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Published byRobyn Stafford Modified over 9 years ago
“Broken – Manifested – Revealed” REVELATION 22:10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. REVELATION 22:11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
REVELATION 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. REVELATION 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
“Broken” THE.BREACH_ 63-0317E 78-4 {70} Seal signifies a finished work. And when the Seventh Seal is broken, the mystery of God that's sealed in these mysterious seals is finished; until the day that Seal is broken, then it's revealed what's on the inside of it. If the man's wondering what's in that box car; you say, "It's supposed to be such-and-such. There's supposed to be..." He's presuming. But when the seal is broken and the door is open, we see into it then and see exactly what's in there. You see it? And that'll only be done at the end time.
THE.BREACH_ 63-0317E 78-6 {72} Another thing a seal signifies is ownership. See? The seal has a mark on it, shows ownership. When you are bought by the Blood of Jesus Christ and sealed by the Holy Ghost, you no longer belong to the world or anything pertaining to the world. You are owned by God.
A seal is a security. Seal means you are secured. Now, you that don't believe in eternal security, I don't know, but now... But a seal signifies security to its destination. Woe unto that guy that would try to break that seal. And the Holy Spirit Seal cannot be broken.
THE.FIRST.SEAL_ JEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0318 128-3 {76} … Now, see, down through the ages as these Seals has been breaking, until now the last Seal is broken. And now, as they-- as they have been watching in on these Seals and just presu--presuming what they were doing, now at the end of the ages,
THE.FIRST.SEAL_ JEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0318 139-4 {150} Now, watch, He said it would be known in the last day, but it comes forth in a church symbol. Do you understand it, church? It comes forth in a--a symbol of a church that they know there is a Seal, but just what it is yet, they don't know, because it's a white horse rider.
And it only is to be revealed at the last day when this actual Seal is broken. Broken to who? Not to Christ, but to the Church. Notice, now. Oh, my, that just makes me tremble. I--I--I hope that the Church truly understands it (See what I mean?), you people. I'm going to call you Bride. (See?) That you'll understand it.
IT.IS.THE.RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ 65-0418M 44 …But when we receive the message, that seal is broken, because the seal is what's got a message bound on the inside. And now, the true Easter Seal, on this sunrise, was broken; and the secret, of Life after death, was revealed. Before that time, we didn't know. The world grouped in darkness, groped around, man's suspicion. Theories was among man's heart, tradition made up. Man worshiped idols. They worshiped the sun. They worshiped all kinds of gods. And all kinds of people that made claims, they all went into the grave, and they stayed in the grave.
46 But the real Seal had been broken, and One Who once lived as we live, died as we will die, was risen from the dead. What a morning! Never one like it, in all the history of the world. The secret was made known that He was both resurrection and the Life.
THE.UNVEILING.OF.GOD_ 64-0614M 209 So, so now in this age, when the old denominational and traditional veil has been rent, from the Word of God, so It can be manifested! You see what I mean? The tradition says, "All those things are past." Let It soak a little bit. "The things are past." But, in this last day, that traditional veil has been rent apart, and here stands the Pillar of Fire. See? Here He is, manifesting the Word for this day. The veil is rent. Now, the world, still they don't believe It. No matter what, they don't see It. They don't see It. It wasn't sent to them.
SHALOM_ 64-0112 70 That sun is the Word of God. In the beginning, God said, "Let there be light." And when the manifested Word of God, when the Word of God was manifested, there was light. First, God spoke it. What if it didn't manifest? Then it wasn't light yet. But when He spoke it, and then it was manifested, vindicated, His Word was a-vindicated, light come into existence. [How do you break a seal? Speak the Word! A Spoken Word is a Broken Seal…]
71 And that's the only way it can be done now, is when the Word is vindicated, God's written Word vindicated, then it shows Light. It's, a portion is lit, or put out for each age. We find it in the Church Ages, we find it in the Old--the Old Testament church ages. Each time that there come a time for a--a certain manifestation of the journey, there was a prophet came to the earth. And the Word came to the prophet, and he made that Word live. And when that Word was identified, it reflected God. And there was the age, there was the Light. And that's the way Light comes today.
WHEN.THEIR.EYES.WERE.OPENED.THEY.KNEW.HIM_ 64-0212 100 Listen, brother, sister, the promised Word could be promised to you, and you can see it's the hour for that; but when God reveals it, interprets it, then it's sinful to turn It away. Don't you never do that. God opened his eyes, by showing him the manifested Word that He had promised that it would take place. Now, always does that the same way He does it, He never changes His system in doing it. No. So, remember, always the same. He promised the Scriptures for each and every age, and, when He manifests that Scripture promise for that age, the people who get their eyes open to see it are the one who receives it.
