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Ch 14- Public Relations and Marketing

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1 Ch 14- Public Relations and Marketing
Ryan Lane Caleb Davison

2 Public Relations, Physical Education, and Sport
Best described as an effective effort to provide good two-way communication by influencing good and responsible performance and good character. To maintain sound public relations quality programs must exist, effective and continuous communication, utilized media, and organizations core values must be present

3 Purposes of Public Relations in schools
Serves as a positive public information source about the schools events Establishes communication with electronic, internet, and print media Promotes confidence in school or school related organizations Evaluates school and organization programs Gathers support for school, programmatic, or organizational funding and programs Evaluates the public attitudes and issues of concern Correcting misunderstandings and misinformation including crisis management about the mission and objectives of the school, its programs and other organizations Stresses the value of education for all individuals Improving communication, understanding, and acceptance among students, teachers, coaches, parents, and community members Builds a wholesome environment for physical education and sport.

4 Public Relations in P.E. and Sport
It’s a necessity because people do not understand the positive contributions that these programs make to the community The practice of public relations has been related to education since a publicity bureau was established at Harvard in 1900 Public relations is recognized all over not only because of its involvement in business but also its breakthrough in the areas of P.E., recreation and sports.

5 The Many Publics Public is a group of individuals drawn together by common interests who are in a specific geographical location, community, or area or are characterized by some other common feature Public opinion along with other factors, helps determine whether a profession or program is important whether it meets essential need and whether it makes a meaningful contribution to society

6 Planning the Public Relations Program
Establish a sound public relations policy Decide what service or resource improvements will be needed to conduct or enhance programs Identify the target market Conduct an audit to determine what people do and do not know concerning your program Make full use of effective planning techniques Relate costs to opportunity for participants to enhance health and achieve fitness Identify the services, programs, and products that are needed and will yield the greatest dividends Decide who is going to perform specific tasks or assignments at particular times Decide what facts and ideas will best enable the target consumer to better understand the benefits from quality programs

7 Guidelines to sound public relations
Public relations should be considered internally before developing externally Program should be based on research and not on the ideas of management Managers involved in the public relations process must determine the organizations image and make suggestions on how this image can be positively enhanced before going public Adequate funds and resources should be made available to do the job The formation of the public relations staff will be determined by the needs of the organization A public relations program should be outlined and members of the organization should have meaningful input and become familiar with the program Public relations staff should not seek to be the face of the company but a face inside the company Public relation employees should develop and maintain a wide sphere of public context Those directly in-charge of the public relations program must have thorough knowledge of the services being rendered and know all potential reactions and outcomes of those involved A good public relations program will employ all available resources to disseminate crucial information to the public to ensure meaningful two-way communication

8 Program, Staff, and Public Relations
Program and staff represent the best opportunities for establishing an effective public relations program Some of the most effective community relations occurs on a person-to-person basis This could be teacher to student, student to parent, teacher to citizen, or physical educator or coach to participant

9 Guidelines for creating a press release to promote an event
Complete a news release- get the message across Contact key media people and explain the importance of the news release Use writing style and format of media outlet to which you are sending the release Target the release to the appropriate audience Be concise- avoid fancy language and deal with facts send the release in plenty of time Include any other relevant controlled materials Use a lead and present information in a decreasing order of importance Follow up the transmitted news release with a call that it is good to go and to answer any questions Identify the market segments that are to be addressed Identify the primary players to who release should be sent Do not forget to include your 24 hour contact information Finally send a note of thanks

10 Broadcasting on other media outlets
Know the message - what is the best type of media to broadcast your message Know the program - is this program a good media source for your public relations Know the target audience - will this media source broadcast who you are trying to reach? Tailor the message - change the message for who and where you are broadcasting Tailor the presentation - create the message to blend well with the media outlet

11 Public relations in action
Plays a vital role in the arena of physical education, recreation, and sport Effective public relations and their accompanying marketing programs are an integral aspect of the profession of physical education and sport AAHPERD has various public relations such as jump rope for hoops and heart programs and legislation action center which provide resources for public consumption

12 Principles for public relations in school and communities
Recognize the importance of an active public relations program Create sound policies to guide the program Responsibility for public relations is to be shared by the entire staff with authority residing with the person in charge Use many different media sources to display the programs to everyone Recognize that the total physical education and sport program is the most effective medium of professional and community relations Relay accurate facts about physical education and sport to the public Considerable planning is needed for the effective use of public relations media The internet plays an important role in promoting programs

13 Marketing physical education, recreation, and sport programs
In the past U.S corporate structures manufactured goods and then made every effort to sell them Now they perform analysis to decide need before production In the same way, physical education and sport programs have adhered to a similar system

14 Principles of marketing P.E. and sport
Customer principle – customers are the life-blood of the organization so therefore marketing should be customer driven Competition principle – Your school should be superior in services compared to other schools Practice principle- Managers must reach out to the public to sell their message to create more demand

15 Principles of marketing P.E. and sport (cont’d)
Cross-Functional principle – Using all resources in order to more effectively fund, support, and deliver school programs and their messages Continuous improvement principle- always keep improving your program Stakeholder principle- all stakeholders are to be considered as programs are marketed and delivered so no one believes that he/she is marginalized or left behind

16 Marketing process in P.E., recreation and sports
There are several key ingredients and activities that make up the marketing process Organizations mission and objectives Marketing opportunity analysis Development of market strategy Implementation of the strategy Evaluation of the market efforts

17 Six P’s of the marketing strategy
Product/program strategies- core of any organization is its product or program Publics- potential user of the product/program must be identified, targeted, and informed of the benefits of the program Place- products/programs must be available, assessable, and where and how the customers want them Pricing- Prices are the most visible, flexible, and manipulated of the marketing mix components Production – the ability to keep up with the demand for the product, programs, or services Promotion – through various marketing efforts and interventions to stimulate customers interests in awareness of and signing on for the product/program


19 Why is Public relations needed for P.E. and Sport?
A. It’s a necessity because people do not understand the positive contributions that these programs make to the community B. It’s a necessity because People don’t know schools have sports C. It isn’t necessary. D. None of the above

20 Which are steps in Planning the Public Relations Program
a. All of the Below b. Establish a sound public relations policy c. Identify the services, programs, and products that are needed and will yield the greatest dividends d. Decide who is going to perform specific tasks or assignments at particular times

21 Which of the following is not a principle of marketing P.E. and sport?
a. customer principle b. Competition Principle c. Stakeholder principle d. Selling Principle

22 a. Price b. Product/program c. Place D. promotion
Which of the 6 P’s of the marketing strategy is the most visible, flexible, and manipulated? a. Price b. Product/program c. Place D. promotion

23 What is the name of this class?
a. Coaching of Football B. Management of PE and Sport c. Cross Training d. Lifetime Wellness

24 That’s All Folks!

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