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© 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 1 IT 390 Business Database Administration Unit 9:

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1 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 1 IT 390 Business Database Administration Unit 9: Database Access Standards

2 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 2 Objectives Identify and classify ODBC, OLE DB, and ASP standards.  Introduce database access standards.  Explain ODBC, OLE DB and ASP standards. Define and apply basic XML and ADO.NET Explain XML and ADO.NET

3 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 3 You need interfaces to enable applications interact and exchange data with databases. ODBC is a Microsoft specification for creating a database application programming interface (API). The ODBC API is implemented in the form of drivers. ODBC Introduction

4 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 4 More about ODBC The ODBC works as an interface between an RDBMS and Application Program. This setup works in a three-tier architecture. SQL Server 2000 connects to development modules using specific API drivers.

5 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 5 ODBC Architecture The components of ODBC architecture enable the ODBC API to communicate with a database. These components interact with each other to make the database accessible to the user.

6 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 6 ODBC Visual Overview API SQL Server 2000 ODBC API

7 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 7 Functions of ODBC Enables applications to communicate with different databases Facilitates SQL grammar conversion Enables a single application to use different drivers Enables applications to interact with different types of databases Allows the use of enhanced DBMS features Enables applications to achieve a three-layered architecture

8 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 8 There are four components of the ODBC architecture that interact with each other to to make the required output available to the user. Application: Applications are the programs that call the ODBC API to communicate with the DBMS. Components of ODBC

9 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 9 Driver manager: It is the component that enables communication between an application and a driver by monitoring the transactions between them. A driver manager also performs basic error- handling tasks after a connection is established between the application and the driver. Components of ODBC

10 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 10 Drivers: Drivers are software components that provide functions in the ODBC API. Data source: A data source stores all the information that is necessary to connect to a database or a DBMS that is stored on the same computer as the client computer or on another computer on the network. Components of ODBC (cont.)

11 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 11 ODBC is NOT Microsoft exclusively

12 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 12 You use the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box to create a DSN. The ODBC Data Source Administrator function is available in Control Panel in the Windows 98 operating system. In Windows 2000, the ODBC Data Source Administrator function is available under Administrative Tools. To set up an ODBC Data Source:  Double-click the Data Sources icon in the Control Panel. Setting Up an ODBC Data Source

13 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 13 Then, on the ODBC Data Source Administrator screen, click the System DSN tab. Setting Up an ODBC Data Source (cont.)

14 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 14 In the System DSN tabbed page, click the Add button. Setting Up an ODBC Data Source (cont.)

15 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 15 Clicking the Add button displays the Create New Data Source dialog box. In this dialog box, select the SQL Server option, and click the Finish button. Setting Up an ODBC Data Source (cont.)

16 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 16 The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server wizard appears. In the first screen of the Create New Data Source Wizard, specify the name for a data source, a description for the data source, and the name of the SQL Server that you want the DSN to connect. Setting Up an ODBC Data Source (cont.)

17 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 17 On the next screen, click the With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user option. Then, specify a login ID and password. Setting Up an ODBC Data Source (cont.)

18 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 18 After specifying the login ID and password for SQL authentication, select the Change the default database to option, and select the name of the database from the drop-down list. Accept the default selections for other options, and then click the Next button. Setting Up an ODBC Data Source (cont.)

19 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 19 On the next screen of the wizard, accept all the default selections, and then click the Finish button. Setting Up an ODBC Data Source (cont.)

20 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 20 You can see the data source name included in the list of other data sources on the System DSN tabbed page. Setting Up an ODBC Data Source (cont.)

21 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 21 To connect to the database, you need a front-end application. In addition, you need to call the following functions in the code of the front-end application. 1. Call the SQLAllocEnv or SQLAllocHandle function to get an environment handle. 2. Call the SQLAllocConnect function. 3. Call the SQLConnect function. 4. Call the SQLExecDirect function to execute the SQL statements. 5. Call the SQLFreestmt function to close the connection. Using an ODBC Data Source

22 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 22 State whether True or False The functions of ODBC are: 1) Enables applications to communicate with only SQL Server 2000. 2) Enables a single application to use different drivers.

23 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 23 Solution (True or False) 1) False 2) True

24 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 24 Class Activity Choose the correct ODBC components from the following list:  Application  File system  Driver manager  Driver  Operating system  Data source

25 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 25 Solution Application Driver manager Driver Data source

26 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 26 OLE DB consists of three components:  Data providers  Data consumers  Service components OLE DB and its Components

27 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 27

28 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 28

29 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 29 An ADO object model uses object-oriented programming techniques to communicate with the underlying data source. ADO creates a layer between the applications and the OLE DB provider. The ADO object model consists of nine objects and four collections.