THE.IDENTIFIED.CHRIST.OF.ALL.AGES_ 64-0401 74 Look at Jesus, all that we knowed, He was the manifested Word of God. We believe that. The Bible said it was. Well, watch when He done His Messiahic sign.
75 The Pharisees, that had a little bit of light. They was good people, lived a good Christian life, or a good religious life, had a little light about them. They had organized, and a priesthood. They had a little light. But down in the bottom of their heart, they had no Eternal representation in Glory. So when they seen that supernatural done, they said, "This man is Beelzebub, a devil." And what happened? That put what light they had out.
“Revealed” THE.BREACH_ 63-0317E 76-2 {54} … This Book is not revealed until the church ages and denominational ages has run out, and there's time no more. See it? It's only revealed after church ages and denominational ages has run out.
THE.FIRST.SEAL_ JEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0318 125-3 {55}...Christ revealing Himself to the seven church ages, then through these church ages, there's a great mess-up comes along. Then at the end of the church age, the seventh angel's message is to pick up these lost mysteries and to give it to the Church.
THE.FIRST.SEAL_ JEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0318 125-4 {57} …Not then revealed in their true state. Now, in the Bible times, the mysteries were there, and they seen these things happen the way John saw it here. Now, he said, "There is a white horse rider." But what the mystery of it is, there's a mystery that goes with that rider. Now, what it was, they didn't know; but it's to be revealed. But it is to be revealed after the Lamb leaves the Father's throne of His intercessory as Kinsman Redeemer.
CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ 63-0728 205 Now, the Coming of the Lord is in mystery. We don't know when He's coming, how He's coming, but we know He “Is” coming. See? And so was all the mysteries of God waiting for this last day. After He's already been completed, then He reveals and shows what He's done. Oh, my! Never gave His mystery in full.
IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR_ 62-1230E 45-7 Now, listen. This Angel come down from heaven. See, the other seven angels of the seven churches was earthly messengers, but this Angel... All the message is finished. The seventh angel winds up the whole thing. And this Angel comes, not to the earth; He isn't a man from the earth as the messengers to the church ages; that's finished. But this Angel brings the next announcement. And a angel means a messenger. And He comes down from heaven clothed in that Pillar of Light, cloud, with a rainbow over His head. And a rainbow is a covenant. It was Christ.
RECOGNIZING.YOUR.DAY.AND.ITS.MESSAGE_ 64-0726M 82 I was reading one of the outstanding papers that comes here to the church, a very fine paper. And I know the editor, and I know the people. And they are godly people, very fine, Brother and Sister Moore, of the Herald of His Coming. One of the finest papers on the field, Herald of His Coming. But they hardly will print anything unless it's about, "Fast, pray! Fast, pray! Sound a trumpet! Get..." How many reads it? You know. You see it all the time, "Fast, pray! Fast, pray!" It's all you hear. "Fast, pray! We're going to have a great breaking of the day! There is a great thing going to happen! All of you, pray, pray, pray! We're not too late yet!"
83 Why do they do that? Why do they do that? They want a great awakening. They're crying, believing that there will be awakening. They're good people. Why is it? What have they done? They have not recognized the awakening of the Bride. See? By being a Christian, they feel the pull of the hour, but they haven't recognized what's been done. That's what's making them feel that way. They know something is supposed to happen, but, see, they're looking for it way off in the future, to come, when it's already happened right by you.
84 That's the same thing they did in the old days. They was believing in a coming Messiah. They believed that there would be a forerunner come. But it was right on them, and they didn't know it. They didn't recognize it. They believed there would come a forerunner that would forerun the Messiah, and they cut his head off. And killed their Messiah, because it was prophesied that they would be blinded. Hosea said so.
CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ 63-0728 596 Notice, the vindicated Word in His Body is His very victory and the reason of His death. See, the death, not in the Spirit; when He died, He only died in the flesh. His Spirit went to hell and preached to the souls in prison. That right? His flesh, only, died, then He raised it up again and quickened it. Quicken means "made alive," His flesh, which was His body. And that's the Word. It's been laying dead for years, but It gradually begin to come in the reformation, and now She is standing upon Her feet!
THE.MASTERPIECE_ 64-0705 161 The Word, living and in action, the Bible Bride, not some man-made bride; the Bible Bride, smitten and afflicted of God. "No beauty we should desire Her, but yet we did esteem Her smitten and afflicted of God." That's right. She stands alone. She is smitten from all the denominations, according to Revelations 3. She is smitten out of the Laodicean Church Age that She was raised up in.
164 Stands alone, like the Bridegroom, "rejected of man, despised and rejected of the churches." The Bride stands that way. What is it? It's His Masterpiece, see, it's the Word that He can work through, make manifest.
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