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Mongolian Vocabulary 5/02/11 Pd 2/7 Key ?: What allowed the Mongols to develop a strong empire? Warm up: Put last weeks KQAs into your folder. Put your.

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Presentation on theme: "Mongolian Vocabulary 5/02/11 Pd 2/7 Key ?: What allowed the Mongols to develop a strong empire? Warm up: Put last weeks KQAs into your folder. Put your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mongolian Vocabulary 5/02/11 Pd 2/7 Key ?: What allowed the Mongols to develop a strong empire? Warm up: Put last weeks KQAs into your folder. Put your Postcard into your folder. What is a proclamation?

2 Work to do:  Review Mongol vocabulary  Check 5 Characteristics of a Civilization for China prior to the Yuan Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty  Complete Mongol Postcard

3 Steppe – a dry, grassy _______plain

4 Clan – a _____ of families that come from a common _______ group ancestor Could our class be a clan?

5 Khan – a Mongol ________ leader Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan are the most famous khan’s in history. Based on what you learned yesterday, who do you think was the better leader?

6 Allegiance – loyal _______ for someone or something support Mongol warriors would fight based upon their social bonds – each family would swear allegiance to a clan.

7 Reform – to _____ to make it better KKublai Khan, Genghis Khan’s grandson will reform the Mongolian government. OOne of these changes will be to add a postal system. change Mongolian Stamps Content sentence: Kublai Khan reformed his government when he created a postal system.

8 Heirs – people who have claims to another ________ when that person dies property Upon Genghis Khan’s death, his four sons inherited a part of the empire and each ruled a khanate. His son, Ogodei was then elected to be the Great Khan for the empire.

9 Kinship – related by _____ or shared background blood Kinship was very important to the Mongols because the clan membership was based upon the family bloodlines. Each clan could trace its descent from their ancestors. This would have been important not only for the functioning of the clan itself but also important for marriage purposes.

10 Reputation – how someone is ________ of by others thought Reputation was very important in Mongolian culture. If the reputation of a leader was good, men would swear allegiance to him (noker). Mongolian warriors will become renowned for their exceptional fighting ability and the use of their weapons on horseback. Genghis Khan is reported to have said, “Man’s highest joy is in victory: to conquer one’s enemies.” Statements like this as well as their ability on the battlefield gave them a fearsome reputation throughout Asia.

11 What are the 5 Characteristics of a Civilization?  Stable food supply  Specialization of labor  Social levels  System of government  Highly developed culture

12 Work to do:  Use your notes to identify evidence of the 5 Characteristics of a Civilization for China  Use the AtC pp 162-169 and your notes to find evidence of the 5 Characteristics of a Civilization for the Yuan Dynasty What was the Yuan Dynasty? It is the dynasty under the Mongols.

13 China – Characteristic 1:Evidence:  Stable food supply  Agricultural techniques Chain pump moves water Harrow tills ground Rice paddies used for transplanting Water buffalo used to pull the plow

14 China – Characteristic 2:Evidence:  Specialization of labor  Scholars teaching in university  Chancellor advises the emperor  Merchant  Book makers

15 China – Characteristic 3:Evidence:  Social Levels  Emperor (dynastic family)  Chancellor  Government official  Scholars  Merchants  Peasants Tang Aristocracy Song Meritocracy

16 China – Characteristic 4:Evidence:  System of Government  Imperial emperor makes proclamations (laws)  Tang: aristocracy  Song: meritocracy

17 China – Characteristic 5:Evidence:  Highly developed culture  Daoism  Buddhism  Confucianism  Written language (civil service exam)

18 Yuan Dynasty – Mongols: Characteristic 1:Evidence:  Stable food supply  Nomadic herders  Trade excess mares milk

19 Yuan Dynasty – Mongols: Characteristic 2:Evidence:  Specialization of labor  Yurt maker  Felt maker  Craftsmen – boots, buttons

20 Yuan Dynasty – Mongols: Characteristic 3:Evidence:  Social levels  Khan (self-proclaimed emperor)  Chosen family members act as advisors  Government officials  Merchants  Scholars  North Chinese  South Chinese 1.Family members 2.Mongols 3.Foreigners

21 Yuan Dynasty – Mongols: Characteristic 4:Evidence:  System of government  Khan made strict laws  Nepotism used to select government officials  Civil service exam favors Mongols  Systematic army organization using a chain of command

22 Yuan Dynasty – Mongols: Characteristic 5:Evidence:  Highly developed culture  Chinese war prisoner develops written language  Specialized architecture – Yurts on wheels

23 Homework:  Project due 5/6 – you will have time to work on it tomorrow in class  Read AtC pp 209-215 for your project  Postcard due 5/3  Open book test 5/4

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