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Data Sculpting Team #8 Members Ron Bradley (Presenting) Bradley Herrin (Presenting) Daniel Shusko (Team Lead) David Thomas Sponsor Fidelity Investments,

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Presentation on theme: "Data Sculpting Team #8 Members Ron Bradley (Presenting) Bradley Herrin (Presenting) Daniel Shusko (Team Lead) David Thomas Sponsor Fidelity Investments,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Sculpting Team #8 Members Ron Bradley (Presenting) Bradley Herrin (Presenting) Daniel Shusko (Team Lead) David Thomas Sponsor Fidelity Investments, Adam Schwartz Managers Ms. Heil Dr. Fornaro

2 Iteration 0 (Requirements Analysis) Iteration 1 (Implementation & Testing) Iteration 2 (User Story) Action Steps Questions??

3 How we got started: Met with sponsor Verified our vision Hammered out requirements Determined best environment Group Wiki Launched

4 Recently completed Iteration 1 (Post OPR2) XML Model “drives” development Proper XML construction is paramount Improperly coded elements overlooked Created CLI Passes XML file to back-end File passed to XMLParser class Inserts into database via ODBC

5 DSN People SSN string....... Example XML Model


7 Testing harness still expanding. Currently 40+ Unit Tests implemented Incorporated as part of VStudio 2010 ClassOwner(s)Due DateCoverage DriverDaniel3/2/2011100% FunctionReturnDaniel3/2/2011100% InsertStatementDaniel3/2/2011100% DatabaseSourceDaniel3/2/201196.88% DatabaseHandlerDaniel3/2/201198.75% DatabaseTableLevelNodeDaniel3/2/2011100% InsertCommandCreatorDaniel3/2/2011100% DatabaseTableLevelDaniel3/2/201195.45% XMLParser Ron & Bradley 3/2/201199.35% DatabaseTableTestDavid3/2/2011100% DatabaseSourceTestDavid3/2/2011100% DatabaseColumnTestDavid3/2/2011100% DatabaseRecordTestDavid3/2/2011100% XMLCreaterTestDavid3/2/2011100%

8 Recently transitioned into Iteration 2 Complex issues arise Data generation and manipulation Vectors/Repetition New components implemented GUI Dynamic Content

9 Additional Requirements for Iteration 2 GUI based interaction Import of XML file into application Visual Representation of XML model Tree form of database inserts Dynamic Content implementation Save newly created, or edited, XML models Time permitting Auto-save XML model Load from previous “X” models

10 Dynamic Content (aka: Vector Content) Ability to create multiple records Predefined pattern(s) The following must be provided: External References to other Databases Tables Records Field Formulas Numeric Arithmetic Date Manipulation Positive or negative values Days, Months, Years, Etc.

11 Dynamic Content Multiple record generation Finite number of tuples Specify X number of records Date Comparison Generate records until “date” is met Numeric Comparison Until numeric comparison is met Random Values SSN, Name, Etc. Specify upper and lower bounds Numeric data types “Data” data types String data types

12 Dynamic Content Keyword based system Keyword(parameter, parameter,….) Finite(X), Conditional(X), RandomInt(X,Y) Calls are made within XML model Implementing 3 Classes FSA Parse XML file it into graph structure Set start location NextState Advance to random connected state DynamicContent Process string Dynamic Content “keyword” Return finite value VectorRecords InsertCommandCreator detects a vector record Passes to VectorRecords Process into series of finite value records Returns translated InsertCommands

13 1.User opens application Presented with blank XML file 2.User specifies DSN information DSN object handled via OS and.NET

14 3.User enters test information Table, Column, Record (Dynamic Content) 4.User clicks “Submit” Submission for DB insert Dynamic Content verified Transaction rollbacks otherwise Generate insert statements No Yes Loop

15 GUI Implementation First stage – no dynamic content On launch, display empty/new Model Once parsed, tree structure presented Click an element for information “Insert/Submit” button to insert test case

16 DSN: Database Source Name Stores: Name of data source Directory of data source Name of driver for access User ID for access User password for access GUI Mock-Up, XML File Imported, Tree Structure Clicking an element would display its information

17 A note about DSN usage Initial XML model layout Database Name Database Address User Name Password Etc. DSN Import Model Parses needed Database connection information Information stored on local computer



20 Dynamic Content implementation GUI implementation Integration & Unit Testing GUI Dynamic Content

21 Questions, UHasThem?

22 Iterative Cycle Model/Pic: Question Cat: Sybase Logo: http://hp.com MySQL Logo: DB2 Logo: SQL Server Logo: XML File Icon: NC State Logo: E-partners Logo: Fidelity Logo:

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