30 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 30 The nine objects are: Connection Error Command Recordset Record Parameter Field Property Stream The ADO Object Model (cont.)

31 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 31 The four collections are: Fields Properties Parameters Errors The ADO Object Model (cont.)

32 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 32 The generic steps to access databases using ADO are: 1. Set up reference to an ADO Connection object. 2. Define the connection string to be used when opening the connection object. The connection string can be defined in two ways, with a DSN or without a DSN. 3. Open the connection object by using the Open method of the connection object. 4. Use the state property of the connection object to check whether or not a connection is established successfully. Accessing Databases by Using ADO

33 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 33 5.Execute SQL statements after the connection is established. 6.Create a recordset object and execute it by using the Open method of the recordset object. 7.Close the recordset object. In addition, close the connection object by calling the Close method of the connection object. Accessing Databases Using ADO (cont.)

34 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 34 Active Data Objects (ADO) Active Data Objects (ADO) characteristics:  A simple object model for OLE DB data consumers.  It can be used from VBScript, JScript, Visual Basic, Java, C#, C++.  It is a single Microsoft data access standard.  Data access objects are the same for all types of OLE DB data.

35 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 35 Invoking ADO from Active Server Pages In Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP) are Web pages where:  Statements are enclosed within the characters.  ASP statements are processed on the Web server.  Other (HTML) statements are processed by the client Web browser.

36 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 36 The ADO Object Model

37 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 37 Connection Object A connection object establishes a connection to a data provider and data source.  Connections have an isolation mode. Once a connection is created, it can be used to create RecordSet and Command objects.

38 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 38 RecordSet Objects RecordSet objects represent cursors:  They have both CursorType and LockType properties.  RecordSets can be created with SQL statements.  The Fields collection of a RecordSet can be processed to individually manipulate fields.  The Errors collection contains one or more error messages that result from an ADO operation.

39 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 39 Command Object The command object is used to execute stored parameterized queries or stored procedures:  Input data can be sent to the correct ASP using the HTML FORM tag.  Table updates are made using the RecordSet Update method.

40 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 40 ADO Constants: Isolation Levels

41 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 41 ADO Constants: Cursor Levels

42 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 42 ADO Constants: Lock Types

43 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 43 Connection Object: ASP Code <% Dim objConn Set objConn = Server.CreateObject (“ADODB.connection”) objConn.IsolationLevel = adXactReadCommitted ‘ use ADOVBS objConn.Open “ViewRidgeSS”, %> <% objConn.Open “DSN=ViewRidgeOracle2;UID=DK1;PWD=Ses ame” %>

44 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 44 RecordSet Object: ASP Code <% Dim objRecordSet, varSql varSQL = “SELECT * FROM ARTIST” Set objRecordSet = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Recordset ”) objRecordSet.CursorTye = adOpenStatic objRecordSet.LockType = adLockReadOnly objRecordSet.Open varSQL, objConn %>

45 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 45 Fields Collection: ASP Code <% Dim varI, varNumCols, objField varNumCols = objRecordSet.Fields.Count For varI = 0 to varNumCols - 1 Set objField = objRecordSet.Fields(varI) ‘ objField.Name now has the name of the field ‘ objField.Value now has the value of the field ‘ can do something with them here Next >%

46 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 46 Errors Collection: ASP Code <% Dim varI, varErrorCount, objError On Error Resume Next varErrorCount = objConn.Errors.Count If varErrorCount > 0 Then For varI = 0 to varErrorCount - 1 Set objError = objConn.Errors(varI) ‘ objError.Description contains ‘ a description of the error Next End If >%

47 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 47 Command Object: ASP Code <% Dim objCommand, objParam, objRs ‘Create the Command object, connect it to objConn and set its format Set objCommand = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.command”) Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConn objCommand.CommandText=“{call FindArtist (?)}” ‘Set up the parameter with the necessary value Set objParam = objCommand.CreateParameter (“Nationality”, adChar, adParamInput, 25) objCommand.Parameters.Append objParam objParam.Value = “Spanish” ‘Fire the Stored Proc Set objRs = objCommand.Execute >%

48 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 48 ADO Example: Reading a Table Artist.asp

