aren’t they? Lena:Relax grandpa. These nice men are Jake and Elwood.
Jake & Elwood:We’re on a mission from God. Ole:Pleased to meet you. Lena:Come on, let’s all sit before the coffee gets cold (all sit.)
Jake:Mrs. Olson, we’ve been knocking on doors in this neighborhood all day, and you’re the first one that has let us in. We were wondering if you could tell us a little something about the spiritual standing of your neighbors. Elwood:Do they know the Lord, ma’am?
Lena:Oh no, we don’t discuss those things. Jake:Spiritual things? Lena:Yes. Elwood:Well then, how do you fulfill the great commission?
Lena:Oh, I do that at church. I attend the 9:30 service every Sunday and take communion every first Sunday. Jake:No, not communion. The great commission. What do you do about the great commission?
Lena:Oh, evangelism. Ole and I are greeters every fourth Sunday on odd numbered months. Elwood:So you greet people when they come to your church. Lena:Well, I greet them all. Ole just greets the ones that don’t have an objectionable appearance. Isn’t that right, dear?
Ole:That’s right, Lena. Lena:And sometimes I even help the board of evangelism call the visitors after their first visit to thank them for visiting. Elwood:So the extent of your evangelism is that you welcome people who enter your church and thank them for coming?
Ole:Every last one of them, whether we like ‘em or not. Jake:But what about the people who don’t show up at your church’s door step? Lena:Oh, they fall under the board of missionary outreach. I donate $5 a month to our general missionary fund.
Elwood:We better be moving on, Jake. We’d better let Ole get back to his sump pump. The clouds are starting to look pretty ominous. Jake:Thank you, Mrs. Olson. Elwood:Yeah thanks for the coffee and sweet pretzels.
Lena:Good-bye now, and good luck with your mission. (After men leave and door shuts.) I sure hope they visit the Smiths next door. They could use some churching up.
Narrator 1:The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. Luke 10: 2. Narrator 2: Matthew 28:18-19. I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, GO…
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