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Summer Reading Marketing tips, ideas, and more! Share your ideas and tips at:

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1 Summer Reading Marketing tips, ideas, and more! Share your ideas and tips at:

2 Marketing – why do it? Create awareness – if no one knows about it, what’s the point? Great opportunity to reach out to community, build relationships, and stress the importance of public libraries – This will allow you to have a solid foundation and support for future projects, causes, etc. Chance to build awareness about the unique role the library plays in the community – highlight what you offer that folks can’t get anywhere else

3 Three Easy Steps to Plan Decide who you’re trying to reach Create the message – Include relevant details – Use language your audience will understand – Does it need to be translated into more than one language? Assess your resources and determine needs – What existing communication channels can you utilize? – Do you need to reach out to the community for assistance? If so, who do you reach out to?

4 Get Organized Create a marketing plan & schedule, by identifying: – The best vehicle(s) for getting the message out (library web site, schools, local radio or news stations, social media, community partner resources, etc.) – The kind of promotional materials you will use (fliers, graphics for web use, emails, posters, etc.) – When to get the message out and how often

5 Implement & Follow Up Implement marketing plan – Revisit and make adjustments as needed throughout the process Evaluate marketing plan – What worked? – What didn’t? – Did we reach our goals? – Write down suggestions for next year

6 Promoting @ your library Poster/Flier contest – Have teens create posters/fliers to promote your SRP theme Ask them to create their own interpretation of the theme – Hang up fliers around library – Hold a voting poll to determine winner – Winner receives a free book of their choice (or whatever the library sees fit)

7 Promoting @ your library Create a SRP table display – Have interested teens create a SRP display board – Place display in an area with high visibility and patron traffic Create little “take home” postcards or fliers with info about your SRP

8 Promoting @ your library Website and Social Media – Create a banner promoting your SRP and place on library website – Create monthly reminders and announcements about your SRP events on your library website, twitter, and facebook Create a schedule for these social media announcements to retain consistency – Create an online forum (or suggestion box in library) asking for event ideas teens would like in their SRP

9 Promoting in your community Proclamation – Contact your local elected official and ask him/her to make an announcement supporting SRPs Press Release – Create a press release and send out to local schools, education centers, local government, etc – Post press release on library website – ALA has a great Media Relations Handbook that is helpful for planning public relation activitiesMedia Relations Handbook

10 Promoting in your community Public Service Announcement – Contact your local radio or news stations asking them to help promote SRPs Social Media – Tweet local schools, government officials, etc and ask them to help promote TRW through tweets and retweets

11 Promoting @ your local schools Email local schools & ask them to promote SRPs – They can announce it on their intercom during their morning announcements Send local schools digital files of fliers they can print out and put up around the school Ask schools to promote SRPs @ libraries using their outdoor announcement display

12 Promoting @ your local schools Ask local teachers to offer incentives for attending SRPs. – Write book reports for extra credit For example, one point for every 5, max of 3 points? – Teens could keep a blog logging the events they attend for extra credit Post pictures, blog posts, etc

13 SRP Resources YALSA Teen Summer Reading Programs Website YALSA Summer Reading Manual YALSA Free Webinar – Don’t Get Lost in Translation: Connect with Your Teens Through Summer ReadingDon’t Get Lost in Translation: Connect with Your Teens Through Summer Reading YALSA Summer Reading Wiki Collaborative Summer Library Program

14 Marketing & PR Resources American Library Association Marketing Resources Wiki American Library Association Marketing Resources Wiki American Library Association PR Resources Wiki Public Relations Tools

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