49 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 49 ADO Example: Reading a Table The Artist.asp Results

50 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 50 Class Activity Identify the objects in the ADO Model:  Connection  Error  Recordset  File  Attribute  Stream

51 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 51 Solution Connection Error Recordset Stream

52 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 52 XML provides a way to define meaningful data structures and eases the process of data exchange. The advantages of using XML are:  Provides extensible tags to define application- specific data structures  Enables the creation of platform-independent application  Requires only updated document to be uploaded on the Internet instead of the complete document  Displays the same information in different formats on the Web Accessing Databases by Using XML

53 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 53 More about XML Provides extensible tags for defining application-specific data structures. Enables the creation of platform-independent applications. Helps reduce the Internet traffic.

54 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 54

55 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 55 XML can be used to present any kind of information in a simple, structured format. The following are the parts of an XML document:  An XML document begins with a declaration tag.  The second component in an XML document is called an element. An element is referred to as a root element, when it describes the details about all other elements.  Below the root element, there is a hierarchy of elements. XML Documents

56 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 56  All the elements in an XML document contain some data. The data is called content. When you create an XML document, you need to follow certain rules. These rules are:  Every start tag should have a closing tag called the end tag.  Tags should not overlap because XML documents follow a hierarchy.  There can be only one root element. XML Documents (cont.)

57 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 57 The architecture of an application has three layers.  The business layer  The data layer  The user interface These layers communicate with each other and exchange data to perform the functions required in an application. In this entire process of data exchange, XML is used extensively at each stage. XML for Data Exchange

58 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 58 SQL Server 2000 and Relational Data in XML SQL Server 2000 provides the OPENXML function to insert and update records in the database from an XML document. The OPENXML function reads the data from an XML document and inserts it into the database.

59 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 59 SQL server 2000 is an XML-enabled RDBMS that retrieves data from an SQL database and presents it as XML data. To retrieve data, you need to use the FOR XML clause in the SELECT statement. To get the XML output for a SQL query, an additional clause is added at the end of the SQL statement: [FOR XML {RAW|AUTO|EXPLICIT} [, XMLDATA] [, ELEMENTS] [, BINARY base64]] The FOR XML clause has three distinct options: RAW, AUTO, and EXPLICIT. Integrating XML with SQL Server 2000

60 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 60 SQL Server 2000 provides the OPENXML function to insert and update records in a database from an XML document. To insert and update records, the OPENXML function uses two system stored procedures:  sp_xml_preparedocument  sp_xml_removedocument Inserting and Updating Relational Data from XML Data

61 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 61 Class Activity Identify the error in the following XML code displaying the employee name: Joe

62 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 62 Solution The correct code is: Joe /*the closing tag was missing*/

63 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 63 Rules for Creating an XML Document Start tag has a closing tag called the end tag. Tags should not overlap because an XML document follows a hierarchy. There can be only one root element. XML is a case-sensitive language.

64 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 64 Class Activity Identify the various XML formatting options: 1) RAW 2) AUTO 3) TEXTSPACE 4) EXPLICIT 5) NAME

65 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 65 Solution RAW AUTO EXPLICIT

66 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 66 ODBC is a specification for creating a database API. There are four main components of ODBC:  Application  Driver Manager  Driver  Data Source You use the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box to create a DSN. Summary

67 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 67 OLE DB and ADO provide a common method to access data from different data sources. OLE DB has three components:  Data provider  Data consumers  Service components Summary

68 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 68 The ADO object model consists of the following nine objects:  Connection  Error  Command  Recordset  Record  Parameter  Field  Property  Stream Summary

69 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 69 The steps to access database using ADO are: 1. Set up reference to an ADO Connection object. 2. Define the connection string to be used. 3. Open the connection object. 4. Use the state property to check the establishment of the connection. 5. Execute SQL statements. 6. Create a recordset object. 7. Close the recordset object and the connection object. Summary

70 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 70 XML is a standard that can present structured data in the text format on the Web. Parts of an XML document:  Declaration statement  Tags  Elements Summary

71 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 71 You use the FOR XML clause in the SELECT statement to integrate XML with SQL Server. The FOR XML clause has three distinct options:  RAW  AUTO  EXPLICIT SQL Server 2000 provides an OPENXML function to insert and update records in a database from an XML document. Summary

72 © 2006 ITT Educational Services Inc. Course Name: IT390 Business Database Administration Unit 9 Slide 72  Did you understand the key points from the Lesson?  Do you have any questions?? Summary

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