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Poor children worked at the age of 6!! These are some of the jobs they did.

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Presentation on theme: "Poor children worked at the age of 6!! These are some of the jobs they did."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poor children worked at the age of 6!! These are some of the jobs they did.

2  Children suffered in cotton mills because they worked in a hot, dusty environment.

3  A trapper opened and closed the door in a coal mine. If they were stupid then they will get trapped by mine carts hence the name Trappers.

4  Children often did jobs that required small nimble fingers.

5  Some children pushed carts of coal along mine tunnels therefore they had to work in pitch black.

6  Children had to make their masters breakfast. They had to get up early to start a fire for their master, it was a very dangerous job for a little child because smoke could get in their lungs and can causes diseases.

7  Soot gets in your lungs if you breath it in. You could die…

8  Thank you for watching I hope you learned some interesting facts about Victorians!  By Paige and Jacob.

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